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Bugs that bug you

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Hi folks, I used to come on here and entertain myself by suggesting/showing methods on how to fix some of your bugs. I looked at a few simple ones and here's the fixes:

BUG #2 as listed on OP: Only for the APD, when syncs happen the fire mode is automatically toggled back to single fire.  

selectWeapon command used in fn_saveGear causes a reset in firemode. It appears the usage of this command was only relevant if the person had a laser designator. Since I've been informed that the laser designator is not used in the mission, removing lines 49-56 in fn_saveGear.sqf should do the trick for you.

Bug #4 as listed on OP: Fresh spawn players are unable to buy a slash bandolier at the clothing store with the message "Not enough space".

This is caused by the script initially thinking you're trying to add this to your inventory, and not to your body (since this is being sold from a weapon shop and not a clothing shop). A simple fix for this is below.

//referenced line: 21 of fn_weaponShopBuySell.sqf
if(!(player canAdd _item) && _item != "V_BandollierB_cbr") exitWith {_bad = "You don't have enough room for that item."};

Bug #5 as listed on the OP: When a vehicle and crates contains illegal contraband and the APD searches the vehicle or crate, all virtual items in the vehicle trunk or crate inventory are removed instead of just the illegal items.  

For this, some code additions are required to ensure that we're only removing the illegal items. I can't claim credit for this one, as this was accomplished by a friend of mine in May of 2015. Nevertheless, this is the screenshot from my github client of the appropriate changes needed to fn_vehInvSearch.sqf


Edited by KBW
Haych, Olivia and kryptonthegamer like this
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9 hours ago, KBW said:

Hi folks, I used to come on here and entertain myself by suggesting/showing methods on how to fix some of your bugs. I looked at a few simple ones and here's the fixes:

BUG #2 as listed on OP: Only for the APD, when syncs happen the fire mode is automatically toggled back to single fire.  

selectWeapon command used in fn_saveGear causes a reset in firemode. It appears the usage of this command was only relevant if the person had a laser designator. Here, I make use of the existing function for fixing weapon fire state as well as moving the close brace to the appropriate position.

//referenced lines: 49-56 of fn_saveGear.sqf
if("Laserdesignator" in assignedItems player) then
	player selectWeapon "Laserdesignator";
	if(currentMagazine player != "") then {_magazines set[count _magazines,(currentMagazine player)];};

	player selectWeapon _curWep;
	["out"] call life_fnc_fireMode;

Bug #4 as listed on OP: Fresh spawn players are unable to buy a slash bandolier at the clothing store with the message "Not enough space".

This is caused by the script initially thinking you're trying to add this to your inventory, and not to your body (since this is being sold from a weapon shop and not a clothing shop). A simple fix for this is below.

//referenced line: 21 of fn_weaponShopBuySell.sqf
if(!(player canAdd _item) && _item != "V_BandollierB_cbr") exitWith {_bad = "You don't have enough room for that item."};

Bug #5 as listed on the OP: When a vehicle and crates contains illegal contraband and the APD searches the vehicle or crate, all virtual items in the vehicle trunk or crate inventory are removed instead of just the illegal items.  

For this, some code additions are required to ensure that we're only removing the illegal items. I can't claim credit for this one, as this was accomplished by a friend of mine in May of 2015. Nevertheless, this is the screenshot from my github client of the appropriate changes needed to fn_vehInvSearch.sqf


Please inplement! Literally work is done for you.

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9 hours ago, KBW said:

Hi folks, I used to come on here and entertain myself by suggesting/showing methods on how to fix some of your bugs. I looked at a few simple ones and here's the fixes:

BUG #2 as listed on OP: Only for the APD, when syncs happen the fire mode is automatically toggled back to single fire.  

selectWeapon command used in fn_saveGear causes a reset in firemode. It appears the usage of this command was only relevant if the person had a laser designator. Here, I make use of the existing function for fixing weapon fire state as well as moving the close brace to the appropriate position.

//referenced lines: 49-56 of fn_saveGear.sqf
if("Laserdesignator" in assignedItems player) then
	player selectWeapon "Laserdesignator";
	if(currentMagazine player != "") then {_magazines set[count _magazines,(currentMagazine player)];};

	player selectWeapon _curWep;
	["out"] call life_fnc_fireMode;



I don't see how this fixes anything seeing how its in a block that will literally never be accessed since no player ever has a laser designator.

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On 1/18/2016 at 3:20 PM, bamf said:

15.  Entering or exiting a vehicle disconnects an APD officer from their drone.  

Clarification on this one, I just found that the cop only gets disconnected if the vehicle they are entering/exitting is locked (hence why the hummingbird benches don't disconnect you).  

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  • 2 weeks later...

when your dead, you can still acess the messaging portion on your phone by pushing 5. 

If you are on that screen while being revived, after you are revived, you will see your gear and gun but be stuck in first  person.

You wont be able to move, and your only option will be re spawn in the top right corner and you will lose your load out once you do that. 



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On 1/18/2016 at 3:20 PM, bamf said:

Fix "the crack" at the prison.

Fix? Didn't realize it was broken, you can shoot into and out of it.


1. Syncing when "Mission Complete" comes up sometimes makes you lose your gear (sometimes)

2. If you soft log within 5 minutes of getting revived you sometimes are put on a spawn screen where you spawn with no gear (sometimes)

3. If your dead body disappears, and they can still execute it, if they do, you're put on a spawn screen even though you are alive (happened to Ronald video somewhere)

4. All your mags despawn if you get in the gunner seat of an offroad, flatbed, or hummingbird (sometimes)

5. If you spam-click buy on a vehicle on the market, even without the proper amount of money, it will take one vehicle off the market (whichever one was clicked) and in turn make them cost more for people actually wanting to buy them. (Always, no matter what)

6. You can jump through the windows of stone houses (bug?)

All I got for now.

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1. Some houses have proximity issues and refuse to spawn their crate(s), if a neighbouring house already have their crate(s) spawned when you log in.
2. When changing seats in a vehicle, your weapon's magazine will go empty. Soft logging will refill the magazine.

3. Y inventory items gets shuffled around in the "pick-up" menu. (already mentioned above, but it gets me the STD's).

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1 hour ago, Big Fred said:

1. Some houses have proximity issues and refuse to spawn their crate(s), if a neighbouring house already have their crate(s) spawned when you log in.

I have the problem but the only house next to me is a 40k and nobody owns it, there's a 150k near but that's always open, same with 70k near mine :/ i have to get lucky to see my scotch :( 

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2 hours ago, Miss Evo said:

I have the problem but the only house next to me is a 40k and nobody owns it, there's a 150k near but that's always open, same with 70k near mine :/ i have to get lucky to see my scotch :( 

I've only noticed this in Kavala, with houses next to mine, when my gang has bought up a whole building complex at once.

If our issues are related, it must be a proximity in the actual database then, or something. I guess the plot thickens.

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5 hours ago, Big Fred said:

1. Some houses have proximity issues and refuse to spawn their crate(s), if a neighbouring house already have their crate(s) spawned when you log in.

I have 4 houses right next to each other and there's always one house that won't spawn the crates for whatever reason. Maybe this is why.

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Just now, Demonic said:

I have 4 houses right next to each other and there's always one house that won't spawn the crates for whatever reason. Maybe this is why.

The other day, when a hacker blew up half of the map, I noticed that my crates would spawn in DIFFERENT houses than the ones I owned... since mine was blown up.
I could also lock and unlock these houses.

This made me believe even more in my "proximity" theory.
But all we can do really, is make observations.

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On 1/18/2016 at 2:20 PM, bamf said:

I play a lot on the servers, but I don't pretend to know every bug that is an annoyance for you the players.  Help me start a list so that we can knock some of the more annoying ones out please.  

I don't intend for this to be a place to complain about things, simply a spot that we can start a running tally of the bugs so that I can give Paratus the most up to date list possible for prioritization.  

I will update the initial post to list bugs, so please check there first to make sure we don't duplicate them as we go down the list.  



List o' bugs

Being revived sometimes makes you lose your whole loadout. It's a pain in the ass to have to file a comp report over and over for a loadouts. 

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