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  3. 读一本书吧,你这个愚蠢的黄色斜眼混蛋。显然你不了解自己国家的历史。 https://www.philstar.com/opinion/2019/05/02/1914194/history-chinese-invasions https://opinion.inquirer.net/132856/chinese-invasions-past-and-present 显然,你们伟大的领袖并没有教你们一切。 https://www.polygraph.info/a/fact-check-china-fake-history-of-zero-wars-ever/6961455.html
  4. Add a "Repair All" button to refuel/repair all vehicles in your garage. Possibly add a convenience tax?
  5. 请给我一份我们国家入侵的国家名单和一份你们被入侵的国家名单谢谢,我很想知道
  6. maybe like 20 seconds to perform a search on a vehicle for explosives then maybe a talent named like "Bomb Squad" in order to actually disarm it.
  7. I think a fair compromise is we let them stay but we get a free pass to be racist and xenophobic without fear of repercussion from the admins. I think that would make everyone happy tbh. The Chinese get to rob and kidnap all new players with downing weapons continuously and kill the server and in return we can call them slurs and rogue still skims off the top like a mafia boss and watches the world burn while he counts his stacks of money. Would that be agreeable?
  8. That would be a balancing discussion between the APD Captains and perhaps the CMs. My suggestion is just to have it on the map. To add on, ideally just a map marker for the cops. I would think if civilians were intended to see where the mobile HQ is then it would have been addressed/added by now.
  9. The only question I would have is do you want rebels to know where you are spawning? Or are you saying just for cops.
  10. I’ll look at how these get pulled and see how we’d do it. May patch is imminent/done but maybe for June I’ll take a crack at it
  11. On the Market app on the phone can you add the weights of all the items beside the sell price. There's always times when I want to know how much a certain item weighs, specifically when calculating how much money an inventory of a specific item would cost. Or if there's not room to put the weight beside the price then maybe make it display as a tooltip when you hover over the item? It would just be nice to be able to see the weight of every item is all.
  12. Allow cops to be able to search a vehicle for a speed bomb or remote explosive if they're planted on a vehicle. Perhaps potentially disarm it as well, maybe with an item or a long load bar.
  13. Yesterday
  14. Currently when you upgrade or repair a vehicle, it closes the vehicle menu. Instead of closing the vehicle menu, make it go back to your garage menu.
  15. Allow cops to access the Y inventory of other cops' vehicles. If there's even one lockpick in the car we can't impound the car, we have to drive it all the way back to HQ and seize it. Would be helpful if we could just take the lockpicks out to be able to impound, but we can't if it's another officer's car.
  16. Respectable, I never thought I'd see you guys do this.
  17. Please have the APD Mobile HQ be automatically marked on the map for cops when deployed.
  18. I must say, your accusations are not only false but also utterly ridiculous. I have never been involved in any of the absurd activities you've described, nor do I have any intention of engaging in such nonsense. It's disappointing that you would resort to baseless slander to vent your frustrations. If you have legitimate concerns, I suggest you bring them forward with evidence and in a civil manner. Until then, kindly refrain from dragging my name through the mud with your fabrications.
  19. You have a good point. I guess the cost to set up is outweighed by the convenience it provides.
  20. I’m from the uk you fat spastic, what are you yapping about. I’m not complaining about them as players and the fights I’m just saying the ping, the connection to this server is criminal. read the initial post and my comments, I like fighting them, they are enjoyable fights but the ping is not fun to play against. I’m assuming you’re American based on the lack of understanding on this subject and also the fact you called the UK a third world county so I suggest you pipe down, go to school in your bullet proof vest and take notes when the active shooter comes in and learn from them about how to fire a gun you waste of flesh. please don’t get it twisted, I am no way complaining, this is a suggestion thread about ping to the server and couldn’t care less about if they’re banned or not. 250 ping cap is more than reasonable for a suggestion, if you don’t want to region lock then something needs to be in place to prevent people from being unkillable (again not a skill issue, look at the videos, some die to headshots instantly, but then they shotgun other times because their ping spikes over 250-350)
  21. Sofia Gold Panning is open to all, bring your big trucks and pan in comfort knowing you're not being watched.
  22. I joined Unknown Academy with high hopes, only to be assigned the thrilling task of guarding the Theresa Market for the off chance that the regulars needed their fix of Redgulls. But that wasn't the worst part. They demanded 25% of my bank account, which was a hefty sum, and promised it would go towards crucial gang expenses like Ifrits and Orcas. However, after days of waiting, John Lemmon, the supposed custodian of our funds, vanished into thin air. Upon digging deeper, I discovered the unimaginable truth – he had sold my hard-earned cash to my own flesh and blood (little brother) for a measly £15! If you enjoy being scammed and betrayed, then by all means, join these swindlers at your own risk
  23. This has been a topic brought up multiple times. kicking the Chinese off the server wouldn't be good because they are a decent chunk of the player base at this point. In the past they were also the biggest donators to the server (don't know if this is the case anymore). Sure them being laggy is annoying af but with the state of altis life as a game mode being dead there has to be some sort of resolution that can be settled on. (as unlikely as that is)
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