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Posts posted by BlackShot

  1. 17 minutes ago, BU | I have aids inmybutt said:

    @YuSheng @BlackShot and @Term, the 3 that speak multiple languages (I don't get why we need that on a English RP server)


    I highly doubt we were chosen only because we speak different languages. I added a whole lot of different information on my application when I first applied; speaking another language is just a bonus. Also, for the second part of your sentence:




    DonDurka, McMuffin, Innate and 1 other like this
  2. Just now, Phil | OG said:

    Congrats all, but what good are other languages in an English only RP server?



    It is and it'll always be an English-speaking server. However, that doesn't change the fact that Asylum has always had a considerable flow of foreign players. Those players usually know enough English to play here but not enough to handle compensation, rules, general questions, appeals etc. We hope to be the bridge between them and the staff when needed.

  3. 2 hours ago, Boris said:

    Remove chicken wire and dead bushes, and only because they sometimes don't load in until it's too late.

    Verge posts and garbage piles are fine, they're just decor. (And you can use garbage piles to vault into the air.)

    If you only remove one thing, make it chicken wire. It's just not fun.

    Agreed. Verge posts and mostly garbage piles don't bother at all.

    Mr. Linux likes this
  4. 16 minutes ago, Steve said:

    I'd rather the Government not fund cancer victims or people with depression treatment really only because it just raises my damn taxes.

    I'm sorry, Steve. I tend to agree to most of the ideas you write here on the forums, but this isn't one of them, and this specific comment of yours shows me a tremendous level of selfishness and lack of empathy, and I seriously doubt we'd achieve any good outcome after acknowledging this fact. I don't mean to be rude, but I'll probably stop replying here, I'm sorry. It's just that, to me, depression and other serious illness discussions usually depend on a minimum amount of empathy and such. I respect your opinion though.


    8 minutes ago, Steve said:

    I think the main point was to say if people with aids in particular don't reproduce or spread it, the disease will disappear within a few generations.

    And so is true for many other health issues. But we don't give up on people because there's a "natural selection" way of solving things. We - in general terms - fight for them, search for cures/treatments and support people the way we can. There's a lot of brilliant minds that go through unexpected and serious diseases that would be a tremendous loss for the world or for their local communities. Many of them have a lot to give back, way more than worrying about how much it'll cost government to help them.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Tyler said:

    Depression is likely hereditary as well... Natural Selection is essentially certain genes being phased out of the gene pool via death and failure to reproduce. As much as i know "Natural Selection" is considered a negative thing it's actually positive. In this day in age Natural Selection is very rare because everyone is given a chance to live. People who commit suicide as awful as it is are essentially providing a very grim version of Natural Selection. Just putting it out there that just because something is treatable with modern medicine doesn't mean it's positive or negative in the grand scope of the human race to leave it alone or treat it. If we were to allow all the people who were born with the AIDS virus to die out without any chance for them to pass it along guess what major virus would eventually die out as well. Now there are forms of depression that are not caused by genes and that's an entirely different conversation. Sorry for the paragraph figured i'd play a bit of devil's advocate and provide a scientific argument.

    I don't think the definition of natural selection is the problem here. Your logic of applying natural selection to depression or AIDS is something that isn't done ever since that point in history where science and medicine were able to cure or treat most illness without having to let people die. I bet you and everyone else around here wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't by this fact. And even if your concept of natural selection were true for depression and AIDS, it would also be true for many other diseases, including cancer.

  6. 40 minutes ago, Steve said:

    I don't believe natural selection should apply to every situation. People who survived the Holocaust we're strong. They had it worse then the overwhelming majority of people in this community and they made it through. I'm not saying the ones that didn't are weak either. There are places in the world that are much more primitive and harsh then many of us could imagine and yet people in first world countries kill themselves because their girlfriend or boyfriend cheated on them. While that is by no means the only reason it is one of them and their is even more petty reasons that people kill themselves for. In America and many other westernized countries I'm sure, there is government funding that goes towards suicide hotlines and other suicide prevention means. Would you rather see that money go to a teenager with depression or cancer? Something worth thinking about if you ask me. Everyone I've known or known of that self harmed at some point was weak minded in every other manner of speaking. They couldn't think for themselves, they couldn't stay away from hard drugs. I have more sympathy for someone who is in prison under false charges that commits suicide then the teenager with clinical "genetic" depression.


    29 minutes ago, Tyler said:

    To be honest it is. If you are stupid enough to use a permanent solution for a temporary problem then yes it's natural selection.


    The problem about depression is that it's a disease just like any other. It's a chemical disorder that takes place in the brain and is triggered by social or major events of life. When it gets too strong to the point you aren't able to cope with your mental pain, you see death as the last resort to escape such painful reality.


    There are many types of treatment and it depends on each individual case. Some might be solved with light therapies and some will actually involve drugs - and even this part is hard, since not every drug works for every patient. Not to mention side effects.


    As I said, it's a disease like any other. Depression has been called "the century's greatest evil" by many authors. One person suicides every 40 seconds because of depression. It's become a matter of public health, which means government shouldn't choose between cancer or depression, Steve. It should support both.

  7. 8 hours ago, Steve said:

    The weak die the strong survive. 

    If this were true in our current society, you wouldn't consider seeing a doctor when you got sick. You'd just wait it out to see what natural selection was keeping for you.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Azeh said:

    Holy fuck.

    Everything is horrifying about it, but what most shocked me was the part where one of the two stabs a bunch of students with a hatchet to either "confirm" they were dead or to injure more people.

    Mr. Linux and Xehons like this
  9. _106014764_d1492794-68ff-40a9-ab61-3b33c

    BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-47558141


    I believe Brazil has faced around 6 other school shootings in 17 years, from what I can remember. However, I still don't have words to describe how awful was the massacre that took place today. You can never get used to this kind of shit, no matter how often they happen, can you? :unsure:


    Sad day.

    Mr. Linux and Xehons like this
  10. @Mitch (IFRIT), I think it would be useful if you started adding keywords to your titles. I know you probably like using "Asylum Announcement" to get people's attention, but other folks will start getting lost among many similar titles when reading previous announcements:




    "Asylum Announcement: New Q&A Section"

    "Asylum Announcement: Server 3"

    "Asylum Announcement: Database Issues"

    "Asylum Announcement: Asylum Ownership"


    Maybe these would be better? :)

  11. 1 minute ago, Mayhem said:

    I had an idea I sent to bamf a while back about contracts in game. Such as, you get a contract to collect and process 150 diamonds, after selling them you would turn in said contract for a bonus 15k.

    just an example. It could also be illegal things. The contract you would receive would be random


    And it would make people - especially new players - do all kinds of legal stuff instead of them sticking to excavating and mining only. Sounds like a good suggestion, Mayhem!

    Crossfade, Mayhem and Mr. Linux like this
  12. 12 hours ago, wollie35 said:

    So short version. 

    Asylum helped you with english and accepted your english back when it wasn't good. 

    Don't get me wrong, good for you but there are better places to learn english.

    It did more than that. Sure it wasn't just Asylum the only place where I gathered knowledge from, but I'd say around 60% of my English, especially spoken, was thanks to Asylum. I guess our definitions of "good" may be a bit different. I'd rather learn and practice a language by doing something I'm interested in, without spending a penny and practicing with native speakers than learn it some other way.

    Mr. Linux likes this
  13. 1 hour ago, Chau said:

    lol @explicit actually being nice to someone.

    He might have his moments but he's a terrific guy. I remember the first time we met. He took me to a hidden cave with a heli and RPd something funny w/ a weird accent *while* I was playing cop. When returning to Kavala we got shot out of the chopper by some sort of prick RDMer. We then became friends on Steam. Can't believe that maniac cave dweller convinced me to jump in in the first place.

    Chau, Mr. Linux and explicit like this
  14. On 1/6/2019 at 3:51 AM, Mason Statham said:

    This is so real and true I had/have my own speech problems and the only way to improve on stuff like this is too take anything negative against you and use it to fuel you.

    Very true, Mason. There'll always be someone to get in our way, but just try to make the best of it as I did. Thanks for sharing your experience!


    On 1/6/2019 at 5:45 AM, Midamaru said:

    @BlackShot Mah favourite gringo! Don't forget that aside from the people that helped you that you've done a ton of work yourself. As you say its really hard to learn a language and keep going for it, i can speak from experience from when i was learning german. So be proud of yourself ;)

    Thanks for all the help, mate <3


    On 1/6/2019 at 9:20 AM, K A Z E M said:

    Very nice @BlackShot 

    Thanks, Kazem!


    On 1/6/2019 at 9:49 AM, william said:

    Hope you didn't pick anything up from me @BlackShot I'm from the north of england, we have a different language up here. Also don't listen to @Bazzajack 95% of the time I don't know what hes saying with his broken accent.

    I always thought I was the only one who had trouble understanding Bazza. Phew!


    23 hours ago, explicit said:


    Thanks for helping, bud <3


    21 hours ago, GreenDemon said:

    Love ya' big man.


    Love ya too, cute Canadian! s2


    21 hours ago, Heidelberg said:

    Good stuff man. Can say the same, Asylum also made my English better in so many ways. Had a horrible danish accent when speaking English before, now some people mistake me for being American with my accent.  Keep up the good work!

    True, I can't say how much Asylum helped me, including improving my accent - which is still far from being perfect.


    21 hours ago, Boris said:

    He's an angel.


    I can second that.


    10 hours ago, kryptonthegamer said:

    Truly cringe....


    Mr. Linux, Rosie and K A Z E M like this
  15. Just now, Kettles said:

    I don't know why I'm crying in the Square right now.

    Your story really spoke to me, especially since I experienced similar harassment growing up. I had speech problems when I was young and it required 3 years of speech therapy before I got better. I felt relieved and happy once my speech improved and the bullying stopped. I'm glad you pushed through and achieved so much, I am too much of a lazy-ass to learn a second language or even my own native language.

    Such an interesting comment! Thanks for sharing it, Kettles, and I'm glad to know you made it through too!

    About learning a new language, well... Basic English is required at school and 95% of the games I ever played are or were created by English speakers. English is also some sort of universal language, so let's say I had a lot of motivation, or else I'd probably never want to learn a second language, just like you, haha.

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