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  1. Roice liked a post in a topic by Seán That Irish Guy in Friendly Reminder:   
    Im Micheals Lawyer,
    Youre done.
  2. Tony liked a post in a topic by Roice in Jet Ski World   
    shut up tony you fucking walrus 
    Just wait for the next video 😉
  3. Roice liked a post in a topic by Kawaii in Friendly Reminder:   
    @Michael Gambettiwow im sorry you are offended by a server full of hate speech and harassment, good use of the word faggot there though that was a very nice touch to the post
  4. Alec-I liked a post in a topic by Roice in Jet Ski World   
    shut up tony you fucking walrus 
    Just wait for the next video 😉
  5. Roice liked a post in a topic by Patato in What's up with the declining player base?   
    I have to say you are an inspiration to the determination and will power of man. Even in my darkest hours when the world is dark and cold you can count on Liberal Tears to log into the server to spread one message. 

    Liberals tears cannot be stopped with mere bans/kicks or mutes. The man is immune to all forms of punishment soldiering on in the face of multiple admins kicking him.

    I take solace knowing that our server will never be empty as for even when i have grown old and died liberal tears will still be in side chat asking if the server is dead. 
    @Louie You won't ever beat him
    Btw pretty sure last i checked you had a 90 day streak going
  6. DankBud liked a post in a topic by Roice in Jet Ski World   
    shut up tony you fucking walrus 
    Just wait for the next video 😉
  7. Roice liked a post in a topic by Alec-I in Community Meeting   
    I decline your invitation and all future ones don't contact me again
  8. Roice liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Jet Ski World   
  9. Roice liked a post in a topic by Nicho Stryker in Jet Ski World   
  10. Roice liked a post in a topic by Tony in Jet Ski World   
    That salesman sounds like he touches kids
  11. Roice liked a post in a topic by Big Gay Jay in Jet Ski World   
    been waiting for this video for weeks,
    didn't disappoint
  12. Bilal Battu liked a post in a topic by Roice in Jet Ski World   
    Someone tell them to stop banning us every time we do something funny 😂
  13. 王 rando 王 liked a post in a topic by Roice in Jet Ski World   
    Someone tell them to stop banning us every time we do something funny 😂
  14. Roice liked a post in a topic by Defragments in Jet Ski World   
    Love how this is now showing up on my Asylum updates channel, lmao.

    A truly worthy addition
  15. Roice liked a post in a topic by Alec-I in Jet Ski World   
    Special Thanks to all our Jet Ski World customers
    DH | Heats
    DH | KingOfCanada
    DH | Tank
    DH | Shxdow
    DH | DANE
    DH | Sidewinder
    DH | J.T
    DH | Kenny T
    DH | Nicho Stryker
    DH | Hoodlum Priest
    DH | DirtBag
    DH | Acceptable
    DH | Leroy Jenkins
    DH | Barkin
    DH | Poseidon
    DH | Alphakiller
  16. Roice liked a post in a topic by Kraken in Officer Shout Out   
    Officer Name: Bill Cosby
    Officer Rank: Constable 
    Description: Hands down the best interaction with a cop ive ever had. He doesn't care about the money, best RPer ive dealt with. He made my day.
  17. Roice liked a post in a topic by ObiWoki in Fentanyl   
    I don't see why heroin should have an extra processing step to produce a purified form but then again idc if we do. @Patato thoughts and opinions?
  18. Roice liked a post in a topic by John Lemmon in Paratage | Last   
    The fact that half of u guys have spent a third of ur lives playing arma and editing montages and still cant figure out how to render a video in DECENT quality. how are yall so stupid
  19. Roice liked a post in a topic by Alec-I in Suggestion for Asylum - Mosque at coke pro   
    Hello Asylum ,
    We believe that the Muslim population of asylum is being cast aside and suggest that we build a mosque at what is now know as by some locals as "cocaine processing" . The Free Syrian Army has been helping stop the drug epidemic at "cocaine processing" for many years and believe that we the FSA and the Free Muslim people of this island deserve a mosque to be built as a thank you . We plan to pay for this with tax payers money such as yourself .
    We also propose the new Muslim Utopia be named Battu Town . In Honour of our mighty prophet Bilal Battu . 
    feel free to thank myself and all the FSA for the great work we have done over the years by supporting this thread , we accept gifts . Address below . 
    Address :
    Town : "Cocaine Processing" - fini
    Post Code : SQ17 P58
    House Name : All of them
  20. Roice liked a post in a topic by william in New APD Captain   
    am i the only one wondering who the fuck is @Vista never heard of him
  21. Roice liked a post in a topic by DS_Billy in How to blow up DH gang house and get threatened to be killed in real life :(   
    They have started rotating between the one shown in the video and this one below. blow em both up to be sure.

    Have fun! 
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