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Joe .

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  1. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Ethan Darrell in Making Cartel life great again!!   
    Fuck off my thread you fucking freaks
  2. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Donald in Hello from the past.   
    Welcome back! If you have any questions about the server don't be afraid to ask. Look forward to seeing you around!
  3. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Ed. in Standard Operating Procedures   
    Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

    To establish a standard that all officers should abide by while on duty.

    Standard Guidelines
    As an Officer with APD you will be expected to follow the Department's Standard Operating Procedures while on duty. All Officers are expected to be courteous and professional at all times while on duty. While on duty you are expected to role-play and follow all server rules at all times. Breaking server rules or role-play may result in disciplinary action up and including possible termination from the Asylum Police Department.

    Use of Force
    The use of restraints (hand-cuffs) is justified when:
    A civilian(s) is a threat to themselves, other officers or civilians. A suspect(s) is on the wanted list and needs to be ticketed/searched. You witness a suspect commit a crime. Civilian(s) are interfering with police investigations(Give verbal warning first). The use of less-than-lethal force (rubber bullet) is justified when:
    An individual is evading police on foot. An individual is evading police in a vehicle and ignoring verbal commands. An individual is open carrying an illegal firearm. The use of deadly force is justified when:
    Ordered by the highest ranking officer at the scene that is Sergeant or higher. If only Corporals or Constables are on scene, then they must seek permission to go lethal from the highest ranking SGT+ who is on the server. If no SGT+ is on the server, then the Constables and Corporals on scene must take a unanimous vote to go lethal To kill the gunner of a .50 cal offroad, armed Jeep, and armed Quilin. To kill gunners that are on the benches of a Hummingbird Helicopter or in the back of an Offroad/Prowler/Quilin if the gunners are actively firing on officers. To kill a suspect that is in an unreachable location. Locked houses are not deemed as unreachable. Role-playing
    As a member of the APD, you are expected to set an example to others on the server. You should role-play all situations to the best of your ability. Small details during a role-play can produce great results and make the game/server interesting. For example, if you pull someone over for speeding you could possibly notify them that their tail light is out or that their tires look like they need air. The sky's the limit when it comes to role-play.

    You are to remain in character at all times when you are playing as an officer of the APD. This requires discipline at times, and if you cannot comply with department policies, or there is just that one person constantly getting on your nerves, it may be time to take a break.
    When acting as an APD Officer, you must adhere to characteristics that are becoming of an Officer. This list could be changed at any time, as it can easily be quite extensive.
    You MUST role-play EVERYTHING. Be respectful towards civilians and other officers no matter what rank. Do not use profanity to harass civilians. Do not have sexual intercourse role-play while on the job. Do not lie, cheat or steal.  
    Crowd Control/Interference with police investigation
    Often times when you are questioning suspect on suspected or known crime, you will have other civilians attempt to annoy, distract, or in other words, remove you from your duties. It is acceptable to restrain nearby civilians who are impeding you from performing your duties. The best solution would be to conduct your interview/investigation in a less populated area, sometimes this is not possible, if that is the case you can use the procedure below for crowd control.
    Notify the individual(s) that they are interfering with police work, and may be restrained if they do not immediately leave the area. After a verbal warning and adequate time you may restrain anyone impeding your police work. If multiple suspects are restrained and you are alone, it will likely be necessary to call in backup, as civs will often attempt to escort each other away from the cops. Continue with your questioning of the original suspect and warn/ticket/jail accordingly. Speak with additional detained suspects about their interference with police operations. It is your choice to warn or ticket them for interfering with police business. Additional Notes
    Always keep in mind that as a member of the APD, you represent the Asylum Server. When playing as a civilian or a police officer, you should always strive to set a good example to all players. As a white listed player you are held to a higher standard than others and are expected to know and obey the server rules, if you are found violating the rules of the server you can expect to receive more harsh punishment.
    Any questions should be directed to any APD staff.
    Asylum Police Department Staff
  4. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Ed. in Suspect Detainment and Questioning   
    This guide will provide the Asylum Police Department (APD) with basic policies on proper police procedure. Please direct any questions to Sergeants and above.

    Basic Police Conduct
    Always keep weapon lowered when there is no threat. (Hit L-CTRL twice) Always be respectful to civilians and other officers. Always follow server rules and police procedures. Always stay in character.

    Probable Cause
    Probable cause is the reason for an officer to take action. (The standard by which an constable or agent of the law has the grounds to obtain a warrant for, or as an exception to the warrant requirements for, making an arrest or conducting a personal or property search, etc. when criminal charges are being considered.)

    What is Probable Cause?
    Probable cause is:
    Seeing a person or vehicle in an Illegal Area. Seeing a suspect that is on the wanted list with a bounty of $2,500 or more. Grand Theft and Attempted Auto Theft charges A civilian carrying an illegal firearm or driving an illegal vehicle. Suspect evading arrest. Witnessing a civilian self-incriminate (admission to possessing contraband, committing a crime, etc.). Seeing an RV emitting smoke. Seeing a person purposely off-road and attempt to drive around manned APD checkpoints (doing a 180° turn to avoid a checkpoint is not probable cause). Someone currently in the process of committing Grand Theft or has committed Grand Theft but has no charges. Any individual found inside the Federal Reserve. Off-roading (you are only granted probable cause if they do not give a role play reason as to why they are off-roading). A civilian who enters a police headquarters of their own free will. Anyone driving or with keys to the Bank Delivery Mission Camo Hunter Probable cause is not:
    You see a truck on a highway, it is NOT probable cause. You see a vehicle NEAR an illegal area, it is NOT probable cause. You are told someone is doing something illegal by a civilian, this is NOT probable cause. Seeing an RV NOT emitting Smoke Knowing that a civilian has committed crimes in the past.  
    Witness Types
    Direct Witness
    If you personally witness a crime, then you are allowed by law to restrain the individual(s) and charge them accordingly, be it with a verbal warning, ticket, or jail time.

    Eye Witness
    If a civilian provides intel of a crime, it is often very difficult to determine the legitimacy of such claim. Therefore, gather as much evidence as possible, and move forward. (IE: 911 Call comes in about a Red SUV traveling well over speed limits on the highway near the airport. If you see such a vehicle with said description, it is enough to pull them over and question the subject (this does not give you probable cause to search).

    Relayed Witness
    A relayed witness is simply another officer giving you his first hand information on a crime and/or suspect. Proceed with Direct Witness Procedure at this point.

    Grey Area
    Unfortunately, this comes with the game, and must be treated with legit role-play.
    For example, you see a vehicle on a road to/from an illegal area, it is not means for probable cause. HOWEVER, you may pull them over, and question them. You may ask to search them or the vehicle, if they give their consent, you may search their vehicle. If they refuse, you are not allowed to search. If you do NOT have probable cause, you need the civilians consent before you can search. If you are ever unsure as to whether or not you have probable cause, ask a senior officer. If one is unavailable and you cannot get a definitive answer, assume you don’t have probable cause to search. It’s better for one criminal to get away, than for officers to overstep their bounds and violate the rights of the citizens of Altis.

    Wanted List/Confronting Criminals
    One of your primary duties as a police officer will involve handling civilians on the Wanted List. There are several important points to remember when approaching a civilian who is wanted.

    As a Police Officer your primary weapon is your VOICE, you always speak first and use your weapon second. ALWAYS announce yourself as a police officer when confronting a suspect. (ie “Altis Police, can I speak with you?” If possible, try to identify you suspect by name, as to get their attention. Always speak with a suspect before restraining, never run up behind a suspect and restrain them without first making contact with them.
    If a suspect flees, you are allowed to use non-lethal force to stop them. If a suspect requests to speak with a superior officer, you must respect their request and get in contact with a senior officer (SGT or above). If one is not available you may proceed with your duties.

    You are allowed to search a civilian if one of the following criteria is met: you have probable cause or you are given consent by the civilian in question.
    If you do not have probable cause, you may ask an individual if you can search their person and/or vehicle. If the individual gives you consent, you are free to search them and their vehicle. Obviously if they have something illegal on them, they may not consent. Even though you may suspect they have illegal substances, without their consent you cannot search them.
    If you have probable cause, you may search and individual and/or their vehicle without their consent. Just always be sure to follow proper police procedure and always ensure that you have probable cause before searching. If you are ever unsure, ASK a superior!

    The Asylum Police Department has a ticket first, jail second policy. Meaning, you should always attempt to give the suspect a ticket for their crimes. Civilians have the right to skip the ticket process and go immediately to jail. Below are a few procedures you should follow when giving tickets.

    You will find that many civilians may decline the first ticket you give and request to be sent to jail, only to change their mind at a later point. While it is acceptable to give them another chance to pay the ticket; do not give a civilian more than three chances to pay a ticket. If they refuse the third attempt to pay the ticket, take them to jail. At this point they are only stalling and wasting your time. Always issue a single ticket for all charges and check wanted list. (IE. You see a civilian shoot and kill another player. After restraining them you issue them a $5,000 ticket for manslaughter.
    They pay the ticket, as you are about to unrestrain them you realize they are on the wanted list for multiple other charges. You CANNOT keep them detained and re-ticket them. It is YOUR responsibility to check the charges BEFORE issuing the ticket.)

    After refusal to pay a ticket, you may take a suspect to jail. This is done at the nearest Police HQ. When you arrive at the Police HQ, inform them why they are being sent to jail. Keep in mind, if they request a supervisor at this point, you still must comply and request a senior officer. However, the senior officer does not need to comply if they are busy or too far away. At this point you may send them to jail and collect the bounty.
  5. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Farmer Steve in Upgrade to standard APD Arsenal   
    The advantage I think you’re forgetting that police have is the ability to respawn over and over with a FREE default load.
  6. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Zurph in useful APD update   
    u must of really got fucked up in athira today 
  7. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Defragments in [Đ] Demolition Recruitment Thread {Limited}   
    Lol what? Why did you apply then?
  8. Joe . liked a post in a topic by 王 rando 王 in fix sativa/indica bud   
    yea it was op before, we know. but if you're gonna make the drug dealer a place to process then it need a an actual redzone, not that initiation distance shit, make a 50m diameter circle around the drug dealer for a redzone and up the price. processing in the middle of kavala at the drug dealer aint gonna work out well. so make it a redzone so you can defend yourself and up the price because it aint worth the risk like this.
  9. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Bag Of Funyuns in 6.5mm buff v Ifrits   
  10. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Blake. in 6.5mm buff v Ifrits   
    Shoot Tires/Use Spike strips
  11. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Azeh in Why? :( Any devs that could comment?   
    More performant to fetch someone's 45 cars rather than 250
  12. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Donald in make cops useful   
    So you want to improve roleplay yet you complain when the cops roleplay with you when you have speeding tickets?
  13. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Livegeneral in #FreeIsaiah   
    Livegeneral in the teamspeak
  14. Joe . liked a post in a topic by 808state in #FreeIsaiah   
    #FREE-TALLO   &   #FREE-ISAIAH  !! 
  15. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Infamous [FULL SEND] in #FreeIsaiah   
  16. Joe . liked a post in a topic by pan fried in Kavala Blacklist Appeal   
    he is clearly delusional and needs to be put down
  17. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Community Manager retirement/ staff updates   
    Hello all,
    @Mason has retired from his position as a Community Manager. He has had many years of service to us all here and has done a ton of work behind the scenes. Some of that work the average player never saw. His work and dedication will always be appreciated. While a replacement is found, please continue to lean on @Leady for your Community Manager needs. Please understand that there may be a delay in help as he is already overloaded. 
    @Steveand @Heidelberg have stepped away for the time being, but it is not forever. While they get some much needed R&R, they will return to active status when able. 
    @Boonie Hat has been promoted to developer and has stepped away from his admin duties.
    Moderator apps should be opening within the next few weeks. Keep your eyes open for future announcements on this. 
    Thank you,
  18. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Good Lub in Cop Gangs or "Squads"   
    the cop comms will improve when they stop being braindead
    Also there is already a thing for this its called Bounty Hunter
  19. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Mason in Increasing server revenue=happy players   
    No can do. Pay 2 win is not allowed per bohemia's monetization policy. If we allow people to gain advantages by donating we get our servers monetization ability revoked. 
  20. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Farmer Steve in Increasing server revenue=happy players   
    Idk how happy we’d be when battle eye gets disabled and we got mob full of goofy ass hacking fags blowing everyone up.
  21. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Sterling in Changelog - May   
    RIP all the shitters abusing moonshine
  22. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Defragments in Changelog - May   
    Nice patch, but this is saaaad. I don't think it is worth turning it into white lightning now. A lot of extra effort for only 360 extra.
  23. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Changelog - May   
    Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this patch!
  24. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Mr. Slick in Changelog - May   
    Quest System Server Cycle Quests Only one server cycle quest can be activated at any given time Once you complete a server cycle quest, you can activate a new one via the quest app The buff you received from a complete cycle quest, will only be active during that restart On a new restart, all completed cycle quests are wiped and can re-completed Seasonal Quests Long term quests that take a good amount of time to complete The buff/rewards earned from completing a seasonal quests, will be active regardless of restarts. Eventually will change out with new seasonal quests Tutorial Quests Multiple stages of various messages about information regarding how Asylum works and plays. Various tutorial quests are added and give messages/waypoints/sounds for new players to get started Check quests progress via !seasquestprogress or !questprogress in-game. Each side (civ, cop, medic) has different restart cycle and seasonal quests. UFO Crash Event Spawns only at night, with a player count exceeding 120 players, and once per restart. Radiation zone is created around the site, and the area is an illegal area. 15 Minute timer for loot is started from initial crash time, virtual and physical loot is very very valuable! Asylum Exchange 5 Locations around the map Ability to list physical items, vehicles, virtual items, and weapons Weapons can be listed from on hand Virtual items are listed from your owned car, and don't stack on the exchange Physical items are listed from your person Vehicles are listed from scroll wheeling on it near any exchange (25 meters) Purchased/Retracted listings can accessed from the Asylum Exchange Storage Menu Listed and purchased listings only last 3 days (from exchange to storage) Asylum Subscribers can have an ability to list 3 more listings (8 total) for each item type instead of 5. Note: This only increase amount of self-owned listings, DOES NOT increase purchased listings storage Jury Summons Any prisoner with a bounty higher or equal to $25,000, 12 minutes or more left in jail time, can request a trial Random players are selected to be jurors in said trial The defendant must plead their innocence, jury then deliberates and finds a verdict. Having the Prominent tag active, has a chance of activating jury corruption and bypass the verdict Turf Drug Tax Now any player can access any turf's drug dealer If you don't own said turf, a 20% cut will be taken from your profits This 20% cut will be paid directly to the gang bank of the turf owner War Rework War point calculation is now based off the killers and killed loadouts You will gain medals for each killstreak you earn BM and more war rating calculations are considered also with distance and killstreak Ex: If player 1 has a rook, and player 2 has a 30k loadout. Player 1 kills player 2 - player 1 gets >10 points Player 2 kills player 1 - player 2 gets <10 points Having a war killstreak of 30, and not dying in the process, will deem you a nuclear threat on the server. You will unlock the Nuclear Threat achievement and title Max points that can be lost from a war kill regardless of loadout, is 20 war rating. AFD House Repair AFD medics now have the ability to repair destroyed houses Activated by a civilian requesting a repair (cost 30% of the house market price) Medic is payed out after completing said repair Indoor Cannabis  (Illegal) Indica and Sativa seeds can be purchased from any drug dealer Aging: Seed -> Sprout -> Adult Plant -> Bud Two different strains can be grown inside any house You must purchase the Green House property upgrade to grow your cannabis Ability to process your matured bud at the illegal weed processing into Golden Wax You can also recreationally buy bongs, papers, and smoke as you wish from any Medical Dispensary in major cities Smoking cannabis can give you from a 1 minute to 3 minute sway buff (Ex: Golden Wax gives you 12% decreased sway for 3 minutes) LSD (Illegal) Mine Dark Fungi from the Dark Fungi Den in the NW area of Altis Dark Fungi can be processed at the LSD Processor at DP4 You can either sell as LSD Pills  or store in your house to age into Purified LSD sheets To age your LSD pill to sheets, you must purchase Lead Container upgrade Virtual FAKs Can purchased from any medical store and general market works exactly the same as physical FAKs, with the exception that its cancellable  Physical FAKs have been left untouched, can still be purchased as before Virtual FAKs will not drop on death, but if you respawn they will. Can be bound to custom action 6 Rotating Aircraft Carrier Can rotate to Prygos Bay, Kavala Bay, or West of Sofia. Changes location every restart. Acts an illegal area (300 meter radius) NOTE: If you sync on the carrier during one restart and log off. There is a high probability that you will fall to the ocean on the next restart. 40+ New Stats Server Cycle Quests Done, Seasonal Quests Done, Heisenberg Meth Processed, Heisenberg Meth Sold, Uranium Processed, Uranium Sold, Cocaine Brick Processed, Cocaine Brick Sold, RPG Vehicle Hits, Civilian - Cops Downed, Civilian - Restrained, Civilian - Grenaded, Civilian - SWAT Killed, Civilian - Cops Headshotted, War Kill Headshots, Civilian - Cops Vested, Civilian - Cops Speedbombed, Turfs Captured, Cartels Captured, Drug Runner Planes Delivered, Drug Runner Boats Delivered, Players Bolt Cutted, Weapons Crafted, Vehicles Crafted, Money Spent At Rebel, Money Spent For Bail, Money Spent Buying Houses, Fed Safes Opened, Kills By Armed Offroad, Kills By Armed Quilin, Kills By Armed Jeep, Money Earned on Cop, Money Earned on Medic, Homebrew Moonshine Processed, Homebrew Moonshine Sold, White Lightning Processed, White Lightning Sold, Distance Walked, Distance Drove, Graveyard Events Won, Battle Royale Events Won, Gun Game Events Won, Barley Gathered, Corn Gathered, Cooked Oysters Processed, Cooked Oysters Sold, Fried Oysters Processed, Fried Oysters Sold, Blackjack Won, Blackjack Lost, Slots Won, Slots Lost, Prisons Done, Convoys Done, Convoy Money Earned, Banks Done, Bank Money Stolen More Achievements More Titles New Property Upgrades Greenhouse - $45,000 -  Ability to grow cannabis from your home Lead Container - $350,000 - Ability to age LSD and hold any amount of Uranium New Drug Effects Regarding cannabis usage and LSD Orange go kart helmet. Changed/Tweaked:
    Talent/Prestige/Honor Menu Revamped Gang Management Menu Revamped Virtual Item Shop Menu Revamped Market app now has a filter to check prices for different vendors Gun Game now has smaller backpacks, less mags, and scopes to different guns How body bags are handled  If a player CLs in a heli while flying, their bag will be put directly underneath on the ground If a player CLs anywhere near or on top of water, their bag will be put directly on top of the waves !rebelstats has been replaced with !stats You can now see your entire statistical data that is tracked in Asylum Moonshine Nerf White Lightning has been reduced from $1450 to $1150 Homebrew Moonshine has been reduced from $825 to $790 Vehicle trackers can be attached to all vehicle types. Added more variety to airdrop loot tables. Moved road barrier usage up to A-EMT. Fixed:
    Logging in on elevated objects and phasing through them will no longer occur. Ability to process crank/moonshine from within or near a building Uranium Exploit Issue with APD Radar Gun not working properly  Instances of a few stats not properly being incremented Optimizations to objects around the map (may help client FPS overall) Goldbar not breaking down into a gold nugget properly Instances of Battle Royale and Gun Game not setting players loadouts/skins/positions back to where they were Body bags will no longer clip through objects Helicopters falling through roofs on server start Device Exploit Equipping new donor items. Removed: Nothing
    Hotfix #1:
    - Fixed Gun Game positions
    - Talent/Prestige Menu fixed
    - Exchange Menus Fixed
    - Virtual Shop will no longer sort
    - Attempted fix for house repair invisible
    - Fixed issue with cops getting more than 4 virtual first aids on respawn
    - Attempted fix for UFO crash
    - Fixed sprouts not maturing correctly
    - Added first aids to more places
    - Increase cost of attending jury duty from 2.5k to 5k
    - Fixed issues with blackjack giving more rewards
    - Option to fak if legged
    - Fixed Moonshine not working correctly
    Hotfix #2:
    - Fixed Gun Game (again)
    - Decreased price of sativa/indica bud from 1250 to 980
    - Decrease amount of cannabis that matures per restart (50 to 35)
    - Made some quests harder overall to complete
    - Fixed instances of houses being purchased, even if they were owned
    - Fixed medkits stacking on cop and medic
    - New charges breaking wanted menu
    - Fixed seasonal quest "deerstand defender" applying to any deerstand (woops)
    - Fixed ufo creating an antimatter explosion and sending the server to a blackhole
    - Chop shop quests for cop vehicles not working correctly
    - Clarified some quests requirements
    - Fixed oysters not taking a cut to the drug cartel
    - Fixed jury summons not informing players that the bench was full
    - Fixed jurors not being able to see defendants charges
    - Issue with smoking cannabis closing menus around people
    Hotfix #3:
    - Players killed inside the drug peninsula or warzone island, would now be war kills
    - BM bonus to a rebel, if a cop killed is inside the drug peninsula or warzone island
    - Missing items for exchange (cop stuff and rpk)
    - Un-restraining a player will now be at the bottom of your scroll wheel actions. Also a confirmation would ask if you are sure.
    - Fixed vest not working on the aircraft carrier
    - Changed processing tax for oysters is to wongs triad, instead of drug cartel
    - Metal Detector will now be worth to use
    - Exchange will now pull the 5 cheapest listings per item type on the entire exchange on open, instead of just 20 of 1 item type.
    - Fixed seasonal quests not syncing properly
    - Phone inventory weight not updating when you dropped and item
    - other optimizations
    Hotfix #4:
    - Fixed restraining not working, if you had "Peekaboo - Seasonal Quest" completed
    - Fixed tempest device not gathering 17 per cycle, if you had "Farming Simulator - Seasonal Quest" completed
    - Fixed blood bag prone animation causing client lag
    - Fixed staying on debug island after gun game ends
    - Fixed manslaughter charges not being properly added, other player death related fixes
    - Clarified "Beginner Vigilante" restart cycle quest 
    - The night that the UFO crashes, will now significantly last longer
    - Medicinal dispensary added to rebel (must have rebel license)
    - AFD house repairs will be disabled indefinitely (blame arma's engine)
    Hotfix #5:
    - Attempted fix for falling through the carrier on the top deck
    - Fixed drug runner paying a bit too much
    - Fixed being able to soft log to bypass time to drop bounties
    - Optimized ufo overall (lag should cease to exist)
    - Fixed restart cycle quests not giving honor/BM (if rewards said so)
    - Fixed gun game progress not resetting, if another gun game started
    - AFD house repairs have been re-enabled and should no longer cause repaired houses to be invisible
    Hotfix #6:
    - Optimized some on death stuff (should reduce some instances of lag)
    - Fixed AFD house repairs not deleting ruins & marker for medics not cleaning up properly
    - Fixed war rating calculation 
    - Fixed LSD processing not taking a cut if you didn't have the talent
    - Fixed "the God of Feds" & "the Cop Slayer" title tags not properly showing their colors
    - Fixed “Lucky Man” seasonal quest
    - "Gold Bars" seasonal quest will now give the proper buff for selling gold bars and nuggets
    Hotfix #7:
    - Attempted fix for seasonal progress either wiping or not incrementing (rare to occur)
    - Nerfed UFO physical loot (should be more random for different items)
    - Weed will now age only up to adult plant. You must now either process the adult plant into bud at the weed processor or any non-turf drug dealer
    - Cop/Medic light optimizations (should reduce lag)
    - Fixed auto run not stopping on death and walking on water with it
    - APB seasonal quest not completing
    - Gang wars menu selection will now keep color
    - Any faction can now purchase and use cannabis items
  25. Joe . liked a post in a topic by Azeh in Website Update   
    https://www.gaming-asylum.com/ has received a nice overhaul by @Boonie Hat.
    If come across any issues or inaccuracies, send him a PM.
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