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Making Cartel life great again!!

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Hello Asylum Gamers, 

Today, I would like to hear from you, the community, on what you would like to see added to Cartel life.

I feel that Cartel fighting on this server is very non existant, and it seems that, as a community, we have shifted more towards fighting cops than going to fight cartels in more recent times.

I am here to listen to you all on what you would like to see added or brought back to Asylum. I would like to stay on topic with this so if you have any suggestions please feel free to comment on this thread. 

The very point of this post is to revive cartel fighting/Gang life, so if you have any ideas, feel free to share. I am told this would be impossible, but I feel this could changed.

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you dont get anything from fighting other gangs... its a waste of time and money. The fight every once in awhile is fun but there is no incentive. Increase blood money per kill and lets be honest... no gangs are active. Its admin's vs players at this point. IMO its literally a private server for u guys

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3 minutes ago, Chris Peacock said:

you dont get anything from fighting other gangs... its a waste of time and money. The fight every once in awhile is fun but there is no incentive. Increase blood money per kill and lets be honest... no gangs are active. Its admin's vs players at this point. IMO its literally a private server for u guys

how is it admins vs players? lol

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3 minutes ago, Goofi said:

how is it admins vs players? lol

take a look... u guys get admins to play against people who dont have admins.... admins spawn nades loadouts and have unlimited money giving HUGE cuts to the other players in their group. This then gives so much money to the regular players its not fun anymore.... u guys have done the exact thing ceo of fed did.... u make all the cops log off https://gyazo.com/943e7ca3c3717586850fef674a4a7d85 you would think this would force people into gang fights but it doesnt because gang life is dead and boring

Edited by Chris Peacock
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5 minutes ago, Chris Peacock said:

take a look... u guys get admins to play against people who dont have admins.... admins spawn nades loadouts and have unlimited money giving HUGE cuts to the other players in their group. This then gives so much money to the regular players its not fun anymore.... u guys have done the exact thing ceo of fed did.... u make all the cops log off https://gyazo.com/943e7ca3c3717586850fef674a4a7d85 you would think this would force people into gang fights but it doesnt because gang life is dead and boring

You are 10 ply bud.

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Almost every server aside from asylum at this point has a weekly event that involves fighting cartels that awards you with money. That way you feel like there's an incentive to fight cartels. Right now the money given from cartels is almost nothing and on top of that a lot of older players don't feel like playing a server that has stayed the same as far as cartel fighting goes for the past year. This is why most players that play the game mainly for cartels have swapped over to other servers.

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48 minutes ago, bigjohn561 said:

Limit admins load outs.

Or just change it so there's a staff point system so doing x amount gives x amount of money.


Also buff blood money complete dogshit atm it's like 3k per kill which means like 8 kills to even cover one loadout.


Also should get blood money for killing anyone in free fire zone or within like 1km of a cap point regardless of warring or not.


Take a look at any server which still has some what cartel/gang fights they all have a way people fighting can make their money back doing so.

GravL, Farmer Steve, Jfinn and 6 others like this
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2 minutes ago, Ethan Darrell said:

Ok besides this admin loadout talk suggestions on new ideas or content for cartels 

Asylum version of conquest

Increase both value of drugs sold rate of cartel tax but have it taken at drug dealer instead or processing - increase money made from holding cartels

Gang garage and able to buy vehicles for it using gang bank when rank x+

Add more guns and vests for so players can cut corners if they really want to save money fighting - those deck crew level 2 vests, cmr, car-95-1, spar-16s, mx series(at this point who cares), rpk (its not that good why is it evidence only), protector, etc

Add doored qilin varients for more money

Keep not giving ethan sgt

Script in full screen nvgs - https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/216483-full-screen-night-vision-no-mod-required/

Civ hunters and striders at rebel for cheaper than ifrits

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Another suggestion is the blood money. Add something that makes it a lot more useful. Just being able to purchase loadouts etc. from it isn't enough. Maybe add a bank or some other federal event that requires you to purchase a specific item that only blood money can buy in order to rob it. This event can give you large amounts of money, ifrits etc. that way there's a chance you end up getting much more value out of your blood money rather than just spending it on regular gear. More risk but higher reward. For now blood money is basically just a leaderboard feature since it really isn't enough to pay for your loadouts. 


Add some sort of talent system that gives you additional perks that you can buy with blood money much like the bounty hunter system. This could be faster revives, more money from robbing federal events, gear discounts, ifrit discounts etc. That way you feel like you're working towards something other than just a spot on a leaderboard.

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5 minutes ago, CRH said:

Another suggestion is the blood money. Add something that makes it a lot more useful. Just being able to purchase loadouts etc. from it isn't enough. Maybe add a bank or some other federal event that requires you to purchase a specific item that only blood money can buy in order to rob it. This event can give you large amounts of money, ifrits etc. that way there's a chance you end up getting much more value out of your blood money rather than just spending it on regular gear. More risk but higher reward. For now blood money is basically just a leaderboard feature since it really isn't enough to pay for your loadouts. 


Add some sort of talent system that gives you additional perks that you can buy with blood money much like the bounty hunter system. This could be faster revives, more money from robbing federal events, gear discounts, ifrit discounts etc. That way you feel like you're working towards something other than just a spot on a leaderboard.


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11 hours ago, Goofi said:

Add some sort of cartel/conquest event with asylums own twist. if it was thought of it needs to be spectated by admins

I requested something like this before, I think it would be awesome to have it but difficult to have dev make it. 

5 hours ago, Aslan said:

Make a capture point where you need to get the flag ones your gang reach 2000 points it wil move to another location

I really like this idea. +1

9 hours ago, Chris Peacock said:

Sell rpg’s and rpk’s for blood money. Maybe even MXM’s or Zafir mags 

Do you mean be able to buy these from outpost or sell them for blood money? 

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The implementation of a conquest allows for other communities to join this server for the conquest (that's the only reason why I play Olympus).

Even if the conquests are the only fights we get for cartels it would still be amazing to have (rather than casual cartel fighting).

Some quick features to make cartel/rebel life better for everyone would be to add the following:

  • Addition of war kills system for the free-fire warzone marked areas. (automatically counting your kills as war kills, (including cops) this is how it is on many other servers.))
  • Addition of purchasing from rebel vehicle market with blood money. 
  • Addition of conquest/domination game mode.

To the admins and developers if you want the cartel life to come back, pay attention to what other servers have that this one doesn't when it comes to cartel fighting. 

That's just my two cents. 


Not too long ago in the middle of summer we had fights of 10 malicious, 10 kingsmen, 10 KGB, sanity, ppg, and paradox all fighting at the same time. I talked with a lot of the people in those gangs and they all said they just got burned out, or that money was the problem, or that their gangmates were going slowly inactive. That's what's happening right now, the only gang fights that happen are literally just the remainder of virtue and unknown. I got tired of the boring fights, my friends tell me log on and after one push the other gang goes and fights cops or runs with ifrits instead of fighting. 


(Although controversial I would like to have things like decrease in sway, increase in jump script, and qilins w doors but adding these to Asylum would feel awkward for those who aren't used to the jump script and decreased sway.)

Edited by Bherky
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30 minutes ago, Bherky said:

decreased sway.)

Look at the latest poll nobody wants to see decreased sway according to the numbers i am not saying nothing can happen just when you look at it the community voted In favor of keeping sway the way it is.

plus I am liking everyone’s input it is very much appreciated. I really wanna see this to the end so please keep the ideas coming.

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9 hours ago, Sheriff Rick said:

It's cringe esports larping and everyone has moved on.  You're better off just making new rebel content, preferably content that's a little more dynamic and forces players to interact with the rest of the server. 



7 hours ago, goyney said:

the only thing driving cartel fights is self ego, you get nothing else out of it except side chat shit talk rights


cartels are dying because most of us have been doing it for the better part of a decade. Most of us older cartel players dont even start arma up let alone try to get cartels. Its just years of doing the same thing that has killed it for most of us. Nothing anyone can do to fix that nor is it anyones fault. We just gotta accept that shit gets old and people move on.

I appreciate what you're trying to do @Ethan Darrell however its just a fact of people not wanting to do the same thing anymore.

Adding more events that are still basically cartels wouldn't solve anything in my opinion because its still too similar to the same activities we have been doing for years and thousands of hours. Arma is dying and thats going to have a knock on effect to life servers gaining new dedicated players so i dont see anyone new to Arma getting into cartel life either.

I love this server and all the memories I've had on it over the years but at the end of the day life takes over and in my free time I like to play games that are newer to me and I find enjoyable.


Much love,

Calm Voice Of Sense And Reason AKA. william

Edited by william
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8 minutes ago, william said:



cartels are dying because most of us have been doing it for the better part of a decade. Most of us older cartel players dont even start arma up let alone try to get cartels. Its just years of doing the same thing that has killed it for most of us. Nothing anyone can do to fix that nor is it anyones fault. We just gotta accept that shit gets old and people move on.

I appreciate what you're trying to do @Ethan Darrell however its just a fact of people not wanting to do the same thing anymore.

Adding more events that are still basically cartels wouldn't solve anything in my opinion because its still too similar to the same activities we have been doing for years and thousands of hours. Arma is dying and thats going to have a knock on effect to life servers gaining new dedicated players so i dont see anyone new to Arma getting into cartel life either.

I love this server and all the memories I've had on it over the years but at the end of the day life takes over and in my free time I like to play games that are newer to me and I find enjoyable.


Much love,

Calm Voice Of Sense And Reason AKA. william

I appreciate it @william but I do feel we can do something that the community will enjoy it’s not something I am giving up on I see other community producing all these cartels events and it’s really making a impact on there server so my whole narrative is to kinda join in that with asylums own twist on it i strongly believe there are people who would love to see this pull through I believe it can be done. I believe we can implement something that will bring that excitement back.

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1 hour ago, william said:



cartels are dying because most of us have been doing it for the better part of a decade. Most of us older cartel players dont even start arma up let alone try to get cartels. Its just years of doing the same thing that has killed it for most of us. Nothing anyone can do to fix that nor is it anyones fault. We just gotta accept that shit gets old and people move on.

I appreciate what you're trying to do @Ethan Darrell however its just a fact of people not wanting to do the same thing anymore.

Adding more events that are still basically cartels wouldn't solve anything in my opinion because its still too similar to the same activities we have been doing for years and thousands of hours. Arma is dying and thats going to have a knock on effect to life servers gaining new dedicated players so i dont see anyone new to Arma getting into cartel life either.

I love this server and all the memories I've had on it over the years but at the end of the day life takes over and in my free time I like to play games that are newer to me and I find enjoyable.


Much love,

Calm Voice Of Sense And Reason AKA. william

1 word retard REtard Retard

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Add some sort of warzone like Reborn that get's triggered once every server restart if a certain amount of people are on the server at any time.


Add a conquest sort of event like Olympus has that is scheduled and posted on the forums with given times/dates.


Both of these involve capturing and holding a zone for a specific amount of time until the point limit is reached. (3 different zones/areas. Maybe 5-6 zones if more people are online to give low number gangs a chance to be able to participate.)

Edited by JoeDa
Ethan Darrell and Bherky like this
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19 hours ago, Ethan Darrell said:

Hello Asylum Gamers, 

Today, I would like to hear from you, the community, on what you would like to see added to Cartel life.

I feel that Cartel fighting on this server is very non existant, and it seems that, as a community, we have shifted more towards fighting cops than going to fight cartels in more recent times.

I am here to listen to you all on what you would like to see added or brought back to Asylum. I would like to stay on topic with this so if you have any suggestions please feel free to comment on this thread. 

The very point of this post is to revive cartel fighting/Gang life, so if you have any ideas, feel free to share. I am told this would be impossible, but I feel this could changed.

make the players better yall suck 

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Some easy locational changes

- Remove North wongs and make its second location East arms. Its still a tower but at least its got some ways to push it and its not so far away.

- New locations for Oil Cartel. Both are trash. 

- Remove big tower at meth cap to limit the crossfire potential and gangs would be more inclined to push it.



20 hours ago, bigjohn561 said:

Limit admins load outs.

Steve🍔😂 is typing...

Rogue✈️😈 is typing...

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