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Posts posted by Raza

  1. I'm one to believe the only reason why the "option" is there is if the person is being a dick the entire time, swearing their fool head off,  and just plain ol being stupid, then it gives officers a legit reason to send them to prison. As such, it should be amended to say ONLY if they're are being abusive verbally, blasting music, soundboards etc, are the officers given the option to send them straight to jail. Thoughts?

  2. 3 hours ago, ColtonB205 said:

    On a side note: re-add the lightbar and police sticker back to the police boat, please and thank you.

    most important detail of that entire thing. Absolutely NEED the bar while taking a boat to the prison break. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Dick Romney said:

    Simply put, you're not playing right, fix your play-style.

    AKA stop sucking and actually hit that broad side of the barn before they hit you. 


    Also side note, I'm pretty sure if you take a rubber bullet to the chest wearing a PLAIN WHITE FUCKING T-SHIRT you'll be on your face too. 

    Sail and Sp0on like this
  4. 2 hours ago, Tyler said:

    Well here's your chance! For a bit extra you can get all of the SP of every Halo game with the MCC. So obv im going to start with Reach and play all the way through to Halo 4 and then probably main Halo 3 MP.

    100% getting this when it releases. Hopefully its not a hunk of junk with terrible optimization

    Tyler likes this
  5. On 2/25/2019 at 11:38 AM, Juan Lei said:

    Well guess i'll make one of these ,

    Well most of the people i got to know over the past few years already know what's going on, pretty much getting surgery done on my right arm wednesday and the recovery time after surgery is 3-6 months.. so i won't be able to play anymore for that time being but i will try to get back though anyways it's been fun seeing the servers more populated again still the crashes oof .. xD i blame gnashes 100% btw

    @bballmajic @Henry Facesmasher @Hank3 
    You mofo's better still play when my arm gets better though ready to do some more meth XD

    @Defragments @Raza @Hugo Stiglitz @Virrx

    And everyone from imperium it's been fun so far stop playing apex legends though for real <.< and virxx i hope they add a BH shop in therisa before you buy a house there and fill it with 30 po7's 300 zipties and 300 redgul... smh some gangs don't learn 

    @Bazzajack @Russell* @KrazyKnight @Gregg @WolfLeader 

    Was fun having you guys chase me around getting speedbombed and shit xD spent my last money sui vesting bazza, russel i was in prison for 8 minutes before nv broke me out so HAH , wolf stop being so fucking nice so i don't feel bad shooting you , krazy i will 50 cal you again some day , and gregg thanks for being cool and giving me a way reduced ticket because of what's going on even though i didn't accept it i appreciated the thought

    i know there's alot more people i should tag alot of ppl that made asylum fun and worth sticking around for throughout all the server crashes but i can't tag anymore ppl because broken forums and game is broken :shrug:

    Well this is the end result of my going away weekend hanging with my friends burning my money blowing my ifrits with speed bombs lol Hopefully see you guys again soon.


    I loved the "11 counts of Explosive  Terrorism" part lololol. 

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