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  1. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Ofek in Again, Locking it doesnt make it wrong.   
    Well , after the "nv wave" when they got unbanned afterwards , admins are sure that if they ban someone , he deserved to be banned .They have something you don't , proofs and admin cam . they know better than us , cause you or me cant tell if someone is cheating most of the times . [unless he is going ham or did some sketchy ass shit] .
    i fought against aidzo and he did some sketchy ass shit , cant tell he is cheating for sure tho , cause arma can be sketchy sometimes.
    HOWEVER , there are still some cases when i see bans are not justfied , and they are not even giving a chance to be unbanned - every admin ignores you . 

    about the salt , dude , every community has shit talking in it , even in real sport . dont complain about it .
  2. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Seán That Irish Guy in Pete Za Rollz Live   
    *spills brew for dead homie*
  3. Zoex liked a post in a topic by PeteZaRollz in Pete Za Rollz Live   
    Been taking a break from Asylum lately and playing other shit 
    But hopefully this new modded server will bring some hype back in me to play/stream it.
    If you want to check out my shit stream or any of the Wu Tang Fam come kick it some time.

  4. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Sneaky in The Dawn of a New Era   
       I got a fresh hamburger here, delicious right off of the grill. I have some lettuce and tomato along with a slice of cheese. This thing is dripping with flavor and i must take a bite. I click on the video and take that first bite, the flavor is beyond.. welp i spit out the burger from laughing so hard.
    1) How much do i need to pay in order to make a special fucking appearance?
    2) Can this please be a weekly thing? These videos are always on point and bring comedic relief to shit going on in the community.
    PS - I will be coming over to your house bilal to collect compensation for my food. TY
  5. Zoex liked a post in a topic by HapHazard in The Dawn of a New Era   
    They have a lot of time on their hands. lol
  6. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Poltergeist in Change Log 6.6.5   
    I'm down for this. Chevy Tahoes like below too, please?

  7. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Killswitch in Hypocrisy   
    This is why I rarely ban players for RDM/VDM in game while I am playing. If anything, I will just send them an ingame text message reminding them to make sure they are properly initiating role play. 
    The only people I will ban on the spot are the combat loggers, because they are scum.

    Phew! I am pretty sure I didn't make your list
  8. Zoex liked a post in a topic by HapHazard in Hypocrisy   
    Is it considered Abuse when they rightfully ban someone, even though the person banned thinks they are innocent? There are no 2 situations the same, every video that comes across our desks is different in many ways, which is why you may have the opinion that two "identical" situations were handled differently. In my almost 2 years as an Admin here, I have yet to see two reports that are "Very Similar".

    Contrary to the belief of those who think they've been wronged, we use the other Admins as Sounding Boards for bans and for 2nd, third, fourth (it goes on) opinions on things that aren't super obvious on a report. Many times myself, I've had something pointed out that was initially missed, which completely changed the way the report is handled.

    Remember, we are all human after all. Mistakes have, can and will be made. Whether you agree with your ban or not, if you approach the situation with rage and anger, there is a good chance you won't be heard the way you would like to be heard. I understand it can be difficult, but witholding your anger and rage, and approching with a calm, mature demeanor in order to explain your side of the situation respectfully will get you a lot farther then you would think.

    Its a lot easier to deal with someone when they aren't screaming and yelling at you, or typing in CAPS for that matter.
    We do have checks and balances in place, trust me(Which is easier for me to say, then for you to do). Our job is to try and make this community enjoyable for everyone who logs in to the servers, and occasionally feathers will be ruffled, its the nature of what we're doing here.

  9. Zoex liked a post in a topic by HapHazard in Holy shit have you guys visited the identity forums?   
    all that suspense for that crap?

  10. Sheriff Rick Grimes liked a post in a topic by Zoex in Suggestion for mods used...   
    Undoubtedly I can't wait for an actual modded server, TRYK's outfits are being used on many modded servers and I love it, really hope we'll have it on Asylum.
  11. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Rodrigo in Delivery Missions?   
    Parcel is much easier, smaller crate, cheaper heli to use  And yes u can scroll wheel on the sign and deliver the mission without landing, some dps its a bit hard to do it. But eventually you learn the good spots to hover over the sign.
  12. Zoex liked a post in a topic by IndianapolisJones in Howdy   
    You catch on quick
  13. IndianapolisJones liked a post in a topic by Zoex in Howdy   
    Not a single word about your cat 
  14. Sojobo liked a post in a topic by Zoex in Sojobo Appreciation Thread   
    Hey lets not forget he did it before! Snorejobo

    I like when he drops connection every two seconds because of the village internet.
  15. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Sojobo in Sojobo Appreciation Thread   

  16. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Sean // Fitty Bread in Admins in asylum ts server...   
    Jigawatt usually messages me almost instantly, other than that I usually just sit and message any admin I see while in the channel and I get my stuff done pretty quick ;D
  17. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Mr Smirnoff in Admins in asylum ts server...   
    we would need to build the whole infrastructure for that because right now we only have full access to everything or no access. So would need to build a system for support staff that would only be able to do certain things and there is just no will or resources to do that. It would be cool tho
    We also have conservative admins and liberal admins so there is always resistance to change. Some like more admins and some want no new admins etc.
  18. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Treeherder in Police Loadouts   
    The sting was good against armor when the downing script was broken and before Bohemia changed the relations of armor to damage in the nexus update.  Against a carrier light the sting does 1 damage per shot up until about the 6 th shot. As for the TRG, it is simply an inferior version of the mk20. 
  19. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Hilde in Hello? ...its me   
    As in, am I Bastian Schweinsteiger? No.  Or a particular person named "schweini" that played on this server? Nope.

    But I do like Schweinsteiger very much as a role model. hes my favourite player 
    I wasn't so much part of Arma2 communities, only early on development porting scripts over from Arma. The majority of my time was put into the original Arma... much before Arma2. I was friends with a group of developers including Deadfast, Un4given, and others... that actually helped establish and create the original scripts the "Life" mod series. Our development was revolutionary back then and established "Persistent saves". Essentially the birth of the "Life" mod on Arma series.

    Heres a video from my friends youtube at the time, our development videos... This particular video we were testing siren sounds and getting a light to flash. Which back then... was a big deal
  20. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Hilde in Hello? ...its me   
    Hello, I guess I should introduce myself. I've been around Asylum Life for a couple months but never introduced myself or been active on the forums until recently.
    I'm 26, So I've been playing Arma and the affiliated Operation flashpoint ever since I was a kid. I've played on Asylum under alias such as Hilde, Hildy, Waffen, Cuthallion, Valaduil and Andy.
    Historically, when Arma was released in 2007 and the Arma mods started circulating, I was involved in the in-game development and was an active Admin of the original Arma-RPG server, the original Sahrani life mod which has spawned much of what Arma Life is today. I spent possibly +3500 hours into Arma and dedicated much of my time to Admin duties and developing in game features and map based creations in RealTime Editor.
    After Arma 2 was released I was briefly involved in a start up server for a couple months, but I never ended up dedicating as much time into Arma2, only doing small development. My job, and real life commitments made my Arma experience almost strictly based back to a tactical first person shooter play style and the Dayz Mod.
    Its only been in the last couple months that I've re-kindled the journey back to Arma Life, finding some time out of my day to play.
    So far I've really enjoyed being here, and really enjoy from what I've seen, the police force and the admins. So cheers guys to the days ahead, and thanks to the community for continually keeping Arma alive!
  21. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Atmosphere in Change Log 6.6.4   
    never. Would be like backpacks in houses for rebels.
  22. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Jessie Slaughter in Hi   
    Staring Baka and Deazy this time LOLOL
  23. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Snatch in APD Staff Meeting! - 2pm CST 2/13/16   
    I'm just going to put this out there. The issue with this meeting is going to be that many of the Lieutenants are not comfortable openly sharing their opinions for fear of retribution in the way of points, demotion, or fear of effecting future promotion. Much like a trial by jury, I believe you first need to have the Lieutenants have a separate meeting without any Sergeants nor Captains in order to air their grievances in confidence. If there are sufficient concerns among those Lieutenant then it is possible that they could take vote and any actions they feel necessary as a combined group. Then there needs to be spokesperson agreed among the Lieutenants to speak for the group as a whole and disseminate said concerns. 
  24. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Paratus in Change Log 6.6.4   
    Added a new phone system where you can open voice/text communications directly with another player. Greatly improved the side channel voice block. Fixed several occurrences where your weapon fire-mode would get reset. The list of items when picking up objects will now remain stable.  
    Fixed VOIP restriction on side chat and it'll be far more effective than previously. Removed option to disable sidechat from settings UI menu. Added settings UI option to disable your phone ring tone. You can now press 8 when receiving a phone call to ignore it. With the change in side channel, I was able to increase the number of simultaneous phone calls on the server by more than double. Updated the new phone call icon. Expanded max number of icons which can show on the phone UI. Fixed bug which caused the lockpick scroll option to not show reliably. Alcohol will now be seized properly.
  25. Zoex liked a post in a topic by Bilal Battu in Section F, Number 5   
    Story time. I was a cadet and was eligible for my ride along. I requested Durga. It was a 3 hour ride along and it fucking sucked. However I made constable and I believe Durga made me a better cop overall. Love him or hate him I still believe he was a superior captain than what we have. That being said we have re-edited the video to include him:
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