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Gang thread recruitment update.


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Hello all,

If youd like to keep your gang thread open for banter and recruitment. Simply put banter welcome in your thread title. Under no circumstances will the support team or administration team assist you in cleaning up your thread when you become upset. 




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7 hours ago, Mayhem said:

The OP should be able to edit the post and title, if not, create a new thread :) until the titles are updated. Clean up crew is here

you're an idiot get something better to do with your time.

7 hours ago, Leady said:

InB4 my inbox is full of "CAN YOU CLEAN THIS UP DO UR JOB!"

We haven't asked you before and we won't ever in the future idk why your forcing moderation on threads that don't need it 

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Lol. You guys still cant make up your mind. I love how some of the most vocal people on this issue, are some of the very same people who have contributed to a few pages of reporting post on their gang recruitment. Either way, it's the internet. If you want to have a open thread to banter about your gang and you want to do it on your gangs thread. That's fine. But we will continue to moderate the tards on ones who wish to keep it to recruitment only. Further question about a thread on a forums is going a bit far. End of story. Good luck

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