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New civilian/rebel activity


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Please add the Milwaukee FUEL M18 Sawzall to Rebel Outposts.
This tool will allow civilians to interact with unsupervised vehicles, start an interact bar, and disable the vehicle while stealing an item (catalytic converter) that may be sold.
I imagine different tiers, like that of an Ifrit being worth more than one from a potato hatch.
If you get chopped, your vehicle's max speed is permanently lowered.


Crossfade, Djmon, Sjuol and 11 others like this
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On 11/28/2023 at 12:23 AM, Chris Peacock said:

This is dumb. Permanently hindering someone else’s vehicle and it being unable to be repaired is worse than it just being chopped

Maybe don't make it permanent then? What about 300% increased repair time on vehicles which had its part stolen. It would still be impactful yet offer a solution for those effected by it. Maybe people will buy the alarms more often on civ if you do this. 

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100% a boss fucking suggestion, would be hilarious tbh...

but I see what @.Nathan means by a money printer.

Few tweaks ive thought of.


maybe adding a 5minute timer between each theft. 

parts weigh half your inventory, and the tool/s are heavy too. so you can only steal one before selling, Unable to store in houses.

If the owner of the vehicle has an alarm/tracker and you try to steal parts then it sends a message to the APD of the location and gives them the ability to track them for the next X amount of time.

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24 minutes ago, Crossfade said:

100% a boss fucking suggestion, would be hilarious tbh...

but I see what @.Nathan means by a money printer.

Few tweaks ive thought of.


maybe adding a 5minute timer between each theft. 

parts weigh half your inventory, and the tool/s are heavy too. so you can only steal one before selling, Unable to store in houses.

If the owner of the vehicle has an alarm/tracker and you try to steal parts then it sends a message to the APD of the location and gives them the ability to track them for the next X amount of time.

5 mins is nothing it will take that long to sale, another problem is storing them in the house. This seems funny and cool but it would just turn into a grief fest or made so hard to do it is never used and we wasted dev time. I just feel like there a better suggestions and things for devs to be spending there time on instead of this.

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Also if you collect enough car parts (like 10+) you should be able to take it to black market and make a car or frit with them

10 hours ago, .Nathan said:

I feel like this will just be a money printer and a way for people to grief others.

I'm already in favor of it you dont need to sell it to me

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