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15 minutes ago, twistt said:

Don't consider admins APD, 70% of the time they're just cucking everyone and not caring about RP


9 minutes ago, bigjohn561 said:

Get used to it...  This is asylum and  apd  has no rp 

Yes, the best time to sit and have a chat with someone, right in the middle of what appears to be a fed. Classic.

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Just now, Destrah said:


Yes, the best time to sit and have a chat with someone, right in the middle of what appears to be a fed. Classic.


15 minutes ago, Morgan Echo said:

Maybe not try to turn yourself in an area where theirs a firefight?:thinking:

1) done it before 2) called them all on the phone 3) went to pygros air and athria hq

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27 minutes ago, Reapered said:

fricken admins dood!!!!!!


tried to turn yourself in during a fed and you're surprised they ignored you? 



All I said is don't judge the APD based on admins, if he had walked up to a constable-sergeant they would've just said casually you know theres a fed going on leave us alone or if they did restrain them at least not forget about them. Leady wasn't on swat so it's not that bad to take 3 minutes out of the fed to talk to someone with a 47k bounty

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7 hours ago, C0NN0R said:

takes 2 seconds to do parole

I can assure you that it should take longer than 2 seconds with a 47k bounty. The APD should NOT just hand out parole, you should be searched and questioned about your charges before being issued parole, and that is only going to happen if you give a decent RP story about your charges... Furthermore if it was me, I do give parole however you are far more likely to just get a pardon if your RP is good, I don't agree with using parole to take the easy way out.

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27 minutes ago, <Jake> said:

I can assure you that it should take longer than 2 seconds with a 47k bounty. The APD should NOT just hand out parole, you should be searched and questioned about your charges before being issued parole, and that is only going to happen if you give a decent RP story about your charges... Furthermore if it was me, I do give parole however you are far more likely to just get a pardon if your RP is good, I don't agree with using parole to take the easy way out.

this guy gets it

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How nice, You edited out the VON. Yelling "Lethal me Leady, Shoot me Leady, I'm wanted Lethal Me" Isn't asking for Parole for one. 2nd there was an active Fed with 2 shooters in telos. I was killed shortly after restraining. Re-spawned to Air HQ to find it had been taken over. After a short fight and a suicide vest I re-spawned to Athira and again attempted to retake air HQ. At that point you had become a distant memory. Pro tip - Dont follow a cop into an active fire fight yelling to be lethal'd. #getwrekdnerd

Atra, Sp0on, Volunteer281 and 9 others like this
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Was just about to say, sure would be nice to actually HEAR what you were saying. 

So let me see if I got this right. Please correct me if I am wrong. 

1.) Roll up to an active firefight and chase down a cop

2.) Demand to get lethaled and basically troll the cop while he is trying to deal with a Fed

3.) Get sent to jail by a Bounty Hunter trying to make money (And actually turning in a bounty that doesn't CL...you probably made his day)

4.) ??? 

5.) Come to the forums with a heavily edited video saying the APD sucks. 


Did I miss anything? No? Ok. So please in the future, don't come here and shit talk what happened to you when it was your own damn fault and then provide bullshit evidence deliberately edited to make you seem like the victim of some tin foil hat conspiracy. 


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On 5/28/2017 at 1:52 AM, twistt said:

Don't consider admins APD, 70% of the time they're just cucking everyone and not caring about RP

Let me try to break a few things down for you since you don't have a brain.


A. Admins are regular people in game. If they want to fuck you over and it's not against the rules - deal with it pussy. Don't expect any special treatment , they do enough already.


B. This isn't critical gaming, its a softcore rp server focused on combat due to the requests of the players over the years.


C. Leady was clearly in the middle of a situation with someone running in his face, obviously he restrained him. Blame the bounty hunter.

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11 hours ago, Sugarfoot said:

If they want to fuck you over and it's not against the rules - deal with it pussy

We try to make it a point to not "fuck anyone over". That being said, we do enjoy throwing the occasional wrench in peoples drug running/collecting attempts. And we all enjoy hunting you down and stealing your redgull. 

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