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  1. Past hour
  2. quadruple the sale prices of everything this server is dead and mostly because me and my compadres rob everyone and then they get all butthurt and sad and then leave the server. quadruple the sale prices so they dont feel so disheartened when they lose 1 run that took them an hour and a half to do. for example, we robbed this lord4 dude for 1.4mil and he never rejoined the game again 😂😂 https://my.gaming-asylum.com/profile/search?pid=76561198063226610 https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/1161673457?servers[3267120]=3M and its not like you can remove "robbing players" from the game so you can at least make it not hurt so bad when they get robbed.
  3. Today
  4. Mini was genuinely one of the nicest people I ever met from Asylum. Countless hours spent playing UC drinking and laughing. Mini was one of the good ones and I am so sorry for your loss Levi, You both are in my thoughts and prayers. May you rest in peace Mini.
  5. RACE BAITING. No one cares that you're Asian, you just have sucky ping. This isn't an Asian thing, it's an internet thing. Any White, Black, Asian, etc. player can achieve the same result simply by downloading a game or finding ways to make their internet worse. If I put my setup out in my fucking garage I'm sure I could go ping for ping with some of your guys.
  6. Yeah, LOL. Like WOW, man. I'd be pissed if I was fighting this guy.
  7. How about no. That sounds retarded .. jk i aint toxic like that.. A very similar idea was suggested but denied a year or so ago.
  8. ya had to have been there...
  9. usually I side with the chinese but these clips are bad.
  10. i mean it does though. I have more clips I can find these are just all the ones I have uploaded
  11. Had to stop by to spread the R.I.P.
  12. RIP mini... Sometimes life just fucks you. Lost a good guy. Really hope there is an afterlife and he's there living it up.
  13. Obviously, the person in these three videos is the same person. This is just an individual and cannot represent all Asian players.
  14. This seems to have gotten off topic, at this point we don’t have any desire to make someone be able to break into someone’s house. A small event thing like this might be possible with some of the other pieces we have in game currently. if you wanna get someone out of a house, blow it up
  15. I own the industrial shed closest to Ivans, might sell it for the right price. add my discord if you want to get ahold of me quicker: fruitloop
  16. Lets get a ratio on how much time spent farmersville hides in their houses these days vs the amount of time you stay in your house irl, touch some grass faggot.
  17. The only players this would inconvenience is the rats that sit in their houses all day aka farmersville It would make everyone’s else’s lives a lot easier
  18. I think Asylum should minimize the amount of updates that would inconvenience any current or new players for quite some time so as to not kill off the remainder of its player base but that's just my two cents.
  19. Yesterday
  20. We have added pretty much every uniform to the game outside some that give insane armor. And dont worry @Scruggs is chained up in the basement making skins
  21. I would say no also it would cause more problems than fun. I do think vortex is right though about there needing to be a way to reach players who lock themselves in homes on civ and just sniper elite. Obviously normal lockpicks would be to OP but if a new item was added or bolt cutters were used with an animation timer as he said that would be ideal. Say a 90 sec -120 sec timer to bolt cut the door and once the door has been bolt cut then a 2 min cooldown before the doors can relocked by the owner to prevent trapping/trolling. And perhaps say a 5 min cooldown or so in between bolt cutting on the same house to prevent griefing/harrassment.
  22. showScriptErrors launch parameter
  23. lmao he's saying this to take away their rival chinese gang's money
  24. I don’t think we are gonna be seeing many of these tages anymore. Pretty sure he asked me to vote for his csgo team on steam…. o7
  25. Bro is spittin. Oil is god damn useless unless ur a crafter
  26. Please get me some LV granits with a flashy rollex
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