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APD Officer
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  1. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by J.Fett in 2v6 against R   
    Jesus... how weren't you shot out of that ifrit? 

    Also, obligatory from the salt:
  2. J.Fett liked a post in a topic by BurninSeagul in 2v6 against R   
    This video just makes me facepalm when I see johnny killing me. Convo after he shot.
    "Nice shot fucking johnny"
    "Thank burnin!" 
  3. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by What zit tooya in Whoops...   
  4. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by R4N9A in Plebtage 3   
    Sorry the pleb kills guys
  5. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Tyrone hugh in How to hot drop   
    lessons are 10 dollars usd
  6. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Yenii in Turn Down   
    fucking amateur you buy the mag, then the rook you dweeb.
  7. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Drew in Insanity has learned the way of Teleportation   
    oops you caught me. my real name is desync.

  8. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by TheCrestedPenguin in Last Montage </3   
    jesus stratis shots, how long have you been sitting on this footage?
    also 10/10 to reload tracers at 1:58 instead of shooting him with lethals
  9. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Scott in Pyrgos to Kavala - A Time lapse   
    I'll do it for 1 mil
  10. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by J.Fett in First Montage   
    Valykrie " I traded"
  11. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Gatorade in Diagrams of the Crime Scene   
    Ive been Starting to Suspect there is some foul play on the murders of Mr. Sugarfoot. I had a professional artist scetch the scene of the crime.


  12. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Jamal in Twelve Monkeys Montage   
     I think 12 monkeys won this one boys @Alec-I
  13. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by HomeTrlx in I'm done   

  14. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Teddy_ in Drug ticket   
    So more money hungry cops play ? and people start camping drug fields ? ... hmmm how about no thank you,
    i like it the way it is honestly if you catch someone doing drugs and charge them with it they can still come up with a good RP story to entertain you, but if you just slam on like a 50k increase to their bounty it demoralizes their will to RP at all just feels like you're out there for the money instead of RP 
  15. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Binder in Boost Money Yield   
    This is so true, making money as a civilian can be incredibly boring when there isn't that much of a payout, or even worse, when there's no interaction with other players. The only real way to make money for civs are cartels, and for the majority of people playing on the server it's almost impossible to capture one.
  16. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Feenix in Boost Money Yield   
    Fresh Players.
    They first join the server with 0 talents , and very little money just enough for a car and some gear. (All Fine).They have no idea how this server works and how the talent system may work but they proceed to go to the weed field and make some slim money which is fine because Weed is at the bottom of the spectrum. But while they do weed they collect talents over time and able to do more beneficial drugs like cocaine, meth or heroin.
    But this is the
    Now these players are progressing making cash  they get robbed multiple times and get caught by the police. Now this player is at the mid game and is just grinding money for houses or rebel loadout. A single offroad meth run takes around 20-30 minutes. and only makes you around 25-30k. In Rebel terms: "barely a fucking loadout". A Box truck run makes you around 45-50k  but takes about around an hour. That's barely 2 loadout s..A Hemmet Run Solo takes about an hour and 30 minutes which is around 130k probably making it out with no one messing with you is very unlikely.
    Right now vermin runs are worth way more and 10x faster than any other drugs. Giving us no good payout for drugs will result in no one doing drugs.
      Don't make this game a job... Make it fun. Reason why pre 6.0 was so good because people had fun seeing all the money they were making with cocaine runs/meth runs and enjoyed it.  When I first joined cocaine was 10/10 . Now it's a fucking ghost town. I haven't seen a single person do a cocaine run in ages. I've sat at meth lab for a whole restart and didn't even see a car, only police.
    All I'm saying is boost prices of drugs , for all this time you grind you deserve to have fun and see how much money you receive .
    I understand you could cap at cartel but when you  don't  even have a house this is the only thing you may resort too.
    @bamf @KBW @Paratus @Motown
  17. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Tusken Raider in Add Gasoline   
    I think that a new legal way we could make money is by gasoline. It would go you get oil from the oil rig, take it to a refinery(new place on map). Here you would separate the oil, then you process the "new gasoline" to make it a complete product for cars or process it again like meth for helicopter grade fuel. Now this might take a lot of steps to do, but it would be cool depending on how much gas is made for cars or helicopters change the fuel prices when refueling. So if plenty of people are doing it just for the higher end fuel helicopter fuel would be dirt cheap but car fuel would be extremely expensive since no one is making the cheaper kind. 
    Just an idea I thought of and the supply and demand for changing fuel prices might be too realistic for this server not really sure.
  18. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Mayhem in Donations?   
    well for one, the server keeps running, should be good enough
  19. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Reformed epTic in Who will be the new moderators?   
    I'm cheaper than a hooker in Thailand. 
  20. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by Reformed epTic in Who will be the new moderators?   
    They're active and do not have a busy life where they can't log in and deal with issues at least once a day - I'm on the forums 12 hours a day, check.  Friendly and professional - Friendly? No. Professional? Yes.  Fluent in English - Ni Hao Has experience in the admin role either previously first handed or second hand - Czech em. 
      Eptic 4 admin

    I'd be the most active admin this site has ever seen. 
  21. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by william in FSA got DESTroyed   
    Your so fucking retarded its unreal...
  22. BurninSeagul liked a post in a topic by ZachBauer in When s4 APD is watching a real life standoff in LA   
    for the second time because he wanted to throw a hissy fit...... DS Billy gets credit for this post(whiny little brit)
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