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Ethan Darrell

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Everything posted by Ethan Darrell

  2. Keep piping up you’ll find yourself on a first class ride to visit your brothers at the bottom of the ocean I am sure the fish are nibbling on there skeletons by now
  3. These China Men have been out of control, They would have never did this when i was a admin they knew the consequences.
  4. Yeah @Big Gay Jayis a heinous cheater he uses admin esp and is just spinning please ban can’t take it anymore dudes kills my whole gang in smoke please asylum admins take action
  5. Bump did you forget how to doddle?
  6. Nerd Raging over someone cheating on a 8 year old game is quite literally the definition of cringe
  7. Name one thing you have ever accomplished in your life besides still living in your parents house lol they are begging for the day you OD on those antidepressants you are taking you fucking loser take your moms mini van out an crash into a fucking pole and please make sure you go through the front windshield
  8. Daddy Chrome❤️ #Cantbestopped
  9. Yeah change this cringe Dogshit cap no one wanted this cap to began with
  10. Legs don’t work but them hands do SHESHHHHHH!!!
  11. I can hear the two by fours he has for teeth just clacking as he talks
  12. What happen to you boys your getting ban on Koth for cheating and our pocket admin is using esp to kill people on domination smh you guys turned into such misfits!! ITS BREAKING MY HEART 💔
  13. You boys aren’t safe anymore no more PayPal unbans even though when it was me Unbans were free for the homies 😎
  14. Aren’t you permed ban? 👨🏿‍🦯👨🏿‍🦯
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