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APD Officer
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  1. warmwatermelon liked a post in a topic by Azeh in V2 is the new HALF LIFE 3   
    You don't think we want it out as much as you do? I haven't played regulary in about 6 months or more, mainly because of server lag. While I have no idea how much money the servers are generating, Clint/Jesse need donations in order to pay the server costs - and I would assume the past few months haven't looked too great.
    However, we can't release it without certain necessities. Last week it looked like we'd have it ready for Wednesday. Some things took longer than expected, plus we came across some rough issues that required fixing, pushing back other necessary work.

    Friday morning when we went to bed, our to-do list (things that are a requirement) basically looked like this:
    - Player textures (config is done, code part isn't)
    - Clean-up script (about halfway finished)
    - House selling
    - Gang talents (they're there but don't sync/save. Should be fairly quick though).
    Currently the list is still the same because I try to leave most stuff that is to some degree serverside/network dependant to Jesse and his time has been occupied since Friday. 
    With Jesse's work schedule we can't release on a weekend incase something major goes wrong (not type features not working, but database stuff and such).
    We had some admins hop on for a couple of hours last night to test a few things and near the end, client fps was substantially decreased (like 30-50 fps in Pyrgos HQ, depending on people's PC specs). I'm not entirely sure what the cause of it is, but I changed a couple of things afterwards. I have my doubts that it's fixed but we'll see later today. Goes without saying that it's crucial to fix before launch.
  2. warmwatermelon liked a post in a topic by Samperino in Role Play on the APD   
    What is role play?
    Role-playing is the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role.
    So what's your point?
    Over time, the role play quality of on-duty officers has gone down.
    The APD
    The APD is the backbone of role play on Asylum's Altis Life. All officers on duty (and preferably off duty) are expected to uphold a higher level of quality in how they act while playing on Asylum. The blufor faction (Cop, APD) is whitelisted, which means it is a privilege and not a right to be able to play on it.
    Somewhere down the line, role play made its way to the back seat and became more about making money and shooting guns. While that's all good and fun, role play while on duty needs to be at the forefront at all times.
    The APD is not a gang. Good aim and combat awareness is definitely a plus, but is never required and is never put above your ability to talk to people.
    The issues
    There are lots of issues that have crept up over time, including but not limited to:
    Full, or near full tickets for well thought out role play (explaining charges, etc) Poor treatment of civilians who put effort into their character Shooting before talking (APD hands up... bang bang bang) Bleeping sirens to initiate and shoot as soon as possible While technically these aren't necessarily against any APD policy (barring severe circumstances), they are definitely frowned upon.
    The solution(s)
    There's no easy solution.
    To start off, and effective immediately, any lack of role play or failure to role play will be dealt with harshly by our APD staff. This will require everyone's help to report this behaviour. We need video evidence. We cannot act based off of word of mouth.
    If you are unable to talk to people respectfully with no bias, the APD is not for you. This goes for all ranks.
    Civilian role play
    Asylum is a light role play server. Civilians are not required to role play, but when civilians do role play, or put effort into it, they should be rewarded. If role play is rewarded, they will be more likely to put more effort into it again in the future.
    If the cops do not role play, there is a chain reaction that happens.
    Civilian gets into a situation with an APD officer Civilian attempts to role play APD officer is a generic brick wall (issues full, or close to full ticket, or is almost like a robot) Civilian sees that the effort he/she put in didn't pay off Civilian sees no point in role playing in the future Next APD officer interaction, the civilian isn't role playing because role playing doesn't pay off Even if a civilian is not role playing, there is no excuse in not trying to get something out of the civilian.
    Questions or concerns?
    Feel free to post below.
  3. Jihadi Jim liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  4. warmwatermelon liked a post in a topic by Sp0on in V2 - "Official Release Week"   
    As long as it's right you guys can take your time. And for those that are seriously that fucking asshurt over them trying to be thorough with v2 may i suggest that you find a fucking hobby.
  5. warmwatermelon liked a post in a topic by Steve in V2 - "Official Release Week"   
    I'm not one of the original players to Asylum. However I have been playing for a very long time, about 4 1/2 years. In all that time I've seen Asylum at its best and where it is right now. Until the ownership change Asylum was on life support, figuratively speaking. It had inactive devs/owners and they didn't listen to the community like our current owners do now. The mission file and whatever else is so unbelievably fucked up and it definitely was not on the road at all to being fixed and now it is. It's closer then it ever has been, and I would put money on it that by the time all of this is finished we will have better performance then what we experienced when Asylum was in it's prime with 4 servers at 100/100 18 hours a day. Whether or not we will ever see those numbers is truly unknown and a dream more then anything. Though I am truly confident it will be more then playable once again.
  6. warmwatermelon liked a post in a topic by Jesse in V2 - "Official Release Week"   
    We've actively been testing stuff ourselves of course and staff members have been testing stuff as well as fit.

    This is a game dude. Not a business. If I didn't have a job and other commitments this would've been done a long time ago. People don't want to be left in the dark, so I try to give the best possible estimates that I can. I said the date was not set in stone. We're trying very hard to keep to our commitment. If you were here in the days of Paratus, you would be thankful. We could just leave you all in the dark forever and then just randomly drop something. We're trying to be involved with community as far as active development of things go. I mean we can just stop communicating and you can all wonder. We're trying our best for a group of people working on this, especially when THIS IS NOT OUR JOB. It's merely a hobby. My real life stuff comes first 100% of the time. I use to put Arma in front of that stuff and I got to a real shitty point in my life. Never again.
    See above.
  7. warmwatermelon liked a post in a topic by Azeh in V2 - "Official Release Week"   
    But.. we can?
  8. warmwatermelon liked a post in a topic by Jesse in V2 - "Official Release Week"   
    We're currently working around the clock on it basically. We'll see where we're at tomorrow. We wipe a few things off the list and several more pop up. Nearly all server code has been re-written for current stuff in. Also, a lot has changed clientside code wise to improve readability, functionality, and making stuff more scale-able.
    However, we are in my opinion about 24hrs - 36hrs behind where I expected to be. Not necessarily that many development hours, just a day and a half behind schedule. Which is pretty good considering I gave the week almost a month ago. It does look like we may need to push it to release next mid-week (Which if we do that, we'll release with the contact stuff and such at the same time). However, we could do it Saturday. Really depends how our testing continues and what we realize we're forgetting and what is missing as we go. I also work Sat-Mon, so I'd really rather not release it then leave for work in the event issues crop up while I'm working, I wouldn't be able to do anything.

    You can see below we literally have timestamps at all times of day... 3AM, 4AM, 12PM, 1PM, etc...

  9. Mitch ifrit is a bitch liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  10. EthanS liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  11. Sp0on liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  12. Tyler liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    I really like all the suggestions in this thread, I think that bounty having a role in amount of infamy gained makes sense and would be a great incentive for players to rack up high bounties and will have players making more risky decisions.
  13. Gagss liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  14. warmwatermelon liked a post in a topic by Judg3 in Crafting   
    +1 if this opens the door to picking cotton
  15. warmwatermelon liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    ^ This is actually a good idea. I NEVER run meth or w/e with a bounty simply because it basically increases your chances of getting caught by 5-10 times. But maybe add different bounty thresholds.
    $0 - $25,000 = 1.0x infamy
    $25,001 - $75,000 = 1.1x infamy
    $75,001 - $150,000 = 1.25x infamy
    $150,001+ = 1.5x infamy
    Top 10 bounties on the server = 2.0x infamy or maybe an additive so if you have a 160k bounty add a .25 onto the 1.5x to make it 1.75x or if you have a 15k bounty make it a .05 addition to keep people online at 4am with a 15k bounty from getting 2.0x just because there are no high bounties online and they get a default spot in the most wanted list.
    I definitely feel a system like this would help a lot to make people actually not only run drugs but to do it with a bounty as well and encouraging cops to do old fashioned drug field fights like back in the day and also for rebels to lock them down similar to the Bad Blood meth pass era. You could also add a infamy trade in system where once you have all the rebel infamy talents you can exchange extra infamy for cash etc.
    @Clint Beastwood @Jesse
  16. Scott liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  17. Tarro liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  18. Mauv liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  19. Bag Of Funyuns liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  20. GravL liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  21. Atra liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  22. Tyronee liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  23. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
  24. Dust Runner liked a post in a topic by warmwatermelon in Add 'Most Wanted' List upon login   
    Just a suggestion to add a 'Most Wanted' List to the text that appears when you first log into the server alongside the 'Most Wealthy' list.  This would be the 10 players with the highest current bounties on the server (They wouldn't have to be online at the current moment). I think this would spark a new kind of competition among the civilians and would add a little more spotlight to the infamous rebels around altis.
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