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Should there be a "Sherpa" role for experienced players who want to help new players with the server?


Should there be a "Sherpa" role for experienced players who want to help new players with the server?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Yes or no

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This could be as simple as a mentionable discord role, or even something in game like a variation of the 911 system. I've seen quite a few people asking questions in discord, with not too many people answering them. might be time to look into community support for them rather than administrative support

Edited by GravL
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9 hours ago, GravL said:

This could be as simple as a mentionable discord role, or even something in game like a variation of the 911 system. I've seen quite a few people asking questions in discord, with not too many people answering them. might be time to look into community support for them rather than administrative support

you mean support? maybe if these cunts did more people wouldnt go without responses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Support team have this.
Support team can see in-game admin requests to answer questions
They are mentionable in discord.

I could see an additional button on the phone that is along the lines of "Ask a question". 
I personally don't feel an additional role is needed for this especially considering how little supports really do. 

BlackShot, zdeat, Mayhem and 1 other like this
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