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APD Sergeant
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Posts posted by Olivia

  1. 3 hours ago, Brandon said:

    you would place a tracker so you can bust em again.

    Rhetorical question, my bad.  What I was trying to get at was more like "Why would probable cause be a factor in whether or not you can place a tracker?"

  2. 1 hour ago, Gen. Henry Arnold said:

    Had another constable ask me this question and didn't have a definite answer, so bringing it here.

    Is probable cause required to place a tracker on a civs vehicle?

    Two different Lts. have said opposite answers.

    No you do not need probable cause to place a tracker.  (I used to have a citation for this ruling but that was on the old forums so it was at least 1.5 years old.)

    If you had probable cause in the first place, why even place a tracker on the vehicle instead of just searching it?

  3. 1 hour ago, Nightfury said:

    cops didnt complain about the pyrgos prison for years, especially after swat was added. in fact more cops started complaining that nobody would do prison breaks and that they were bored after the prison was first moved.

    Ohh I'm not so sure about that.  I remember people complaining about the old prison a lot back in the day.  Mostly it was cops complaining that their only option was to make a suicide mission rush down the gauntlet of death that was the bridge.  Then the rebels would complain that all the cops did was rush the bridge or snipe instead of hot drop on the island or swim up.

    I'm not saying either side is right or wrong in their complaints, but people certainly did complain about the old prison.  I think that over time, nostalgia has left a rosy glow on those memories and we tend to remember only the good parts.  Nostalgia is funny like that. ;) 

    Nightfury and MrClean like this
  4. I mostly agree with the current paradigm where it can only be accessed in cars.  Hell, it would make sense to make it accessible from the HQ podium, but accessing it from a phone seems very insecure and I'm not sure it's really needed.

    I've thought for a while that it should be only accessible from the passenger's seat of the car, since the driver shouldn't do that while driving.  Or have it accessible from the driver's seat only when the car isn't moving.

    Scott and George like this
  5. 4 hours ago, Matthew said:

    I'm not sure if anyone has asked this yet and from what i've seen it is no where to be found within the guidebook;

    How are we to deal with people who we issue parole to and then blatantly go out of their way to commit a crime like hit and run or speeding to gain a 1000 dollar charge, they then turn themselves into the officer and ask for a ticket; should we just issue it (removing their parole) even though it is essentially circumventing the point of parole or should we leave them with the bounty until they violate parole?

    Even so, I've seen people (although not directly it's obvious they have just hit their friends while in a car to gain the bounty) run over their friends to break parole, turn themselves in and plead their innocence. Obviously I'm not 100% that they did this, and I have no way to prove it, but it's obvious what they did and I have no other choice but to give them a very reduced ticket/pardon or it could be seen as robocopping to give someone a 20k ticket for supposedly having a 'civllian' jump in front of their vehicle.

    First, a note on the parole mechanics.  To my knowledge, while on parole as civilian: 

    • you cannot turn yourself in to jail at the courthouse nor can you pay a ticket at the courthouse.
    • if you get pardoned by the governor or an APD officer you will lose your parole status.
    • if you pay a ticket from an officer, you will lose your parole status (no matter what your bounty is and no matter the price of the ticket.)
    • you can still switch to medic.  How fun!

    The situation you have listed is definitely a grey area.  You'll see that the Guidebook says "Do not pardon then reissue tickets to place them on parole." so while that might make sense here, you are not allowed to do it.

    If you're unsure if they are intentionally trying to bypass parole, defer to roleplay.  They shouldn't have agreed to parole in the first place without knowing and agreeing to the terms and conditions of parole.  (Therefore they should have known that it would only take a few hit and runs to break parole.)  So ask them if they understood the consequences of parole when they signed up.  Ask them why they weren't more careful or why they didn't avoid driving while on parole.  Reduce their ticket or pardon them if their RP is satisfactory, but if they do not have a good reason, don't feel guilty about issuing a full ticket.  These are the consequences they agreed to!

    If you think they are intentionally trying to get hit and runs only so that they can get off parole quicker, I would say that you should air on the stricter side.  (For example, you could roleplay a charge of "Attempting to Circumvent Parole" and give them a full or only slightly reduced ticket.)  Civilians who explicitly attempt to bypass parole like this should not be encouraged because if everyone can get away with it, then there's no purpose for parole, like you said.

    BlackShot and Matthew like this
  6. 29 minutes ago, Bandit said:

    Yesterday, I was playing as civilian, and was hanging around Kavala HQ. A guy was getting processed, and the cops found drugs on him. He starts claiming that I put them in his backpack, and I was trying to frame him. The officers asked me if this was true, so I said "I give you guys permission to check my pockets for drugs" to keep up with the role play. They then pat me down, and find the SDAR I had in my backpack, and proceed to charge me for it. I was wondering if this was allowed, since I gave them consent to only search me for drugs.

    Good question.

    As a civilian, you may consent to cops searching your wallet only (to check for licenses) or you can consent to cops searching everything (backpack, pockets, vest, wallet, etc.)  You do not have the right to consent to cops searching your person for only one specific item.  (If a civ consents to being searched because they claim they don't have cocaine, but the cop then finds heroin, do you really think the cop is going to ignore that?)

    In this situation, since the cops did not have probable cause prior, you could have simply said: "No I do not have drugs on me, I did not give that civilian drugs, but I do not consent to a search today.  Bye!"

    This has been discussed with Captain DarkKnight therefor it has his stamp of approval.  : )

    George, Sandwich, Midamaru and 2 others like this
  7. 2 minutes ago, Will said:

    When I get round to doing the weapons bit on the Wikipedia If it's useful to identify We can add this. Were just prioritisng getting the Guidebook up again. But if anyone has any good quality images of the weapons or vehicle I would be very grateful. the image size is 200x300px but if you have images larger as long as the scale down that is also fine. :)

    I'm sure you can find pictures of the guns individually on google, but I did create this image with all the guns combined together:




    George likes this
  8. Yeah the 4-Five is lethal only and for LT+ only.  (The P07 is also downing only, with or without the silencer, for the reason Hotwings mentioned above: it's based on the ammo type.)  I wouldn't mind the 4-Five being downing only but I'm not sure how the devs would feel.

    If you want to seem more approachable in Kavala, try keeping your rifle not just lowered, but fully holstered on your back.  Or you could put your rifle inside your vehicle before you get out of the car (so that it's within reach if you need it but civs won't know that you have it.)  Or keep a battle buddy with you who has a bigger gun. 

    However patrolling with pistol only is a risk, and that's your decision to make.  The civs find you approachable probably because you only have a P07 and not a 4-Five.

    BlackShot likes this
  9. You guys tease, but this information is actually helpful for newer players.

    When I was making my legal/illegal gun guide, I got so many requests for images of what all the guns look like (because newer players couldn't distinguish an SDAR from a Katiba etc.)  It may be easy for you vets, but if you're a new player or a career cop I promise you won't have the time to inspect a suicide vest up close before you turn into minced meat ; )

    {-M-}, Crossfade, Atlas1 and 3 others like this
  10. 6 hours ago, Brandon said:

    recently saw this. 

    so in this event can we search the tents.

    and whats the rule in searching a tent in general

    @Olivia @DarkKnight?

    Tents are a rarity, hence the reason they aren't covered in the Guidebook at all. 

    I would say that you should treat them like vehicles.  (Meaning if you have probable cause to search the owner of the tent, then you have probable cause to search their tent.)

    However if you can't be entirely certain who the owner of the tent is, then it becomes a roleplaying aptitude test.  As the Guidebook says, all grey areas regarding probable cause should be approached with legitimate roleplay.  Investigate the situation using RP: see if you can get someone to admit to being the owner or see if you can RP them into letting you into the tent.  If they "outplay" you on the RP battlefield, then defer to the roleplay's outcome and don't search. 

    So for example, if they can RP that the tent isn't theirs, they just found the tent there, and the tent is sewn shut, then go with the roleplay outcome.  In situations like this, roleplaying becomes a sort of "who can do improv comedy best" competition, which I personally find really interesting and fun.  You'll have a lot of really fun experiences when you approach situations like this, have fun with it.  : )

  11. 25 minutes ago, Danny said:


    So it really is that we go to weed field, bust a weed runner, search him and the cannabis is not showing as contraband. The guy had no bounty what so ever, it means we just searched a guy without probable cause. Do we get in trouble for that, or we just consider weed field as buggy feature and look the other way when stuff like that happens?

    If you are uncertain if cannabis is legal or not, try to RP with the civilian (that you need to check if the APD classifies this strain of cannabis as legal or not, etc.) and then search them ONLY to check if cannabis is legal.  So this would mean you should ignore all other illegal contraband they have on them. 

    If you told the civ that you are only searching to check the legality of cannabis (and to check if the system is bugged) it is okay to search without probable cause.  Just don't use this as a chance to charge them for whatever other illegal items you may find on them.  (I personally would just avoid the weed field if I were uncertain if it was legal or not, to be sure that I was not infringing on their rights.  But it is also okay to search them to verify this.  If it's legal, let them go.  If it's not, you have probable cause anyways.)

    If you have to break RP to make sure all parties are on the same page, then do what you have to.  You shouldn't get in trouble if you're intentions are good and clear.  Play fair and have fun.  :)

    Sandwich, George and Danny like this
  12. 1 hour ago, massi said:

    Sometimes the weed field is red however there is a marijuana dispensary on the map that is green and sometimes both are green. How does one know if weed is legal or not? Is it only if the dispensary is green or does the field have to be green in addition to the dispensary for cannabis to be considered legal making it so that officers do not get probably cause at the weed field? 

    Unfortunately the weed field and dispensary have always been a little buggy when it comes to how they're displayed on the map.  Usually the cop who logged on to the server most recently will see the most "correct" info on the map. 

    However the only REAL way to tell if weed is legal or not is to search a civilian and see if the cannabis shows up as contraband or not.

  13. 2 hours ago, Crasher2003 said:

    If marijuana is legal and I am having a few marijuanas to treat my PTSD am I wrong?

    Possession and use of medical marijuana is always legal and encouraged!!  Getting stoned can do wonders for many psychological problems and you have the right as a citizen to self medicate using medical marijuana.  

    However if officers see that you are smoking (by seeing the colored smoke cloud above your head), they may search you only to verify that the marijuana on your person is the legal medical marijuana.  Non-medical marijuana, however, is never legal.

    (Note: the charge of Public Intoxication ($100) is only applied when citizens use "non-Medical Marijuana in public spaces.")

    Remember, when weed is legal:

    • The weed field is now a legal zone (meaning being there no longer gives cops probable cause.)
    • Cannabis (un-processed marijuana) is now legal to harvest and possess. 
    • The marijuana processor and drug dealer are still illegal zones (and will give cops probable cause if you are found there.)
    • Non-medical marijuana (that you get from processing cannabis at the weed processor and not the dispensary) is still illegal. 
    • Medical marijuana is always legal.
    BlackShot likes this
  14. 45 minutes ago, Mike Santamaria said:

    1. Yes, anything pertaining shooting someone, lethal or no lethal falls over RDM rule


    2. As a cop they can be charged with attempted manalaugther, but it's up to the cop. You are subject to any kind of shooting regardless of bounty if proper hostile RP is engage with you or your group/gang. 


    I suggest to go over the server rules so you can be more informed on this. Also you might want to talk a look at the APD guidebook to see cop rules and policies. 

    Make sure you check both threads for faq grey area questions.


    Pd: I'm on the phone, will post the links later, sorry. 

    Server rules can be found here: http://www.gaming-asylum.com/forums/index.php?/topic/10-server-rules/

    And the APD police policies can be found here (it's quite a bit longer than the server rules, but you might be interested in it all): http://wiki.gaming-asylum.com/Asylum_Police_Department_Dashboard

    GLHF @partyboycs let us know if you have any other questions

    Mike Stmria and Beifang Ming like this
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