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[§] Alex

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Posts posted by [§] Alex

  1. 17 minutes ago, Akeelagi said:

    fair enough. i mostly chimed in here and there. but that doesn't mean i didn't have an opinion and ideas on how to fix things. i mostly talked about this stuff in TeamSpeak. feel free to join at anytime and ill talk to you about this stuff. that goes for anyone

    nah I'm good ARMA and Asylum are dead to me. I'm only here for the memes. I just wanted to point out that you never really said anything until you gained some fake authority.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Akeelagi said:

    i went through this whole "would it be different " stuff when i first got support and no it wouldn't. just because i have support doesn't mean i don't think there are problems or whatever. it just means i don't have to voice them on the forums. i can usually talk to the admins or the devs. its just how it is. if you guys want ill be more vocal about stuff.

    TBH I never saw a post from you until you got support.

    Marzoh, Marco, Bikstok and 2 others like this
  3. Just now, HotWings said:

    How does it buff payouts? Theyre capped.... Doesnt matter if you have 200k or 4 million.

    Is everyone that is arrested at a capped bounty? Because most rebels get lethaled a few time between the the last time they were arrested and the current. It's rare that I get arrested when I have a bounty over 100k. The cap keeps it in check, but the amount of people that will get arrested at max payout will go up. 

  4. Just now, Clint Beastwood said:

    Can we reserve opinions for people that have logged into the server in the past 3 months?  A lot of you are basing this on REALLY old experiences.  I won't name any names, but, your opinions are a bit outdated and irrelevant.

    Put me on blast I know you are putting me in that bucket

    Just because I don't play like I use to doesn't mean I'm not making good points. Somethings never change and if people can abuse a system they will.

    Rodrigo likes this
  5. The current system of getting lethaled and pardon is not the problem at all. The real problem is cops can't stand to just lose. They would much rather get a fraction of the money and call it a win.

    Removing the pardon from lethals is just silly, by not pardoning it's an indirect way of buffing how much cops make by a ton. Because if you never lose your bounty sooner or later you will get arrested and you will now have the bounty of all the past engagements. They want to be able to win every fight but still be able to arrest you for a bunch of money sooner or later. If cops want to win a engagement by way of lethals it should come to a price for taking the easy way out. If anything once cops go lethals for that engagement they should have to stay lethals the entire engagement. They shouldn't be allowed to lethal people until the odds are overwhelming and they can just zerg down the last few.

    If anything not pardoning could increase the use of lethals. Because lethals will come at no loss to the cops so over time it would be better to lethal and zerg down the rest. So those who died can be caught later and you can now easily catch the few left that have built up bounties over past engagements.

    They want their cake and eat it too.

    Bikstok, Mason, TRYHARD and 2 others like this
  6. Just now, Hanzo/Dirty Scrubz said:

    Good joke.

    No a good joke is the cops showing up out numbering rebels and going instant lethals because of your name, not getting pardoned, and spawning in a town to getting bounty hunted before you can get a car. A long time ago it would be so rare to catch a lethal, you would put people on the fed domes so they could get lethal'd. Before an unreachable place would be somewhere only reachable by heli, but now if you are on the bank roof it's instant lethals.

    If anything keep it the same but make it so the pardon doesn't happen until they respawn and the cops don't get paid until they respawn. 

  7. Just now, Gnashes said:

    We have 4 contributors. One doesn't know code, one has had github access for 2 months or so, and the other two have had less communication with me than Paratus.

    So one has access to github and the other 2 have very little communication. I feel like the lack of communication from the other 2 might be because they don't have github access?

    Kettles, Haych, TylerB and 1 other like this
  8. Just now, Gnashes said:

    I've worked 70-80 hours each week since the last patch. I apologize that I can't live up to your expectations.

    Maybe it's time to open up more access to contributors so they can get more meaningful work done? Because it seems like every time people cry about lack of updates we get the obligatory "I work 80 hours a week" or "maybe if I was paid I'd make more time for asylum" Because if you don't have the time to work on asylum why not allow others appropriate access so they can donate their time and skills for the betterment of asylum?

    Kettles, Monster and HomeTrlx like this
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