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Posts posted by Buckwalter

  1. Just now, Killswitch said:

    With this, do you think it would be beneficial to somehow have the market penalize stored goods? So if a lot of people are doing drug runs, and no one is doing diamonds. The diamond value would go up. So I could just go and sell my diamonds in my house. Or do you think that should be a benefit of running things and storing them for sale at a different time?

    I don't think it would be an issue. If someone has the foresight to store goods for prolonged periods of time in order to take advantage of better prices, I say they've earned it.

    In my mind it's no different than the current scotch mechanics. Storage space and time are sacrificed for higher payouts. Only difference is here there is a greater degree of risk. 

    Hahaha besides who wouldn't want the Asylum equivalent of a futures market? 

    All of this would of course depend on specific scaling amounts and time periods. 

    Killswitch likes this
  2. You want to fix drugs? You want to fix the larger economy? It seems to me that there are two viable options. 

    1) Remove the market system entirely. 

    It was implemented in order to make people switch up their gameplay and break up the meta of doing one activity all day everyday while all other activities were completely ignored. In this respect the market has worked to some small extent, increasing the number of meta-viable vocations from 1-2 to 2-4. But this meager increase has only served to move people en masse from one activity to the next, rather than ushering different people into different activities simultaneously. Not only has the market failed to have its intended effect on gameplay diversification, it has actually caused problems. Most notably, inconsistency, bugs, frustration, hindrance to group play, and an all around devaluing of players' time and effort.

    All of this to say, it has tipped the fun/grind ratio in the wrong direction without really adding value to the gameplay experience. So scrap it. 

    2) Positive Scaling

    If you are intent on having a market, allow it to function like a real market. Instead of solely penalizing a lack of scarcity, reward scarcity. Allow activities to scale positively when no one is doing them, allow them to scale a lot. Perhaps a 3 tiered system based on risk and legality. So for example if the whole server was running drugs and no one was doing diamonds, eventually diamonds would become so scarce (and thus valuable) that people would be highly incentivized to make a run. This would go a long way in achieving what the market initially set out to do, it would allow players to speculate on the markets with carefully timed buying and selling, it would assure players are able to make good money at any given time, while allowing a variety of gameplay opportunities, and allows the market to reward trying new things, rather than simply penalizing you for having a routine. 

    Specific amounts would have to be carefully tweaked to keep risk/reward metrics intact, but if it was done right it could go a long way in making the grind less painful. 


    That's just my opinion of course. 


    TL;DR: Fix issues by either removing market entirely or adding positive scaling. It's not adding much gameplay value at the moment, scrap it or improve it. 

    Eldar, Das Otter, Jack Hoff and 1 other like this
  3. 1 minute ago, Chocolate said:

    Game got boring. 
    Dealing with the BS and drama got old.
    Busy with real life <3 Back in school, working on getting my degree so I can get into my school's police academy :)
    Miss you guys though. :):) 


    But in all seriousness, I certainly understand where you're coming from. But don't be a stranger.

    Chocolate and Dork like this
  4. Just now, Olivia said:

    Even though your indenting is all over the place, at least 1 tab = 4 spaces.  I once worked with a guy who had 1 tab = 3 spaces and I think he might have been psychopathic...

    haha well beside the messy formatting, a solid portion of that SQF is actually incorrect. So there's that. 

    Olivia likes this
  5. 13 hours ago, Killswitch said:

    I think @Buckwalter should apply...i think he would be the best

    You got it champ. 

    Put effort into your application, if you did it in 5 minutes it is likely you did not put effort in it, and your application may be overlooked.


    In-Game Name: Buckwalter

    Real Name: Mor Rusty Shackleford

    Age: 26

    Location: Honolulu, Hawaii

    Player ID: 6

    Occupation: Embezzler 

    Please tell us about yourself: I like surfing, music, writing needlessly verbose forum posts that nobody reads, and abusing admin powers. 

    Do you stream? If so please provide a link: https://www.twitch.tv/kaceytron/profile

    How long have you been a member of the community? 2.5 years

    Are you currently in a gang? If so which? 9640257eebcdb99b6d7b1b5370002f39.jpg


    Have you ever had any administrative action taken against you? If so what? Not officially, but @Gnashes yelled at me once for taking too long to get in the car on server 2. 

    Have you ever been or are currently an Admin for another community? If so, which? You don't have a need to know. But no. 

    Why do you feel that you would make a great addition to our team? Intimate knowledge of hacking in Arma (that's all I'm willing to say on the matter), I have 0.4 K/D, I live in an underrepresented timezone, I'm a big believer in throwing fits, I used to have a turtle so I know a thing or two about responsibility in positions of power. Also, I went camping with @BaDaBiNg_10-8....so at this point, giving me admin is the least you can do. 

    What skills do you possess that would be a benefit to the team? Super smooth with the ladies, just ask Killswitch's sister. And if my next-level people skills didn't convince you, check this shit out:

    BUCK_fnc_Abooooose = {
    if ((_x getVariable "adminLevel") >= 1) then 
        _x allowDamage = false;
        _x enableFatigue = false;
        _x addEventHandler ["Fired", {(_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1}];

    }forEach allPlayers; 

    Also I'm really good at defusing tense situations. When someone is really upset and comes to me for help, I tell them to fuck right off and quit being a bitch. If I get admin, I will slightly alter this policy by kicking them from the server after I've insulted them. I think this will make it 11% more effective. 

    Would you be willing to download any and all required applications to perform your duties as an admin? Fuck no, I don't want any viruses. 

    How much time can you dedicate to being an admin on our server? 20 hours the first week, 10 hours the second week, 2 hours in week 3, and a combined 16 minutes in the following 6 months. I know that doesn't seem like much, but I'm mainly here for dat sweet, sweet debug console. Oh and the power. Can't forget the power. 

    Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you about the job. Peace out nerds. 


    @Volunteer281, @Olio How'd I do? Nailed it right? lol

  6. When I first started playing, I was determined to stay in first person all the time. Eventually I realized it was a huge disadvantage. Adapted and came to rely on the crutches 3rd person provides. 

    Eventually Jin dragged me into a 1st person only KOTH server and that was pretty much all I played afterwards.

    The combat is far better, the immersion and excitement are better.

    Sadly, the vehicles are awful in 1st person.

    Would be nice to see on Asylum, but people would never go for it and I'd rather have full servers than empty 1st person ones. People like their advantages, just look at the reliance on tilde, cross hair, livemarks, redboxing, command mode, and any other weird extraneous feature that could be used to get the upper hand. People like winning, it's a bummer that sometimes this ends up cheapening the gameplay. But again, full servers > empty 1st person servers. 

  7. It's been discussed a lot over the years (most commonly in the context of police respawns), but the general consensus has historically been that a NLR would end up being more trouble than it's worth. Due to disparities in gear and numbers, as well as the desire to keep things interesting, most people prefer that cops are able to return to situations after death so long as it's within reason and not abused.

    As far as situations between civs, most of the time a NLR wouldn't really change the circumstances. Yes some people will get upset and come back immediately, but these situations are rare in my personal experience. But beyond that, artificial barriers that separate players from content are generally considered antithetical to the whole ethos of Asylum: people can do what they want, when they want, how they want without the extraneous constraints that plague the life genre. So the notion of forcing players to wait to rejoin their friends is probably not something the staff would be interested in. But of course, I'm only speculating here. 

    Regarding valuing one's life, I think there is a valid point to be made here about the way people react in life threatening situations. So often, promising RP situations are ruined by petty, spiteful behavior. They would rather die than give you the satisfaction. While this is undeniably frustrating and really reduces the quality of RP, I must admit I understand why people feel this way, "stick up bambies" are extremely annoying and harmful to the server environment. If you've ever played on a server where compliance is mandatory, you know exactly what I'm talking about; you can't walk from the ATM to the garage without some impertinent 12 year old demanding you drop your backpack or die. When you force players to oblige these demands, you legitimize that playstyle. Not something that I'd personally like to see on Asylum.

    TL;DR: I understand where you're coming from and there are certainly some changes that could be made to improve Asylum's roleplay potential. However, I think that an NLR and forced compliance would ultimately do more harm than good. But hey, that's just my personal opinion. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Reavantos said:

    some of the posts are people asking the same thing without using the search function to see if its been addressed before. those i can understand being locked.

    Absolutely true. There are plenty of topics out there that deserve a lock. I've locked my fair share of them. But in recent months, good topics are being locked more frequently for reasons that defy explanation. For instance a novel gameplay suggestion that is put forth in an articulate and respectful manner but gets locked immediately. 

    When those instances occur, it makes people angry and it looks bad. The staff are meant to be neutral parties that ensure the rules are followed; they aren't supposed to be the arbiters of what conversations the community can or cannot have. 

    BioHazard, Eric916 and Reavantos like this
  9. I personally feel that at times, topics are locked too quickly and without adequate reason. I've been on both sides of this equation and I think it is important to allow open discourse as long as it's not directly violating forum policy.

    Seriously, what harm is there in allowing people to discuss a change that's unlikely to happen? Or delve into potential future content even if it's beyond the scope of the current development efforts? I just don't understand why reasonable discourse, that isn't in violation of the rules, is so often cut short needlessly.

    Why are productive topics locked? Caprice? 

    Even if you don't think a discussion is worth your time or participation, please don't stifle reasonable discussion because you deem these conversations unworthy of being. 

    TL;DR: If a topic doesn't break the rules and hasn't been derailed or consumed by flame, don't lock it. 

    Midamaru, BioHazard, Bikstok and 1 other like this
  10. That teamkill at 0:19 earned you a like sir.

    And for some of you, calm down holy shit. Say it with me, "Video Game." 

    Step away from the keyboard, take a nap, have your mom bring you a juicebox, and come back when you can comport yourself with some basic human decency.

    For fuck's sake.

    Feenix and Ronald like this
  11. Welcome to the community man. As Olio said, there are no special hoops you have to jump through, just join the servers and have a good time. It's highly recommended that you read and understand the rules first though.

    Otherwise, welcome to Asylum man!

  12. 3 hours ago, Grizz said:

    Hahaha :D

    Yeah dude, parole revoked. Straight from the forums and several days after the fact haha. 

    Here I was thinking, oh he seems like a reasonable guy, just trying to avoid banana bandits (whatever the fuck those are), but noooooo.....

  13. This thread will end well. 

    I look forward to reading an enlightening, well-reasoned, thoroughly sourced, political discourse that doesn't rely on demagoguery or the reductive sophistry of partisan politics. 

    Expectations are really high right now. 

    DreamC, HotWings and OgreTV like this
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