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Posts posted by bamf

  1. 9 hours ago, Azeh said:

    I was confident a portion of the community goal money would be spent on an external developer to help with performance, but nope, not a single penny of it has been spent on that. 

    Actually it was, and what's more you know that (because you brought a guy in to do the work and he got paid).  I offered to continue his employment with us, but he said that the changes he could make going forward would not warrant continuing to be paid to do so.  Since then there hasn't really been a ton of money in the Community Goals anyway.  

    7 hours ago, Digo said:

    Straight to identity, which is probably bankrupt. 

    The Arma server and Identity have nothing to do with one another at this point, other than the fact that Paratus is developing Identity.  

    7 hours ago, DalBrow said:

    its gonna flop 

    See above - that has nothing to do with us.  I suggest you go and make your concerns known at identityrpg.com.

    7 hours ago, BananaGoatPC said:

    Cops do not care anymore about the RP or the fights involved they swoop in seize something and leave to secure it back at HQ and then come back to fight repeatedly. They swoop down from a heli and place a spike strip in front of you car which is insane how this is allowed and then they increase your tickets by 50% for trying to understand or just for RP-ing . You can kill all the cops you want when they come back 4+ times they are eventually going to hit a shot on you. 

    I've said this tons of times on the forums here (as well as in TS, Discord, etc).  RP with the cops starts with the person who gets caught - not the cops.  You the captured person have to be good at RP, the cops need to be good at improv based on your RP.  Together you get an "RP experience" that can be great assuming you can play off each other well (as well as a ton of other factors that are too lengthy to mention).  

    Just like some actors can't work well together, you may not always get a great "RP experience" each time you are captured by the APD.  Sometimes you two just won't mix for whatever reason.  But again, the onus is on the captured player to get the RP going.  The number of times I tried to get someone I'd captured talking while on the way back to HQ to be met with complete silence the whole ride followed by "give me my ticket asshole" once we got to the APD base was huge.  

    4 hours ago, BananaGoatPC said:

    Not so easy when your in a hemmit or box truck. Its the fact that this is even allowed. Or how police can swoop down in an orca or hunter seize something in your car leave and seize it back at hq then come back 5+ times to fight you even though you no longer have anything. Yesterday I had 2 police come down in an orca while i  was parked i ran to get cover they seized everything in side my car and flew away.

    I think we can all agree that having your captured items go into an APD vehicle that your team can intercept and take back is better than it just going *poof* right? 

    Now if they violate APD policy while doing something that is one thing, but you say you "took cover" and they seized all your stuff.  Was your vehicle in an illegal area?  Did it appear to be abondoned?  Did they attempt to contact you and let you know that they were going to search your vehicle?  There are a lot of details that are left out of that brief description of your encounter.  


    Now to the original post:  

    No the servers aren't dead.  Are there fewer players now than there were 2 years ago?  Sure.  Again, the game has been around a long time and that's bound to happen.  

    You say the "developers" have lost interest in the game.  While I certainly play the game a lot less than I used to (@Gnashes plays all the time though - and I had 5,000 in Asylum before becoming a developer), that doesn't mean I spend less time around here than I used to - you just likely don't see it.  I'm in TS nearly every day (just not generally in visible channels).  I do tons of things behind the scenes that you don't see as well - so I can try to seem like I'm around more, but I can promise you that I'm here.  

    Things that you don't see that are happening in the background include coming up with new game systems that we think would work well with our community, as well as not terribly upset the balance we strive to maintain between factions.  Of the major game system enhancements I've created for the Asylum, most of them take dozens and dozens of hours to write up, bounce off other people, and then tweak - all before you get to actually developing the scripts to make them happen.  That being said, the "Rebel update" is written up and is the final stages of being tweaked.  

    As for Identity, again that has nothing to do with what happens over here in the Arma community.  While we share a corporate overlord in Asylum Entertainment, that entity has never exerted any creative control over the Arma mod, nor does any money flow directly from here to Identity.  

    I'm sure I've missed a few of your concerns, but I think the thing I'd like to leave you with is even though you may see me hanging out with people and/or playing other games, that doesn't mean that we are not actively working on new things for you here.  Remember, the environment we have created here for you is a sandbox.  We lay the groundwork for you, but there are tons and tons of things that players can do that they don't.  Some of the best experiences you have here in this community will have less to do with what I (or any developer implements), but instead will be things that you the player do on your own inside the of the world that we have set you loose into.  At least that was always true for me when I was just a regular player...

  2. OK, all servers should be back online.  I'm able to pull and store vehicles.  Storage crates work.  Etc.  

    This wasn't an issue with the patch, but I'm leaving them on 8.1.4 for the evening.  The issue was caused by a downstream issue related to Windows Updates on the database server.  We have identified a hardware issue on that machine that we are masking through software.  We are creating a plan to replace the physical machine with a new one, but will do that during non peak hours.  

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience today everyone.  Thanks for hanging in there.  

    Innate, ItsLego, Mason and 11 others like this
  3. 6 minutes ago, DS_Billy said:

    @bamf  after rollback

    Gang perks not showing up on any of our guys, no gang name, cant cap cartel. 

    I went back to the mission file we were running before.  There should be zero difference to what was there this AM.  

    The "back end changes" were Windows updates to the DB server, and not something Arma related.

  4. First off - this is not a content patch (at least not really).  This patch is ~150 performance tweaks to the server and client mission files.  We've touched a ton of things, and done as much testing as we can.  I hope that nothing will be broken as we roll this out, but if there are issues we will address them as quickly as we can.  I get that performance tweaks aren't as much fun as new content, but these are things that we need to do as we continue to try to improve performance of the mission.  

    With that being said, here are the patch notes:  

    • A lot of performance tweaks to both the client and server (they are mainly on the server side)
    • Cop hummingbirds are somewhat more expensive now.  This is to prevent an exploit that we can easily see, but would rather just not have as an option.
    • The bank has received a slight balance tweak.  
    • Prison timers should be more reliable now.
    • House sales should be more reliable now.
    • Undercover APD LT+ ranked members will find more weapons to choose from in the APD weapon shop.
    • Fixed several exploits related to gathering materials. 
    • The APD now has an "Enter as Gunner" option on certain vehicles.
    • Several other bug and exploit fixes.  

    I may add a few additional items to the list that I've missed, so check back.

    Edit:  The servers will be down for roughly 20 minutes while I do this patch.  There is something else on the backend that has to happen as well.  

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