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APD Corporal
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Posts posted by KrazyKnight

  1. On 1/1/2025 at 12:58 AM, Bilbo Baggins said:

    I'll make a proposal for it and see what we can do. If it can encourage civs to want to roleplay more without being abused then I'm all for it. 


    Fitz likes this
  2. Can we get a definitive yes or no on this? This topic keeps coming up, and there's never been a, direct  yes or no answer from any of the owners/devs. Would be nice to put this to bed. I've looked, and the topic keeps coming back up on and off since 2019.

    Silver-Spy likes this
  3. 38 minutes ago, UberGaming said:

     We're in summer which should be our high season with 90-110 people on average. If 30-50 players on average are on, then I don't see this server seeing another summer.

    Bro, dude, it's only 30-50 because of summer school. I swear it'll get better when school is out. Pinkie promise!

    Big fart, da1, Fried Rice and 1 other like this
  4. 15 minutes ago, Jamal said:

    kick people off the server/ ban them for having a certain amount of ping for the love of god make that especially strict on dom. Also get rid of the chinese



    The community has spoken after all.

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