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Posts posted by KrazyKnight
Better suggestion would be to remove the medic whitelist. Useless and only get in the way.
Beifang Ming, 王 Ari Petrou 王 and GravL like this -
remove the afd ez fix
Didn't we try this with crypto? I don't remember, but I thought that didn't end well, no?
Can we get a definitive yes or no on this? This topic keeps coming up, and there's never been a, direct yes or no answer from any of the owners/devs. Would be nice to put this to bed. I've looked, and the topic keeps coming back up on and off since 2019.
Silver-Spy likes this -
It was brought up but never pushed for. We never really reached a consensus. My guess is no.
massi likes this -
Never forget the riverboat pirates. That shit was awesome.
Defragments likes this -
Thanks for the memories! Regardless of what happens to the server, it was one helluva ride.
Gamer4LifeHQ, Nicolas March and Big fart like this -
Approved or not the boxes don't care
50 minutes ago, Chris Peacock said:
I ain’t reading all that… just cap gang fort
1 hour ago, Sikorsky said:
you do realize the chinese make up a significant part of the player base and asylum in its current state would not survive without them
Rather be dead than red
Farmer Steve, Knight05, Bob Danaloo and 1 other like this -
2 minutes ago, Sheriff Rick said:
The wipe allows Asylum to die a dignified death
Nah not even close. A dignified send off would be a blowout type event with a server count down type shit for the end or something. If the wipe doesn't work out, it'll go out in a whimper. That's the tragedy out of all of this.
Sheriff Rick likes this -
Sheriff Rick, Gamer4LifeHQ and Silver-Spy like this
1 minute ago, Casey Jones said:
I'd consider coming back if it was Stratis
let's be honest, you fucking wouldn't
Nicolas March likes this -
9 minutes ago, HunterB said:
Removed purification.
shxdow, Defragments, Silver-Spy and 1 other like this -
44 minutes ago, Infamous [FULL SEND] said:
whats up with this mysterious ghost shit man
Ghostbusters happened
Silver-Spy likes this -
38 minutes ago, UberGaming said:
We're in summer which should be our high season with 90-110 people on average. If 30-50 players on average are on, then I don't see this server seeing another summer.
Bro, dude, it's only 30-50 because of summer school. I swear it'll get better when school is out. Pinkie promise!
Big fart, da1, Fried Rice and 1 other like this -
It was fun while it lasted.
Alec-I, Donald, Tachophobia and 1 other like this -
15 minutes ago, Jamal said:
kick people off the server/ ban them for having a certain amount of ping for the love of god make that especially strict on dom. Also get rid of the chinese
The community has spoken after all.
Bring back parole
in Approved