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Terrorist Role Play

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Being as this is a role play server I feel as though we should be allowed to role play as terrorist. I am a proud graduate of the Flight School of Jihad, in which we are taught how to expertly pilot planes whilst in the air into buildings and helicopters. I feel as though players should not be banned for expertly role playing as such.

Walt, Del, Big fart and 3 others like this
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I learned this from attending a Black Lives Matter protest.

I demand reparations for all my VDM bans over the years, regardless is they were deserved or not! I have endured trauma from the actions of former admins spanning the last 10 years. Payment is due directly from all the current admins' bank accounts. Contact me privately for appropriate routing information.

If you try to argue this I will call you a racist and get you fired from your job and permanently blackballed from future employment.

Big fart and Kawaii like this
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Allowing vehicle deathmatching in Arma 3 roleplay can enhance realism and create dynamic scenarios. It adds an extra layer of immersion by allowing players to engage in vehicular combat, mimicking real-life situations. This feature can contribute to a more diverse and engaging gameplay experience, fostering creativity and strategic thinking within the Arma 3 roleplay community.

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Integrating the ability to run people over with cars on an Arma 3 role-playing server can add an extra layer of realism and intensity to the virtual world. While this feature may seem controversial, it allows for more authentic and dynamic interactions within the role-playing context. Enabling such actions introduces an element of consequence and risk to in-game situations, encouraging players to be more aware of their surroundings and make strategic decisions. This feature could be subject to rules and regulations to prevent abuse and ensure fair play, aligning with the overall narrative of the server. In the realm of role-playing, the inclusion of car collisions adds complexity to interpersonal interactions, fostering a more immersive and unpredictable environment that mirrors real-life consequences within the virtual world.

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20 minutes ago, Doomba said:

Integrating the ability to run people over with cars on an Arma 3 role-playing server can add an extra layer of realism and intensity to the virtual world. While this feature may seem controversial, it allows for more authentic and dynamic interactions within the role-playing context. Enabling such actions introduces an element of consequence and risk to in-game situations, encouraging players to be more aware of their surroundings and make strategic decisions. This feature could be subject to rules and regulations to prevent abuse and ensure fair play, aligning with the overall narrative of the server. In the realm of role-playing, the inclusion of car collisions adds complexity to interpersonal interactions, fostering a more immersive and unpredictable environment that mirrors real-life consequences within the virtual world.

Thank you Open AI

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Title: The Case for Vehicle Death Match in Arma 3 Asylum Role-Play Server


Arma 3 Asylum role-play servers have long been a hub for immersive, intense, and exciting gameplay experiences. However, the introduction of Vehicle Death Match (VDM) has sparked debates and discussions within the community. Some argue that VDM detracts from the role-playing atmosphere, but this essay aims to shed light on why Vehicle Death Match isn't so bad for Arma 3 Asylum role-play servers.

Variety and Entertainment
One of the key aspects that make Arma 3 Asylum role-play servers attractive is the variety of gameplay they offer. While role-playing remains the primary focus, the inclusion of Vehicle Death Match adds an element of excitement and unpredictability. VDM introduces new ways to enjoy the server, catering to players who seek thrilling, high-octane action. It offers an alternative to the traditional role-playing experience and ensures that the server appeals to a broader player base.

Increased Engagement
Vehicle Death Match can lead to increased player engagement. In many cases, players may find themselves participating in spontaneous firefights and vehicular combat scenarios, enhancing their overall immersion in the game world. This heightened engagement can result in longer play sessions and a more dedicated player base, which benefits the server's community.

Opportunities for Skill Development
VDM provides players with opportunities to hone their skills in vehicular combat, tactics, and teamwork. Engaging in these intense battles can lead to improved gameplay abilities, such as driving, shooting, and communication. These skills can subsequently enhance the quality of role-play interactions as players become more capable and confident in their roles.

Balanced Integration
Critics argue that Vehicle Death Match can disrupt the role-playing aspect of the server. However, it is essential to highlight that most Asylum role-play servers implement VDM with certain restrictions and rules in place. These rules can be designed to maintain a balance between role-play and vehicular combat, ensuring that neither aspect dominates the server. This careful integration allows players to enjoy the best of both worlds.

Social Interaction
VDM can promote social interaction within the server's community. Collaborative efforts to engage in vehicular combat scenarios encourage players to communicate, strategize, and work together. These interactions can foster a sense of camaraderie and create lasting friendships among players, contributing to a positive and thriving community.

Evolving Gameplay
The inclusion of Vehicle Death Match keeps the server's gameplay dynamic and ever-evolving. Stagnation can be a significant issue in online gaming communities, leading to a decline in player interest. By incorporating VDM, server administrators can continuously introduce new challenges, objectives, and experiences, preventing stagnation and ensuring that the server remains relevant and appealing over time.


In conclusion, while Vehicle Death Match may initially appear to detract from the role-playing atmosphere of Arma 3 Asylum role-play servers, a closer examination reveals its potential benefits. VDM adds variety, engagement, skill development opportunities, and social interaction to the server, all while maintaining a balanced integration with role-playing elements. By embracing this feature and implementing it thoughtfully, server administrators can create a dynamic and thriving community that caters to a wide range of player preferences. Ultimately, Vehicle Death Match isn't so bad for Arma 3 Asylum role-play servers; it can enhance the overall gaming experience and contribute to the server's long-term success

Edited by Farmer Steve
王 rando 王 and Big fart like this
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On 11/21/2023 at 12:44 PM, Ebola said:

Why not just add a "Kamikazee Jet" make it 250k like a suicide vest which allows it to be used as a weapon. You not only have to know how to fly but also how to line up your target. The pilot also dies in the incident and is out 250k. 

@Patatonow that's a development suggestion 

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