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  1. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Axe in Reward Players for Successful Reports   
    RDM reports are the worst. Unless I lost over 50k or I really hate whoever it was, I can't be bothered to upload 5 min
  2. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Addon in "Holdout 3.0"   
    Me & Jay vs AI.
    [MC] ALWAYZ putting people on the respawn screen. 
  3. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Big Bird in A new tactic from Space Turtles   
    *lands in the middle of a cap during a fight*
  4. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Axe in Another One of My Trash Frag Clips   
    Just delete the clips? 
    They dont have to go through youtube to reach the recycling bin. 
  5. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Alec-I in APD Flash-Bang Shortage   

  6. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Miss Evo in Gold Bar Stuff   
    After reading title of jimbos thread it reminded me of an idea i had a very very long time ago when excavating was the best way to make money.
    DISCLAIMER: Please correct me if i have info wrong because... well you know why.
    When excavating you sometimes get gold something (can't remember what they're called). I propose that you can press them into gold bars for an alternate way of making money.
    To start with, i would suggest the small town of Orino North East of DP11. This place could easily be renovated. In general i would suggest an area that is relatively far away from any excavation sites to make it harder to make money. Now about how much makes 1 gold bar, I believe gold weighs 3 so maybe something like 30 so you can't make a ton of them for a huge profit. I would say the license for this should be $50k or up seen as how profitable it could be. But the processing time per bar could be around 5 mins due to how good profit this could be in bulk.
    To sell you go to the fed. (maybe make a small building outside to sell?) I would say they sell for $15-$20k seen as the process is legal although risky and long. (maybe name it small gold bar). A nice little dynamic would be that every 2/3 bars sold to the fed 1 would spawn in a random vault so if your gang does a gold bar run you could then risk robbing it and getting even more profit and selling them at rebel.
    Same can be done with silver and maybe add silver bars, sell for $10k-$15k and add silver bars to fed and sold at rebel for like $18k ( @Bikstok's idea)
    Sorry if it's a shit idea i haven't been able to play asylum of course but i still want to contribute to the community   
    If you would like to suggest something feel free  
  7. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Gatorade in Funny shit from Sugarfoot   
    I haven't posted anything funny in awhile, had a lot saved up. @Eptic , @Co1t , @Addon, @Rugged, @Vanilla Coke , @R4N9A , @Forrest , @Goku , @Parker, @Anthony, @Zodiac, @Rusty:) 
  8. Chewbacca liked a post in a topic by Maaqs in Tanoa Exchange   
    Any idea when this might be implemented? @Paratus @bamf  I have rubber to sell.
  9. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Guest in Names , RPG , Donation rewards   
    What your getting for your donation is keeping this server running. Many did not know but several months Paratus was taking money out of his and his families pocket to continue to have our servers up and running. I believe he was quoted on here saying that it's about 1500.00 a month with the 5 servers that he is running. Thats a lot of money for someone to take out of their personal finances to keep all of us playing here, that's dedication. If you have a problem with the rewards program feel free to contact Bohemia, perks are extremely limited due to Bohemia. The perks and rewards that you still get is due to Paratus working with their legal team, fighting back and forth. People really forget the meaning of donating to the server. Without donations you wouldn't be playing here.
  10. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by T SPartan in Trying Out Sony Vegas   
    Tips and any positive Advice for Sony Vegas would be nice, Hope You enjoy
  11. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Sheriff Rick Grimes in Gear Up!   
    It's not like people don't already camp rebel religiously, there's plenty of risk.  There really shouldn't be an incentive to camp rebel because it makes for unhealthy gameplay and ruins everyone's fun.  
    So +1
  12. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by lemin in How to get lost mags back   
    You know when you get out of a car or boat and realize that all your mags disappeared? Here's how to get them back.
    Get out of the car and open the inventory. With your gun in your hand move the mag to the physical inventory of the car. Your player should start to reload his gun with one of the "lost" magazines. Repeat this process until your player does not reload anymore. done. You have now gotten all of your mags back. 
    If this is considered an exploit I am sorry. It was very frustrating for me to have to keep buying mags. Also this is not duping you come out with the same amount of mags that you lost.
  13. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Vito Lorenzo in Fuck you Tacos   
  14. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Big Bird in JUST A TIP   

    It has been really bad recently...
  15. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by HotWings in APD War/Precinct Stats   
    These type of stats would lead to more robocopping and shit like that IMO.  
  16. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Haych in Changes to the cocaine field   
    Biggest issue with illegal runs is the locations. Too close to main roads and main spawns. High/Mid pay Illegal Runs should not be like that. Currently a lot of Illegal activities are way to close to the main roads making them very easy to patrol. Spirit is the only run that actually meets that Criteria. Meth is somewhat ok, but Ephedra is still very close to main spawns and just off a busy road. 
    I would like to see less house runs and more group trucks runs, however the way things are currently set up, it just doesn't allow it. 
    The time it takes to gather, added with the locations of these runs, and the fact that you're running around not paying as much attention to your surroundings, makes it very risky, and the payout is simply not worth the risk/time/effort put in. 
  17. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by One Eye Jack in Make the Maximum Bounty limit apply after the split, not before.   
    I can't help but laugh at one major flaw everyone is missing here...
    Why aren't punishments more severe for trigger happy cops?
    This is the age old question that comes down the pipeline into real life...
    I.E. Take away citizens rights to have guns, it'll magically decrease crime. Keep citizens rights to have guns, it'll magically decrease crime.
    Raise minimum wage, everyone makes more money, inflation kicks into effect to keep a large portion of businesses a float.
    ETC ETC ETC, it goes on and on and on. It's a two sided argument where both sides are right, and wrong. I'm just surprised at the fact that everyone is pretty much saying "because of robocopping, we can't do X, Y and Z", when in reality you're admitting to giving into those players and in turn...punishing those of us who follow the rules.
    Perhaps the answer isn't so black and white, as in "keep/remove or increase", but maybe the answer is within the method itself.
    Since becoming a cadet 3 days ago, i've already earned over 300k...
    If cops are that hard up for money that they're willing to break the rules for pure profit, then they simply should NOT be on the force. Period.
    Increasing the 5 minute wage in stressful areas such as Kavala and Georgetown should be a thing, and for bounties in excess of 150k, it should go into a "processing" state to pend investigation by a higher up, to deem that nothing shady happened during said arrest/lethaling. That seems to be the only way to deal with the problem, other than removing those who seem to be in it for pure profit, and not the enjoyment and betterment of the server. After all, what were you asked in your first interview? Why do you want to be APD. And i'm sure as shit sure if you just said "to get rich off of virtual money that means nothing in the real world", you would have been denied on the spot.
    So why does that change after you've become an officer? It's totally mental if you break it down and think about it.
    In the end, players such as myself and others I know, are here because we want to have fun, learn things and give to the community. If you want to make money so bad, there are plenty of other options in Altis/Tanoa to do so...but I guess because they don't give you a hard-on with power and ease of access, it's below you? Either i'm missing something here that everyone else sees...or the answer is staring everyone in the face.
  18. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by TheRealLethal in The Great CSAT Debate   

    Dont ban me, im only joking
  19. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by GH05T in Depravity (2nd Montage)   
    Took awhile to get this one out due to Rebel Life dying out.. We'll see if I can get a 3rd aye.
  20. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Cifunds in Every Weapon ever   

  21. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by JIMBO in Change log 7.3.1   
    they believe change is good, and sometimes it is, but lately it's just gone downhill massively
    only time I see people fighting cops is when they're bored and want to shoot things, bank payout is only worth it ~40 minutes before restart(that's if you get the gold out), fed payout don't even get me started, you can do a bank 40mins before restart and make the same amount as a fed with ease, bank position could be changed up a little bit, in it's current state it's just who ever can snipe best wins
    cartels are fun and all, but everyone is bored of fighting them, I barely see the cap at og meth/house cap anymore, always heroin or cocaine, the new season is a good thing but maybe consider adding new titles or even prizes for top 5 players of the season, maybe personalised titles or even money, consider doing gang statistics, everytime a gang caps a cartel, gang ranking ups by 1, top 2 gangs at the end of the month get money placed into gang account
    adds incentive to hold your cartels and not let anyone take them, therefore more fighting due to people wanting those points
    as for rpgs, what the hell were you thinking, when are titan launchers being added?
    The prestige withdrawal system was a very good idea but it just won't be fair on all the people with legitimate prestige compared to those with hacked prestige, they're withdrawing millions that they never had..
    tldr maybe make cartel caps stay at the more fought caps for a while to see if it helps, maybe create new titles for war rating/war kills, announce something for actually doing well in those rankings (took me 2months of work for nothing but bragging rights and a title you can get from 2 days of work, I can see already you didn't expect people to get 750 war rating that fast..)
    also the cop combat seizing rule is absolute bullshit especially with the payout hence why no one fights cops,
    > gun gets combat seized
    > guy is now useless even when saved unless he flys away to get a gun or respawns to regear
    > ??????
    please consider change, it's just going downhill from here
    also, one thing i forgot
    money making
    running around in a pit for 35minutes to make ~50k (2 loadouts without the amrs/turfs) isn't fun at all, nor is running around picking up poppies for ~45minutes to make 2 loadouts worth, only drug run I find remotely fun is meth and that's because you're not too vulnerable when processing compared, takes a while though
    maybe you could do a meeting/note gathering from all the gang leaders + some cop higher ups and work from that and see if it goes anywhere? @bamf @Motown@Olio
  22. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by GeoArma in Change log 7.3.1   
    211 down
  23. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Big Bird in Stratis! Make each Island unique.   
    Make stratis a VDM only server. Don't add weapons, just cheap vehicles and ifrits included. No ban for passenger seating someone on stratis, cartels would be like demo derby. Just pure VDM and explosions.
    Who wouldn't love that?
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