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Posts posted by Tricks

  1. 9 minutes ago, wollie35 said:

    does America get like money from the gouverment when they have children or is that a no?

    edit: asking cause in the netherlands u get money monthly from the gouverment when u have kids (till 18)


    Depends on your income. You may get money for food and clothes but not like money to pay bills and stuff, in michigan we have a thing called bridge cards. Also that was including college and more then the bare minimum of everything.

  2. 8 hours ago, kryptonthegamer said:

    If more than one kid comes out that vagina one is going to foster care

    If you choose to provide more expensive essentials and add common perks, you could easily spend over $745,000 from birth to age 18, according to our calculations.


    RIP your bank account..... 

  3. 1 hour ago, GO7NEY said:

    Just found this. A while ago this little shit stole my truck box and chopped it and came to ephedra the same restart to try and flip my other truck box to the moon. Picked up his quad and spangled him and dropped it back on him. karma.

    this was ages ago don't ban me it was deserved



    @Steve u said a racist word in the video so I couldn't upload it. Stupid mod.

    outplayed :poop:

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