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Posts posted by Mayhem

  1. 21 hours ago, Mason Statham said:

    Pawnee fights, tank fights, 50cal fights

    Can't  sadly

    21 hours ago, Eduardo said:

    I think the convoy event that used to happen back in the day was pretty cool

    We plan on doing this and maybe witness protection at some point. Takes a lot of coordination with the APD

    21 hours ago, Infamous [FULL SEND] said:

    A hide and seek event, you take people to a town (one that nobody goes to) you let them loose and you can spawn what ever you want, and come and just shoot rockets and .50 at gamers and the last one alive wins

    This actually sounds fun. Last person found wins.


    19 hours ago, Calle. said:

    Kareoke, marathon, gokart race

    We were planning on doing a race possibly. Marathon might be hard unless we did a team race  where player A has to reach teammate player B before they can get to final point.



    19 hours ago, powerwolf said:

    Generally speaking anything not involving cars since ya know, arma physics and all. But from what ive seen and heard, the events lately are being really well recieved such as the battle royal, the mortar one was a lot of fun from what i heard keep doing what you guys are doing :D

    We plan to do the mortar one more as well, but we wanna mix it up a bit

    powerwolf likes this
  2. On 3/28/2020 at 10:43 PM, Bandit said:

    Would be cool for the houses to be "rentable" for a week or something, with you not being able to rent the same house two times in a row. Would make it so people wouldn't lose too much when the server is down, while still giving people the ability to do meth/scotch. Would also help circulate the market so newer players aren't completely locked out.

    You can RP rent lol. With perm keys you can purchase a house for market price and rent out keys to others with the risk of them using it to make money but also having other “tenants”

    Fried Rice likes this
  3. Last I remember, you need a skinning knife and after a player does, you can scroll wheel to harvest them. This will “execute” them and give you a charge. You have to be a decent distance away from any major city. You cook them on a fire and sell them to wongs. 

    I haven’t done this in so long but if you’re looking to do it for money. Not completely worth it since you can only harvest I think once an hour. Might have been changed since.

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