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Posts posted by LeagueLucian

  1. 18 minutes ago, Clockwerk said:

    Hmm but when Captains use our perks to the APDs advantage and talk shit back, you feel the need to make multiple reports to get me demoted cause you’re all a bunch of cry baby pussies. 

    just saying a good balance change would have clockwerk be the only captain able to do whatever he wants and all the others have to follow the rules really cut down on the bullshit no cap @captains

    Niklaus likes this
  2. 5 hours ago, Akeelagi said:

    Remember the goal while on cop is to catch the criminals. Not just kill them. Lethals are there for situation where the cops need to even the numbers or just can’t get to that person. I also think it might, just might promote more roleplay now that you can’t just get lethaled. You’re either going to have to work for that lowered ticket(starts at 50% if you turn yourself in) or just pay it off. I honestly think it’s a good change. But time will tell 

    simp answer

    Sheriff Rick likes this
  3. 1 hour ago, Infamous [FULL SEND] said:

    the main reason people play undercover is FOR BACKPACKS

    Are you saying that people play undercover, a role that makes half of apd rules not apply to you, is played by officers mainly wanting to use backpacks? Jesus christ are you retarded? Undercover is how any effective corporal+ gets shit done. Good luck making money against someone who knows what they are doing.

    52 minutes ago, Infamous [FULL SEND] said:

    What incentive do I have to PUSH when i am 1 on 10, i am of course going to sniper elite and get a few frags, only thing i can do

    This is one of the biggest problems with the APD, when everyone on is retarded and has this mentality they don't realize that they are going to accomplish literally nothing by doing this, which is in my experience quite often. Often times, there are a few officers who are pushing and such, but no one else pushes with them, so they stop pushing etc, causing even more people to play sniper elite. One of the biggest problems in the APD at the moment to be honest. And it's not like the addition of SWAT made these people any smarter lets be honest. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, Bag Of Funyuns said:

    Not a big deal in my opinion, they are literally captains and as long as they don’t target people, I don’t see a problem with it.

    Problem is afaik is that they are specifically targeting CEO of fed, a group spamming feds due to the fact it is the only content left on the server, with these policy updates. Or at least thats what I can gather from the recent posts.

    An ideal solution for this recent drama would be to have proper oversight positions. An example would be to make a Sheriff position, elected by the entire APD.

    A position like this could have the following responsibilities and requirements.

    Responsible for:

    • Keeping the captains in check and reviews repercussions of policy updates (perhaps have a veto that can be overruled through going to mitch or something)
    • Handling section F's discretely, making sure votes remain anonymous so Lts are more confident about a lack of retaliation if a vote fails
    • Bringing forward rarely heard issues from the lower APD
    • Etc

    Example qualifications

    • Constable+ member of the APD who has been an active member for X amount of time
    • Been a community member for X amount of time
    • Relatively clean recent disciplinary history for X amount of time
    • Passes a proficiency test on the APD guidebook
    • Must not be a captain, senior medic or hold a staff position

    Benefits of a position such as this could be automatic X rank (ingame obviously no voting or IA perms if applicable), a payout in cash/prestige maybe

    And of course when I am at it equivalent civ rep positions would be great as well with regards to suggestions, updates, and changes on civ considering how badly received this patch was instead of the "development aids" who are afaik anonymous and not chosen at all by the community

    Bag Of Funyuns likes this
  5. Just now, Samperino said:

    Lethals weren't removed. The pardon from it was. If you want to clear your bounty, turn yourself into a cop (for a starting 50% reduction), or go to the courthouse and pay it off in full or turn yourself into jail to clear it for free. It's a small change for a large part of the community. This mostly affects players who abused unreachable locations for free pardons. The overblown complaining is entirely unreasonable.

    Who the fuck cares that lethaling gave someone a free pardon

    Its a game sorry people want to play. Besides, this is literally the only server than allows people to keep their bounty after respawning. I don't know who would want that at all. Absolutely horrible changes. 

    Sheriff Rick and Alex:) like this
  6. Imagine @DS_Billy actually being right for once jesus christ I'll have whatever yall were smoking when you decided on this update. This is literally the dumbest shit I've ever read. Is this a April Fool's joke in July? I thought you guys had some idea guys or whatever. Get rid of them if these were their ideas. What the fuck is this changelog. What the fuck. Bounty Hunter is destroyed, removing lethals payout because the Chief of Police who got force retired wanted it, what the fuck are these patches. Goodbye server if this is what patches look like. Yikes


    says a lot when Sharing likes Billy's post oh my god

  7. On 7/10/2017 at 12:58 PM, Reapered said:

    When you put people in restraints, they are your hostage and you can kill them anytime you want. When people have their hands up, you need to give a reason or RP with them to be able to kill them. So, them giving a reason like "I need to sacrifice you to the concrete jungle gods so that Altis can live on" is a good enough reason to kill them. You can even say things like "I have been killing people with a green shirt on, you have a green shirt so I am killing you".



  8. 1 hour ago, Sean That Irish Guy said:

    Shit like this is why the APD will always be broke. Captains delegate on other captains to make shit go away and then LT sees it happen and that attitude wears off on them and then Sgt etc you get the idea. Remove the "captain" card, set of strict rules, if they get reported X amount of times their reviewed. Keep it simple stupid.

    Yep. Said it before that setting strict rules about what captains can do (1 gun drop per captain, can only test future policy updates as active captains/bend rules with civilian consent) would be way better than the current system. Obviously following the example guidelines I gave then captains still have more power but if they decide to, say, drive ifrits back to hq in combat repeatedly without a policy update then this is obvious abuse that goes beyond testing policies. Obviously not going to change however as mitch has his head up his ass making the server go to shit and no reasonable person would remove powers from themselves (the current captains).

  9. 23 hours ago, •ÐŠ• Randy said:

    While you do have some points here, you have to understand that people dont sign up for the APD to do events non-stop. There's no combat requirement to be on the APD, and the people im playing with may be people i dont know. There's an inherent disadvantage to being on the APD. Gangs all know each other well and are friends, they know each others capabilities, everyone knows their part, but the people that are playing on cop may be someone who i dont know at all or very well, i dont know how good they are at combat or what theyre capable of, most people have their own ideas when doing events, and arent as worried about winning something because theres no real punishment for loosing. we arent gonna sit in jail for 20 minutes if we loose, its lower stakes for us. Also right now, SWAT is broken and we cant pull SWAT armor for fed. And id like to point out, i think theres max 7 SWAT slots? on top of that they bug out regularly so i typically dont see anymore then 3 people using SWAT, and Undercover cops cant even access it.


    Also, this is not true, I used to think this before I was a sgt, and it may have been that way back then, but knee padders generally dont get promoted now and favoritism is frowned upon when we are talking about corporal promos, Sgt and LT may be different, im not part of that process, but most corporals that have gotten promoted since ive been sgt have actually put the effort in and deserve it.

    In my opinion promos were generally better handled with precincts. Now that everyone of differing ideologies is together it is harder to get promoted without going out of your way to kneepad. I know some cops who for a majority of their time on the APD have played with corporal+ and follow by their example perfectly and get feedback such as "being too toxic" or a need to improve guidebook knowledge. Idk about you but I feel that the higherups giving feedback should be ready with specific examples or its pretty shit feedback. 

    20 hours ago, Envy_ said:

    Let me wrap up this post because I've clearly gone on a few tangents here. The criteria for promoting officers to higher ups (in my opinion) is inherently flawed at it's core. My reason being that the people who deserve it the most, and would be the most useful at those positions aren't getting it. The APD needs LEADERS at higher up positions, not just yes man/women who just agree with everything and refuse to think outside the box. IMO, there's needs to be a set criteria for getting promoted, perhaps weighing combat efficiency, police etiquette, playtime, and leadership abilities would be a good start. You could also promote different types of people, for example one player who scores very highly on the combat efficiency scale as well as someone who is maybe less combat inclined but expresses better RP skills. These are just suggestions though, an I know that realistically nothing will change but at least I tried to help.

    Big +1. I don't care about "gamers" or "roleplayers" getting promoted, but it is pretty easy to tell that lower ranks generally take after their higher-ups. SWAT had the opportunity to have skilled players that the lower ranks could take after, and bring some of the heat off "useless" higher ups but that was ruined from the beginning by giving it to some of the most retarded people on the server. I also don't understand why people are so defensive about promoting skilled players who are good at combat when the sergeant application post specifically mentioned combat proficiency last time I read it. 

    20 hours ago, Infamous [FULL SEND] said:

    Explain, john, just lucky and karma being promoted. don't even say its skill because just lucky don't even play in combat stance. 

    Yeah I don't understand how someone can be "Swat trained" and not know how to turn on combat stance. 99% of the time players are 10x better with combat stance on, especially when using armor.

    19 hours ago, •ÐŠ• Randy said:

    Hard to get to know people when there are literally over 1000 whitelisted cops. Also, not what you mean by the people that deserve arent getting promoted? They probably aren't applying then.  Or they're not coming for feedback and working on things to improve. Hard for you to say when you're not even in the APD.. 

    Just because there are over 1000 whitelisted cops doesn't mean at all that is the amount that play. Many people are whitelisted to constable and only play once every 3 months, as well as retired server staff or senior apd who have permanent ranks who probably don't have arma installed.

    19 hours ago, Solarmender said:

    I got a comp request denied because I request 450k comp but it only showed 15k of bars being seized in chat. 

    Not really an APD issue, just an issue that happens when you give kids with 6 month old forums accounts who are irrelevant retards the ability to respond to comp requests.

    18 hours ago, Envy_ said:

    I like how you just didn't answer a whole paragraph of my post, but I understand, it's hard to talk ill of some of the people in APD. Anyways, of course I wouldn't expect you to justify every promo on a public post like this on name to name basis lol, but I am asking you to justify the promotion process. You say that their isn't a skill requirement, why? Do you think that perhaps there should be? Maybe this is something to look into? Because your officers are frustrated they lose and lose and lose, when is it time to say "hey, maybe we need to start being pickier about who we promote so we're not such a dysfunctional unit".The age old saying "if it's not broke, don't fix it" doesn't really apply here, because clearly something is broken. I see cops pushing for more and more server wide changes to try and compensate for them being poor players, and i ask you, is that fair to the server as whole? You can't put in minimal effort, promote based on "hey this guy logs on alot", and have no consequences and expect anything other than the shit show that already exists. Nothing will change unless the APD wants things to change. You've tried it this way for so long, why not try something new and see if it improves the situation? 

    I may not be a cop currently, but I was for a decent amount of time from V1 and V2. And I can tell you, there may be over 1000 whitelisted cops, but usually over the course of a week the same few faces will log in during a set period of time. So lets say you play from 8pm EST to 11pm EST 4 days a week. You as a higher up, should make it your goal to learn the cops that play that time slot. Learn their strengths and weaknesses etc. Because if you look at the metrics, I'd wager you'd only see about 15-25 unique players playing during that time slot on cop during the week. 15-25 is far less that 1000, and even if you make the bare minimum effort, I'm sure you could at least learn something valuable in that time. But here's the key, you don't want to put in the effort because it takes time and requires effort. It's easier to sit and complain and say "ah theres too many of us to ever get to know anyone, gangs are just better, they have better guns, etc". Because once you opt for making excuses, theres no blame anymore, everyone is absolved of their responsibility and business continues as normal. While this is a good way to make sure no one gets their feelings hurt, it's a poor way to lead a force that ever wants to be competitive.

    You guys had a really brilliant chance to bring a competitive side to the APD with the introduction of SWAT, but in typical APD fashion ya'll mucked it all up. SWAT could and should have been reserved for officers who wanted to be more competitive and critical of their gameplay. Tac coms/general knowledge of federal events should have been mandatory and the screening/approval process should have been tougher than what it was. You guys had a chance to cherry pick the most skilled officers, and give them an immense advantage to not only succeed but lead by example to their fellow officers, as well as create a group that other officers could aspire to be part of. Instead however, you gave swat to everyone who went to training's, so it's just as watered down as the regular APD. I know several really solid players on the APD who have applied for promos/leadership positions and got denied simply because they aren't what the higher ups are looking for. 

    TLDR: The current situation the APD finds itself in, is caused only by itself. Nepotism, Favoritism, and bad decisions have lead it down the path it currently walks. Nothing will change unless the higher ups who can change things want to, and let's be honest, they don't. The reason I write stuff like this is because the APD are religious forum warriors, hijacking every dev/update post with more and more ideas how to nerf rebels and buff themselves. I've said it a million times, you already have everything you need to win and more, you're just not using it. I like to put my money where my mouth is so once again I'll offer, if the apd would like to do a bit of role reversal we would be down. The APD can play civ and do events and my gang and I will play cop. We'll show you guys how easy it is to win these events (this would most likely need to be on the training server, as many of us are not cops currently and we have 0 higher ups in the gang) but I know ya'll wont go for it. You'd rather just keep making excuses than own up to your own short comings, and unless that changes, nothing else will. 

    Retweet brother

    17 hours ago, Mate said:

    Yeah my feedback was Always “really great” and “helpful” advice. On things I needed to work on. Good tip dude let me fix being “too toxic” when I get on cop and have never spoken a word to you and you call me a retard kid really showing the lower ranks how it’s done. Let me fix my “maturity” when half you retards are the most childish human beings ever and groom anything with remotely any hint of a female voice. 

    It would be sick if giving someone advanced feedback such as the number of votes they got without being specific about who voted what wasn't corruption. Or if the promotion process was at all standard instead of # of votes correlating to whatever was decided that month for promos. Real convenient if suddenly someone almost gets corp but the needed votes was higher that month, yeah? But sure lets give roblox cops and chief of police's high ranks. 

    16 hours ago, Solarmender said:


    1. Rebels have superior weapons is a fallacy. Of course, 7.62 is very useful but it is not a deciding factor in a fight at all. All the benefits of being on cop should couteract 7.62. We have done several federal events using nothing but the same guns/gear the cops use to see what happens. Guess what? We still won.

    2. The reason we do federal events so much is there is literally nothing else worth doing on the server. On just the topic of money, we can make around 10 mil a day just doing Fed. For those who do them for money, there is no reason for us to do anything else.

    3. Recently, cops have started becoming smart and getting to the Fed before we do at the first sign of us heading in that direction. It is annoying but we still win a majority of the time. It doesn't matter what position we are in. Attacking or Defending. We still win. Using that as an excuse makes no sense.

    +1 Cops could have mk200s and still lose. For a majority of cops better equipment would not help but good tactics would be a massive improvement. Another missed opportunity for SWAT

    1 hour ago, Solarmender said:

    The cops who did it were higher ups. We had 100% proof of them seizing and I filed over 5 reports in a single week. Only one got accepted in like 3 days because it was a constable. All the the reports weren't responded to for over a week and magically a new policy update comes out and guess what! Seizing after holding for 3 minutes is now allowed! But you want to know the even bigger bullshit. In 3/4 of the reports, the 3 minute timer didn't apply because we had just lost control. Apparently everyone in the APD is supposed to lead by example except the people who are actually leading the APD. Am I the only one who sees this problem? Even now literally in the middle of battles, captains are pulling us out of our ifrits, downing us, then driving back to HQ IN THE IFRIT so they can seize it. Like holy shit, It would be fine if they drove it back if the battle was over but they are actively doing it in the middle of combat to screw us over. And don't give the bullshit "captains can bend the rules". That is the most retarded excuse I have ever seen. They are supposed to be leading the APD, but are acting like petty children to win a fight.

    Pretty crazy how the captains can tell higher-ups to behave in a certain way because they are working on a policy update that no civilians know about when they aren't even on the server. The captains bending the rules is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. You could narrow it down a hell of a lot by just saying "active captains can bend the guidebook in order to test future policy updates, all captains can bend it with civilian consent, or all captains can drop 1 weapon for someone that is above their rank". Clears up bending the rules and gives them basically the same about of power but much easier to punish or determine if its abuse. Crazy

    Infamous [FULL SEND] and Solar like this
  10. 23 hours ago, Sail said:

    100%. Lets force retire @DarkKnight 

    Change comes from within.


    nah jk. 

    i like how mitch says shit like that when only kneepadders who share the opinions of their predecessors get anywhere nowadays

    not saying to retire dk but imagine expecting change when about 1 person per year can be promoted to the position that makes decisions lol

    Niklaus likes this
  11. 2 hours ago, cleague said:

    I've noticed that when cops see gangs like PDX, DS, Farmersville, or BLS,

    Any cops scared of those gangs need to take a chill pill imagine being scared of DS LMAO

    1 hour ago, 王 Ari Petrou 王 said:

    Fax bro I combat stored a quilin armed on a cop yesturday named the Law and he was super tight and full ticketed me after roleplaying so I told him to get off this game and go back to your synagogue where you came from 

    Yeah that guy is kind of a rat I heard he took the #1 most lethals spot from the best roleplayer on the APD after he got permed

    12 minutes ago, Mate said:

    Bring back Lucien best roleplayer on the apd. He had a cool magic trick where he would guess people’s phone numbers and was right everytime guy was insane. 

    Some of the best interactions I had with a cop were with that guy I miss him 😔

  12. On 12/7/2017 at 2:08 PM, william said:

    you name is liferally PFC Jake ur awful buddy, you have been here 2 weeks and have no idea what its like to fight a cartel


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