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APD Officer
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  1. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Demon! in VP Gang Recruitment [S3][OPEN]   
    damn man active gang good job
  2. Raza liked a post in a topic by Judg3 in Remove AFK Drug Gathering   
    If we are going to talk about golden days... can we also get marshal law back?
  3. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Good Lub in Remove AFK Drug Gathering   
    hate to be a grammar nazi but i believe its martial
  4. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by DankBud in Suggestion for Asylum V2   
    If you wanna ruffle some feathers take out the Tax shit that governors get while going afk for there time in office.
  5. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Slick in Close s2 and s3 during non peak times   
    My server is #1 but it doesn't have to be S1, keep which ever one has the highest average population. We could be reasonable and comp people for the valuable houses they purchased, it wouldn't be that hard.
    Agreed, at least one maybe two.
  6. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Big Fred in Close s2 and s3 during non peak times   
    This ^

    I'm still camping coke prod with a rook and zipties.
    There is no "end game".
    You don't "finish" altis life.
  7. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Maaqs in Close s2 and s3 during non peak times   
    You're a good guy Walt, but this statement is just ridiculous. That may be YOUR end game, but being "the best cartel fighting gang on the server" is not reflective of the majority of the playerbase; not in the slightest IMO. You really think Gang Wars with 10(or was it 9?) total gangs is reflective of the entire Asylum community.
    Drunk Squad is 4 going on 5 years old, and has never once put cartels first. There are career cops who have no interest in cartels, and when they do log on civ, it's just to mess around. There are gangs / groups that sit in Kavala all night long and cause havoc. "Elite cartel fighters" may be the most vocal on the forums, but they are in the minority in terms of numbers in this community. 
  8. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by .Casper in Close s2 and s3 during non peak times   
    People dont care what server they play on. There is 1 reason why this wont happen and thats houses. People are not gonna let the admins shut down the servers where they have their good meth/ scotch houses.
  9. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Leady in remove server 2 and 3   
    I would expect to see uptimes set for s3 and or s2 in the not so distant future. We're currently discussing a couple ideas. An example of one of those ideas: a slightly modified old system we had where instead of the server shutting off at an exact time it would run until a restart where there were less than X number of players on before the restart it would shut off. Also we are taking into account that it is graduation/finals week for a lot of students in the US so we may see and uptick in player count going into the start of summer. 
  10. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by TRYHARD in Thoughts on APD Policy Update?   
    Its the case with most policy's including lethaling as you mentioned above
    There is like 5 reasons someone can lethal and past that discretion will allow them to lethal anyway. Impossible to report someone because you dont know if they voted or how the vote went.
    Also love how common cops go to a sniping position and because they chose to snipe the person that is now "unreachable" gets lethaled. Again though its impossible to report because you dont know if lethals were authorized anyway.
    I'd personally like to see the captains take steps to remove loopholes that ultimately keep cops from being held accountable.
  11. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by TRYHARD in Thoughts on APD Policy Update?   
    Maybe Im alone here but I really dont understand what the 2 life rule is supposed to accomplish. 
    Its my understanding that the guideline was made to give people running drugs a chance to process and get out granted they wipe the cops. Yet there are 6 different ways cops can come back anyway. How are the people running drugs supposed to know if they pinged? Or are currently getting warrent tracked? Or that an LT or CPT isnt just allowing the cops to go for a third time?
    Am I supposed to keep a spread sheet and tally up every cop that dies to make sure they havent come a third time?
    What if I shoot the cop from inside the illegal area but he dies outside of the area? Does that count as a life? 
    If an officer logs on after the conflict has started do they also get 2 lives even when most officers have already lost both lives?
    If 6 officers use their 2 lives can 1 log off bringing the total officer count to 5 and allow them to continue coming back?
    Seems like a lot of confusion, especially for the newer players this rule was implemented to help out.
    A better solution
    Cops that arrive at an illegal area and are killed may come back 1 time with as many officers as they can rally up in a single push. Once all officers are killed the area is deemed unsafe for patrol and is to left alone for 20 minutes. 
    This makes it more cut and dry. Kill constable joe and cadet tim, they bring 7 cops to try to take over coke field. If all officers die than any officers that respond within 20 minutes can be reported.
  12. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Seán That Irish Guy in Change Log 8.4.1   
    Meth has an illegal item for it and its the highest paying drug per 1 unit. Scotch is the second and has never had anything illegal to it but now it does. Everyone who collects fucking barley does it when no cops are on anyways so deal with it and stop fucking complaining. 90% of cops know of 1 spot where theres barley so if anything thats the only "negative" impact of this change.
  13. Rag liked a post in a topic by Judg3 in Change Log 8.4.1   
    RPG damage seems inconsistent now. I've seen it still destroy a strider with one shot. I've also seen an ifrit eat a rocket and keep rolling like a bug hit it's windshield. Can we remove the rockets and get the .50 Beowulf rounds for the 115 instead?
  14. cHIP oTLE liked a post in a topic by Judg3 in Change Log 8.4.1   
    RPG damage seems inconsistent now. I've seen it still destroy a strider with one shot. I've also seen an ifrit eat a rocket and keep rolling like a bug hit it's windshield. Can we remove the rockets and get the .50 Beowulf rounds for the 115 instead?
  15. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Samperino in Change Log 8.4.1   
    No policy update needed.
    Barley "fields" or bushes aren't probable cause already. We don't need a policy to tell officers that they're not illegal.
    Barley is used to make scotch, alongside water and yeast. Before this patch, none of those ingredients were illegal.
    A civilian could be caught at Spirit Distillery and have no consequences for having all the materials to make the illegal alcohol.
    I'm not a developer, I'm not a community manager, and I'm not an owner, so I can't answer why phosphorus and hydrogen sulfate are not illegal with fact, but only opinion.
    I believe it's because ephedra is the illegal ingredient in the meth trio.
    Barley is now the illegal ingredient in the scotch trio.
  16. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Gen. Henry Arnold in Change Log 8.4.1   
    Update will come into effect after normal server restart.

    Added Tactical Pings. Look at anything and press Shift+T to create a marker on map visible only to group members. 15 second cooldown. Added seized illegal virtual items to the Evidence Lockup HEMTT. Added virtual inventory loot to Rebel Air Drop. Added binoculars to the default cop and UC loadouts. Added bipod to Captain APD shop. Added a cut to the Wong Triad Cartel when processing and selling alcohols. Added a cut to the Arms Dealer Cartel when crafting at the Black Market Production. Added Tanoa APD Jeep for Constable+. Added scopes to spawn with weapons in Air Drops. Added a safety parachute to sling-loaded cargo above 75m (Need Airborne Talent). Changed:
    Optimised the Federal Reserve. Bar gates will now initialise locked and will require boltcutting. Increased spawn rate of gold bars, and increased their price by 10k. Added back spike strips to locked bar gates (and made the effect area smaller). Added a new charge called Federal Reserve Robbery.  Domes and safes will re-lock properly when the robbery has ended.  Domes and safes will not lock until players move out of them to prevent getting stuck. Reduced RPG damage to all heavy ground/air vehicles. RPG will disable vehicle instead of blowing it up on first hit. Increased air drop spawn rate from capturing cartels. Increased air drop loot amount. Disabled sling-loading of the airdrop crate. Increased base prices of all scotch that is not fully aged. Added barley to list of illegal items. Can now be seized by the APD. Moved one of the Black Market Productions to the east part of the island. Selling at Black Market Production now gives cash on hand. Enabled group names to show under player names, similar to gang names. Increased duct tape spawn rate in prison. Enabled ability to start a prison break right after restart. Re-enabled some housing properties located at the removed Pyrgos Cocaine Field. Changed deerstand shutters to behave the same for all clients. Increased the size of medic requests to make them easier to spot. Tweaked APD prowler texture. Fixed:
    Fixed cops not being charged for re-gearing with throwables. Fixed scopes and attachments disappearing when disarmed. Removed:
    Removed ATMs from Black Market Production. Removed 5.56 and 9mm guns from Evidence Lockup loot table. Removed unused Oil Cartel objects from salt flats. Removed unused vote signs at Federal Reserve. Temporarily disabled ability to move gang house due to related issue. Hotfix #1:
    Fixed cops not being charged for re-gearing. Fixed player tags not showing correctly in vehicles. Adjusted federal reserve gold spawns and related talents. Added sling load safety parachute to all factions. Replaced MX with MXM in Rebel Air Drop. Hotfix #2:
    Fixed split cop pay not paying the original player. Fixed group names showing on NPCs. Tweaked Tactical Pings to auto delete after 5 minutes. Tweaked RPG damage for different vehicle types. Fixed exploit with chopping trees. Fixed bug with multiple Federal Reserve Robbery charges. Increased time before Rebel Airdrop disappears.
  17. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by YuSheng in Yusheng's funny tage   
  18. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Sp0on in Yusheng's funny tage   
    Im sure he wasnt looking for your specific approval. If you see something that you dont like, you can keep your opinion to yourself.
  19. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Copa in Yusheng's funny tage   
    You're just upset because you made a shitty montage and it tanked, don't fuck around on someone else's montage just because you're literal garbage
  20. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Mauv in VP Gang Recruitment [S3][OPEN]   
  21. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by kny in pigs getting pooped on   
    1:03 if u want to skip to the action.
  22. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Farmer Steve in VP Gang Recruitment [S3][OPEN]   
    Good luck server 3
  23. Judg3 liked a post in a topic by Ryan2150 in VP Gang Recruitment [S3][OPEN]   
    Sorry just bad with passwords and this account was made a month ago
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