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Posts posted by ObiWoki

  1. Literally this

    3 hours ago, Ken. said:

    A bunch of people talking shit in here dont even use TS or play cop/medic. TeamSpeak has better voice codec management then Discord by far, this is noticed most when playing with large groups of people like we often do on cop. As someone who uses TS on a daily basis and have also used Discord when TS has gone down in the past, I can for sure tell you I much more prefer TS by far for primary voice chat


    3 hours ago, Bherky said:

    The only potential good thing I could see in discord is screen sharing. 

    Other than that I like TeamSpeak's channel organization works, the way ranks work (channel priority), and other stuff works.

    I mean just imagine having to put in a 1 in front of your name if you are LT or 2 for SGT and so on to be at the top of the channel lmfao. 

    yeah lets not let the people who have been running the community for the past 6 years have a word on how the server should be


    3 hours ago, John Doe said:

    TeamSpeak is much more organized for things that we do in the server especially for APD/AFD. There is no reason to push people to using discord. It has been this way for as long as I know and should continue to be this way. Also If your APD complaining about this, ask for private discord channels or something don't see any issues with keeping APD in TeamSpeak as the primary platform. Not that APD/AFD Higher ups don't already have private channels.


    4 hours ago, Donald said:

    please do not switch 


    4 hours ago, Gagss said:

    Don't switch


    Blake., Gagss and Innate like this
  2. Officer Name: ObiWoki

    Player ID: 76561198097960553

    Rank: Sergeant

    Application URL: 


    Duration of Absence: 2 months

    Month(s) of Absence: July,August

    Reason: Taking some time away from the computer due to personal reasons + I will be busy working, If necessary i can elaborate more in teamspeak

  3. I gotta admit this was one of the best busts i'f probably done on asylum so far. Unfortunatly my recording software corrupted my files so i am working on recovering bits from this hope to get a video out soon somehow.


    Thank you also for putting full trust in taking me on your run to sell the turtle's even though it might have been a sting operation all along I think we all had a great laugh afterwards :P

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