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Bilbo Baggins

APD Lieutenant
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Posts posted by Bilbo Baggins

  1. 1 hour ago, Lime said:

    towns should be a semi-safe zone no?

    you arent going to realistically rob people in a town square near the atm when theres 3 dudes buying cars and accessing atms. you also realistically wouldnt get robbed buying a gun in front of a gun store clerk, i dont think you would realistically rob someone who is shopping for clothes.

    this just makes rp for anyone who isnt in a gang horrible and turns towns into a pvp fest rather than a place to spawn and buy the starting items you need to get going. sure maybe a bit of rp and hostile rp can go on if youre in an alley like maybe on the outskirt of the town but it's a huge pain in the ass when you get robbed every time you spawn within like 5 minutes then youre dead for 5 mins or respawn and its a rinse and repeat

    not only this cops for some reason can sit in the towns you spawn in and just lock you up or make you pay your fine for doing criminal activity. also some of the charges you get are from killing the guys who like to sit in spawn with their pistols and randomly kill you

    its against the rules yeah but like if theres no active staff who the hell is gonna report some guy who gets on for 3 minutes to rdm and gets off. it would take you a half hour just to get the report made and its just not worth your time

    1. This is a light rp server for a game, most of it is not realistic. Nor is it meant to be.

    2. Towns are just a starting place for getting items you need to get going. Get the items, and get going. Unless I was in Kavala, I've rarely been unable to do that.

    3. Of course cops can sit in towns? They're towns, it's where people and criminals are, of which it is their job to stop. Have you ever driven in a real city? There's gonna be cops there, that's how this works.

    4. Of course cops can lock you up or make you pay your fine for doing criminal activity. They are cops, you're breaking the law. How in God's Earth did you expect them to do anything besides fine you or lock you up? That's kind of their thing.

    5. You don't have to take the time to report someone for RDM if you don't want to or feel it isn't worth your time. But you can't complain that they aren't punished or claim the admins aren't doing anything if you don't report it. That's like knowing someone broke the law, not saying anything, and wondering why they weren't arrested.

    That's all I got for now. Good luck with whatever the heck it is you're doin' that led to this post my guy. o7

  2. Please sir, have mercy on us poor officers. There is already 6 events that can (And typically are) cycled through back to back. Officers already have to give 2 lives to each of these events as it is, and when they are getting cycled, they have little time to do standard patrol already. Can we kindly not add more to the plate that they would be mandated to respond to? I'm all for new content, but I'd rather see more normal events that both officers and civilians can partake in willingly.

    ObiWoki, Kawaii, JITDUDE and 3 others like this
  3. On 11/19/2020 at 12:05 PM, danile666 said:

    I mean, you can flashbang the house down in the circumstances you described.  So these guys are not untouchable, you have the tools...use them?

    This is great, if the civilian only has one house. But, big bounties that lock themselves in houses don't always have just one house nearby. Take Farmersville for example. If you wanted to get them out of a house, you could blow it up, but they'd die in the process, and spawn at another one a hundred or so meters away. I know a good handful of people who have multiple house spawns in Athira and Pyrgos as well. And at 20k per house to blow up? Not the best option.

    Romaniac, Sentinel and MysticLion like this
  4. If you are going to unironically propose the removal of downing rounds from the APD, which in and of itself is a completely and utterly ludicrous idea, what, pray tell, would be the alternative to downing rounds that you would propose? The APD still needs a way to capture criminals and suspects without killing them, especially since we no longer get paid for killing suspects. Also bare in mind that this new way of capturing criminals alive that you'd be proposing would have to be plausible against larger groups of rebels, or suspects who are at longer ranges, so the handgun only is not an option. If you have an alternate idea, I'd love to hear it, though I don't think I would agree with it still.

  5. I hope that is a joke. Because if it isn't, then you my friend have got some serious delusions of grandeur that need to be addressed. Good luck with whatever you encounter in the future, I hope you handle it better than you did here. And frankly, I think I'd rather have a new backpack skin than an alliance system. Give me one that looks like a turtle shell to wear with a green wetsuit!

  6. You shouldn't need to text anyone. If you're actively intending or planning to run with a group, the overwhelmingly vast majority of people I have met over the years would be in communication through TeamSpeak or Discord, and already KNOW they need to join a group upon joining, or can quickly confirm friendlies from enemies. Not that this problem is completely unique to you, but it seems more on your end than anything else. Additionally, like stated before, KOS zones are not designed nor intended to create roleplay. They are the exact opposite, where even the light RP the server is based around is not necessary. No one is promoting anyone to tell others to 'fuck off', just stating that it isn't needed to change something that has been working fine for players for years now.

    As for the comment about a a pre-mature server, bad updates, and how we should be thanking you: The players on this server who play every single day seem to be quite alright with the updates coming out, otherwise they wouldn't keep playing. Clearly the server isn't pre-mature, as it gets full everyday of people who enjoy utilizing the features present. And lastly, why should anyone here thank you for giving 'logic' that no-one asked for, or from what I've read so far, really agrees with? It seems more to me that you are getting upset and being immature about this because some people gave their opinion, and it didn't fall in line perfectly with yours.

  7. I'm not sure how much more clear I can be, mate. I see your point, yes. I have seen and understood it from the first post, I never needed clarification. I just don't agree with your point. But that's just my opinion, and I'm just another guy on the server. It's up to you to take that opinion for whatever you will.

  8. 3 hours ago, The Forgotten Legend said:

    Let me make it more clear for you.

    Its a simple phycological examination. Same thing as marketing. If you sell mac n cheese called 'Number 1 Melted Cheese" vs , 'noodles and dick cheese' the better name would win, even if it was the same product. 

    This correlates to asylum LIFE servers in a more social way. If we were to see a more colorful less dangerous looking colour, such as the sky, or grass, yellow for the sun, the eye would be more welcoming, kinda like a smile. 

    Players would be more willing to go up to a player knowing they are allied. It would escalate to them learning the game together, escalating to a run rather than it being white, bringing hardly any affiliation/groups because the 'alliance' might as well not exist because not everyone will know of the conversations/experience/situations ones were involved in.  Expecting your entire gang to instantly hear of everything that happens is a mistake many make. Their are gangs that accidentally kill each other and cbaT to message them and try to fix it due to the immaturity within your community.

    Fuck tags and alliances will never happen if you expect gangs to always join groups but if you sent ally gangs group invites and they just had to accept it, like a gang invite that'd make all the difference.

    Their are a lot of gangs, that my members run into and don't know of the things I did with them. It would make all the difference if they knew we were allies, from another members PoV but we might as well not even be an ally because their is no way of indicating both gangs have factioned with one another in the past, holding it from make a fututre.

    DS can contribute to this toxicity. For example. If a member turns himself in for Trial by Combat and then a bank/fed/prison pops, the TBC should take priority. If you tell the qualified person sorry we have a bank. 'would u like to explain your charges' is just tying to trigger someone because of who the are. Are you telling me asylum doesn't promote equal opportunity? That's a massive interpretation that that players rights are being shoved up his ass, which is because a certain high rank @bbgreg17 was influenced by others to say no to this individual. Which isn't right.

    an admin event shouldn't be the reason a sgt+ cannot conduct a TBC. If none are on scene, the LT+ should conduct it. Not tell the player that turned himself in to "go fuck himself, when literally just moments ago a newly promoted SGT could have conducted it. You do the TBC then tend to the bank. Not 'oh its him'. 

    Explain to me how a player hitting 'rob bank' is more important than me turning myself in? 

    You guys really need to rethink your development team because its just not working out...

    asylum could have been at 6 active servers by now but sadly you failed figure things out/change your ways. 


    First, I have to be frank, I have no idea what you're talking about with psychology and seeing less threatening colors. Unless you're afraid of the color white, I don't see that making any sense. As for players going up to each other, I don't see this as an issue. Players who WANT to have friendly interactions tend to seek out and try to. Players who don't will either avoid interacting with other players, or will act hostile towards them. The color of their name has little to do with it. As for your interactions with other gangs or gang members, this, in my opinion, holds little value as well. Allies or not, your gang mates may not like or agree with all the same people you do, and thus, hostility can still be present. Like I stated earlier, Asylum players who are interested in having big group or combined gang activities have been doing so successfully for years without an alliance system. Why would they need it now? 

    As for he trail by combat/bank situation you were talking about, no, the TBC does not, nor should it take priority. Your turning yourself in (Which can be done any other time) does not hold value over the government money at the Bank of Altis being robbed, with only a 10 minute window for the cops to stop. Additionally, the APD Guidebook (Which all officers must abide by, regardless of rank) states that any and all federal events are more important than any other standard patrol duties. Lastly, the SGT+ not being on scene has nothing to do with anything, as they don't have to be on scene for a TBC to take place, they simply must approve it to be conducted. If it was denied temporarily due to a federal event, then oh well. Try again in 10-20 minutes when the event is over, it isn't the end of the world.

    As a final note, I was not trying to imply that your suggestion was necessarily a bad one. Just that, in my opinion, and based on my experiences in the server as a cop/civ for the past handful of years, it is not necessary, or particularly useful. It wasn't that I didn't understand your proposal or points, I understood them well and fine without the clarification. Rather, it was that I did not agree with it. 

    P.S. There is no need to @ or call out specific individuals in a public thread. Especially if the claims being made are unfounded or unproved. If you truly have a complaint or quarrel with someone, go talk to them one on one. Problems are solved by finding solutions with the people involved, not by finger pointing on the forums.

    .Matt and Bandit like this
  9. As interesting of an idea as alliances sounds to be, I don't think they need to be added to the server. I'm not totally opposed to it, I just don't see it as necessary to add. Groups work just fine to avoid shooting friendly players, and people have been using the group system to combine their gangs for events/big runs for years now. While it'd be an interesting function to see if it was implemented, I don't think it's needed.

    Shaq Daddy, Mason and Donald like this
  10. I have already begun incorporating this into my briefings at server restarts and will continue to do so until such time that a policy update or game update comes along to more properly address the issue. Granted, due to my work schedule and being called in on my days off, I have not gotten to do a large number of briefings for a large number of officers it is still a start. I would personally encourage any and all APD Sergeants to incorporate this into their briefings after restart (Which should be occurring right now anyways in my opinion, since we've had recent policy updates). I'm in no way opposed to a temporary policy update to make this more well enforced, if it is decided by the Captains/Admin Team/Community or whoever else would be involved that it is necessary until an in game update can be made. But until that time, I think briefing officers on this at restarts is a fine starting point.

    Sentinel, Blake. and Rake like this
  11. The virtual items alone that are shown (Which isn't everything) total up to around $3 million (A rough guess because I can't be bother to factor for cartels, taxes, etc.). That doesn't even account for how much could be made if all the unprocessed shit got processed and sold (The uranium alone would fetch over $700,000) nor does it account for any of the firearms in the physical inventory. I know what I'm doing for money from now on.

    Niklaus likes this
  12. 4 hours ago, Bandit said:

    The answer is already in game. It just takes a talent and 15k

    And there can't be a Lieutenant+ online at all, if it is flash bangs you're talking about. If a lieutenant+ is online but doesn't want to come, then you are sol. I don't particularly care for or against giving other ranks besides LT+ the ability to open houses. I don't much care for being locked in houses either, but I don't tend to get kidnapped super often, and when I do, I'm usually not stuck in a house the whole time, so I could really take it or leave it. But for those that do care, just a point I thought I'd bring up.

  13. 11 hours ago, Matty Skirata said:

    Not sure how the warrants work, but maybe the officers could use prestige to buy more abilities like bounty hunters, such as more accurate area tracking and less cooldown on tracking?

    This is exactly what we buy with prestige for warrants. When we pull a  warrant, it gives us a circle that they are in (Like on bounty hunter, except we can only track 1). We can use prestige to get talents to make the circle smaller (Starting at 1km and going down to i think 200m at the end of the talent tree) And we can use prestige to get talents to let us update more often (Down to 2 min updates).

  14. I don't think this is about the Captains giving anyone the middle finger, and I don't think they're trying to flex any special powers. The way I see it, they wanted to add a backup plan the APD can use during feds that are heavily stacked against us. I know someone asked why not just give the power to SGT+ at their discretion, and frankly, I think that would have gone over far worse. Historically, people have not been a fan of SGTs and LTs getting additional powers against civs, and they certainly wouldn't like a power like combat seizing gold bars to be able to be used by ranks that are almost always on, and are arguably more likely to use it.

    9 hours ago, Mason Statham said:

    It's always the retired captains which just say fuck it to the rules as they only come and play to fuck around since they couldn't care.


    Policy updates means nothing Captains will do whatever they want anyways.

    I agree completely that retired captains tend to be the source of issues that arise the CPT based policies. However, I don't think this applies to all retired captains, and even with retired captains included, there is still only ever one to two people online that could possibly make use of this policy. I don't think that one or two cops with the power to combat seize gold from vehicles, only after they've left the fed will be that common or that big of an issue. But, that's just the opinion of a humble career cop.

    ItsLego and Bag Of Funyuns like this
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