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Posts posted by Buckwalter

  1. Bamf, without you—and the staggering amount of time and energy you've expended on this community—Asylum would not have survived. It probably would have died within six months of Identity's announcement. People probably aren't fully aware of just how much you've given, sacrificed, and endured over the years, but having seen it up close, I can't thank you enough for all of your Sisyphean toiling on our behalf. You persevered in the face of overwhelming negativity, frustrating internal forces, capricious BIS policies, and so much more, but you always seemed to press on simply because you loved the game. 

    You've left an indelible mark on this community and everybody who has been a part of it owes you a debt of gratitude. Thank you for all you've done. All the best.  

    LaGrange, Gregg, Flameless and 11 others like this
  2. When I heard Bilal was buying Asylum, my initial reaction was "Who gives a shit?" But I have to say, after some time to think, this might actually be what's best for the community.

    For a long time Asylum has been missing that magic it had in the old days, and between reverting some of the development missteps and shaking up the leadership structure, this might be the shot in the arm this community has desperately needed.

    In service of that end, I'd be willing to come back—shit, might even play the game again. Good luck @Bilal Battu, you've got your work cut out for you, but it's totally doable. If you need a hand with anything, I'm always happy to help out. 

  3. 19 hours ago, TheCrestedPenguin said:

    Ye discuss it here civilly because if you'd engage in any discussion about identity which resembles a negative attitude on their discord you'll get banned :frog:

    Yeah they really don't like it when people are critical over there. I've found the trick is to voice your criticism in the form of over the top, ironic, praise. 

    You don't get banned since the fanboys think you're sincere and it gets people really riled up. I've been lighting fires in that discord with this method for a few days with great success lol. 

    Alec-I, Kev 23, Big Fred and 3 others like this
  4. Perhaps a better compromise would be adding community-driven content updates to the list of donation goals. 

    Allow the community to make proposals, have the community vote, bamf and gnashes take the top five or so and sort them according to the amount of time and effort required to implement. If the goal is met, the content is added to the game. A system like this would bring real incentives to the table, freshen up the existing gameplay, and it would likely result in far more donations than meager numeric changes with little bearing on actual gameplay. As an added bonus, the community would have a more prominent role in shaping Asylum's gameplay and future. 

    It may not be a perfect solution, but thanks to Bohemia and their draconian donation rules it's probably about as good as it's going to get. 

    Azeh, Ghost0fDawn, Innate and 7 others like this
  5. Just now, Romulus said:

    That 2014 summer was epic, I was new but remember stumbling into an Arthira riot.  Got so crazy admins pulled jets and gave us all 5 minute warning before bombs dropped.  Watching anything of Jin's back then was usually comedy gold.  Good times

    Those were truly the best of times.

    Speaking of Jin, this thread got me looking through my old recordings and I found a clip of Jin and I downing cops in Kavala. Everybody was roleplaying, everybody was enjoying themselves, no one was angry or saying it's been ten minutes and Dcing. It was fun. I should post that clip and remind people how awesome asylum can be when you don't take it too seriously. 

    Romulus likes this
  6. Just now, Rodrigo said:

    If you gonna bring up old montages atleast bring something before 6.0 brother :) 


    I remember this fight. That "let's hover an orca directly above them and let them shoot the pilot" tactic caused a massive controversy. Also we (the APD) came back way too many times. 

    Romulus and Crossfade like this
  7. Just now, Volunteer281 said:

    I agree and disagree Buck. I am one of those who really enjoyed the original cops and robbers format and loved making shit tons of money. I had a duty to stay the #1 most wealthy person in the community for that whole time lol.  While yes you could say "the era of all fun and no grind died" after 6.0, you are forgetting about all the major issues that were going on that solicited the need for change. Hence, 6.0.

    I believe what made me enjoy the game the most was not about what features were or were not added to the game, I honestly believe it was the playerbase at the time that made the servers great. This was a time before the adaptive crosshair quick peak shot from deerstands and towers bullshit. This was a time before people even considered using DPI glitching, lagswitching, or aim assist auto hotkeys. This was a time when people actually RP'ed. I'm not talking A3L levels of hardcore RP (how do you know my name?) crap, but at least some level of thought was put into RP. And this was a time when the average age of the playerbase was not 12 like it is today.

    Point I'm trying to make is, I don't believe that it would really make a hill of beans if the devs reverted back to pre 6.0 at this point. The playerbase I enjoyed playing with is practically non-existent. Hence why I became increasingly more and more non-existent in this community as time went on. Hence why I stepped down from CM basically.  

    Also for everyone else, I do believe a lot of your feelings of "The good old days" can be chalked up to what I call "The Nostalgia Effect" I posted about it over a year and a half ago here...

    Kind Regards,

    DJSci I mean Volunteer.

    While I certainly understand your point, I think it's possible you're failing to recognize the connection between our arguments. You have to wonder why the entirety of Asylum, gameplay and community, experienced a precipitous decline after 6.0. Now to be clear, I don't begrudge Paratus or Motown for taking things in the direction they felt was necessary and healthy at the time. Some of those changes were absolutely necessary, but after so much time has elapsed it's time to candidly acknowledge some of these changes have had negative consequences and fundamentally changed Asylum for the worse. 

    Doubtless, some degree of Golden Age Thinking has polluted my objectivity in this matter, as many of my friends quit playing after 6.0 and even more quit after the forum/cop reset. That being said, I think you'd be hard-pressed to make cogent argument that your "fun per minute ratio" has gone up over time.

    If you recall, at the time I was quite in favor of the changes made in 6.0. I thought it was a real problem that people were able to ignore the core gameplay so easily, as it created roaming gangs of 30-40 players whose sole source of entertainment was tormenting the cops. That was a real problem, but forcing people into artificial poverty to dissuade them from constantly engaging with the funnest parts of the game was a mistake. A group cap was the answer, not forcing people into an endless loop of menial fetch quests.

    This artificial imposition of poverty also ties into the attitudinal issues you mention in your post. When money gets tight, losing becomes a bigger issue and people start taking things more seriously to spare themselves the drudgery of grinding for gear. Of course that isn't the only factor, there has been an undeniable shift in the community's culture. RP is all but dead, and I don't have a simple fix for that one other than to say that people are more apt to roleplay when they have a reason to. It's a tricky problem. 

    I won't suggest that going back to the way things were would restore Asylum to its former glory, but it might just make the moment to moment gameplay enjoyable enough to bring some good people back. 

    PS In the immortal words of Hannibal Barca "Git Gud Low-tier scrub fam, I'm a fucking legend fam kappa fam"


  8. Here's the sad truth guys, the game you want to play is not the game those in charge want to make.


    In the early days there was enough overlap to keep everyone happy but with each major patch came another inflection point away from the original cops and robbers format. 6.0 is probably the most salient example of the diverging interests of devs and the players. The players were content with asylum as it was for the most part—except the complaints about a lack of end game content— but the devs wanted to reinforce the core gameplay loop that most players gladly opted out of as soon as they made enough money. It was a critical misunderstanding of what people played for. People liked that once you made enough money, you could go on fighting and messing around indefinitely. With 6.0 the era of all fun and no grind died. Only to be replaced with the era of perennial grind and very limited combat.  


    Due to limitations of the Arma engine, Asylum isn't deep enough to make a grind rewarding. It would be far better to stick to what makes Asylum great, fun interactions and meaningful small unit infantry combat. 


    There's a lot more I could say on this issue, from the bad bounty hunter update to the paltry payouts for time consuming activities, but it's all been discussed ad nauseam at this point.


    TL;DR: The devs want to make an RPG, the players want to play cops and robbers.

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