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Posts posted by Kernikov

  1. Please add the Milwaukee FUEL M18 Sawzall to Rebel Outposts.
    This tool will allow civilians to interact with unsupervised vehicles, start an interact bar, and disable the vehicle while stealing an item (catalytic converter) that may be sold.
    I imagine different tiers, like that of an Ifrit being worth more than one from a potato hatch.
    If you get chopped, your vehicle's max speed is permanently lowered.


  2. In game Name: Kernikov

    Player ID: 76561198043995415

    Rank: A-EMT

    Application URL: 


    Month(s) of Absence: October

    Reason: Personal reasons, more information available on TS if needed.

  3. 21 hours ago, killer11 said:

    How about an Inactive higher up make the effort to make his officers RP more rather then make them robocop every person that gives the APD a real fight. Even your LT MK loadout cost close to nothing. Cop isn’t a money-making faction, so go on civ to make money. It doesn’t matter if you get shit on in a fight, you should still make an effort to RP with civs and REDUCE their ticket price for their explaining instead of going to jail. The reason a civ would go to jail is not to waste his time getting a high ticket he can’t pay, because the cops are butthurt and you as an higher up should hold up to those standards and not make robo-coping a policy.

    The question is whether or not "cop mains" should be able to survive/sustain themselves on the server without playing civ to make money for their cop armour/mobiles/etc that you are expected to pull.

    I am glad others are stepping up to make controversial posts, and it's very weird when killer11 is a voice of reason.

    King, Louie and Donald like this
  4. 3 hours ago, Gen. Henry Arnold said:

    Did you know there's already a virtual item for medics that drops a flare and a helicopter drops a medical crate with a med shop that any can use?

    And the owner of the crate gets a commission for anything bought at it by another player

    This thing can be sling loaded, loaded onto vehicles etc, I don't think the current state of slinging/vehicle loading allows the taru pod to be lifted by anything but the taru/huron though


    Bro that's literally the first sentence in my post, I'm aware it exists.
    I think having AI anything is cringe, and having a physical pod instead of a magic box is a lot better quality wise. 

    I'd assume that the Mohawk could as well, but I feel like that heavy cargo lift restriction is a pro in regards to stopping it from being yoinked.


    4 hours ago, P.FitzWallace said:

    I mean not a bad idea at all, one issue I foresee is that I feel like the AFD is the Wild West rn.  There were feds this past weekend where there were four medics for rebels none for cops, blocking our shots with hunters etc. I feel like there wouldn’t be a way to counter this if for example someone dropped one on the roof of bank, and suddenly there’s unlimited medical supplies and assistance.  Obviously this can be adjusted with policy/code but food for thought.

    I think "this faction is whitelisted griefing and not worth adding content to" is a hilarious argument.
    Thoughts @JimJim?

  5. Advanced EMTs gain the ability to purchase a virtual "medical drop" item that, when used, spawns an AI Taru to fly-by and "paradrop" an ammo crate that has the same options as a hospital/medical shop.

    My suggestion is to replace or supplement this item by adding the Taru Medical logistics pod (the one thats attached to the medical Taru) and the bare cargo-lift Taru to transport it, with the medical pod being purchase-able and pull-able from a ground vehicle garage and able to be sling loaded and brought to a location to provide the same medical/hospital options.

    Perhaps to prevent it from being stolen, allow a medic to lock/deploy it and have it be a valid "hospital" location for the civ respawn talent with gear if deployed.

    Just some late night theory crafting.

  6. Add an option to toggle on the water hose effect from the strider's commander seat turret, in the direction that it faces.

    This should contribute to putting out fires and maybe even outside fires for roleplay purposes. 😀

    I believe this would usher in a new area of high quality AFD roleplay.

    Trist likes this
  7. Since this post was made progress has been made:

    0. Transparency
    Djmon has been promoted to Captain, giving us two active player captains.
    Wiki staff has expanded including several APD officers from LT to Constable.

    1. Modernize house raiding policy
    Austin Rogers has taken it upon himself to update/re-word/modernize the house raiding policies, seeking input from APD staff and server admins and submitting it to the Captains for approval.

    2. Federal Reserve Gang Fort pursuit policy

    Mentioned to Captains, being discussed.

    3. Restrict Federal Event piloting

    Not an APD concern. Server ban for VDM will result in APD points, etc.

    4. Revive the Marid dead content
    Mentioned to Captains, being discussed. This requires input from admins, SAs, devs, etc.

    5. Probable cause for civilians witnessed lockpicking police restraints 
    Mentioned to Captains, being discussed. This requires input from admins, SAs, devs, etc.

    6. Questions and Clarifications for the APD Wiki Guidebook:
    As mentioned above, there is additional wiki staff now working on re-wording and updating policies.
    If you notice any outdated or confusing portions, please mention it to any Sergeants or Lieutenants, or Wiki Staff to address it.

    The take away should be that progress is being made and that there are people listening when concerns are brought up now.

    Lieutenant Kernikov
    APD Staff

  8. 5 hours ago, Alex. said:

    why are you pulling it in the first place if you dont even have the garage unlocked yet.

    45k prestige talent not usable until you spend another 50k for ground and 75k for air garage?

    Would be like having a talent to buy magazines and another after it to buy a gun.

    3 hours ago, Austin M said:

    Oh yeah, why even bother pulling it for bank? Get the same amount of pushes by driving from hq.

    I'm not sure what your point is, I could pull it for a mental and you'd still have no vehicle 1.5km out.
    You read the entire title, post and replied only to the last sentence.

    6 hours ago, Austin M said:

    It isn’t even that much prestige to unlock the garage.

    90,000 prestige to be usable is a lot.

    Ruffian likes this
  9. Officer Name: NewYork

    Officer Rank: Corporal

    Description: Mature, knows his guidebook pretty well, and committed to the APD.  He's shown that he can handle stressful situations and keep a level head, I have no concerns when he covers a higher-up request or has to deal with upset or frustrated civilians. He's an old returning officer, has consistent playtime, and doesn't bring drama with him. Had a hiccup a few months ago and recently failed a mock cert, but I have no doubt he'll acquire it and even move up the APD ranks if he shows a desire to.

    curley, william, NewYork718 and 1 other like this
  10. 1a5063219f1a081b6a8bdddcff8ec015.png


    The following is a manifesto for change from an officer who has not touched grass in months.
    I am aware that Senior Admins have opinions on some of these (like the sanctity of player housing) so I'd love to see what's posted in response to this. There have been no previous drafts and I have not slept, so bear with me.

    0. Transparency
    With Sandwich's retirement we currently have Chief of Police Innate, Captain Jr4Life24, and Captain HunterB.
    As a Sergeant I have had the ability to bump into some of you in our locked staff channels and hear whispers about what's being discussed or upcoming, but the majority of the APD do not have this luxury and it's been expressed to me that they have no idea what the captains are up to.
    I feel that part of the role of APD staff (or mod/support staff even) is the presence.
    If you have a question, you can see Sergeants hanging out in the Support channels.
    If you need an interview or house raided, you have your Lieutenants in the Senior Police Chambers.
    As for the Captains, personally I've mostly only really seen JrNoLife24/7.
    Like right now, sleeping in the Captain's Office. Bless his heart:

    Even I only really bump into our now only player/non-staff Captain JR, will we be getting another player captain? 
    Could we see you guys sitting around more often in the open office / non-hidden channels, even if AFK?
    What's being discussed and what's the timeline like for your discussions?

    An example is my last suggestion about a charge that some old officers didn't even notice was removed from the guidebook, which was initially brought up in TeamSpeak near the end of May and now posted a month ago on the forums, and having heard nothing about since.
    This isn't a call-out, but instead just curiosity about what the top end of the APD is up to.

    1. Modernize house raiding policy


    This document meant to outline the proper way to perform these raids

    This document is the Bible for raiding houses, and must be followed precisely at the risk of losing your Lieutenant+ police rank that you've spent months or possibly years working towards earning, and it still mentions crates, barrels, and preventing random civilians from accessing the house for what used to be to protect the inventory. With the risk being so high I've heard at least one Lieutenant mention that they will never bother raiding houses because it isn't worth it, and at that point why even have the policy to do so if people are scared to do so? At least 2 LTs and a current Captain have both suffered loss of rank, temporarily or permanently, over ambiguity or misinterpretation. 

    This must be re-written for current Asylum, with the amount of Athira/Kavala house camping and kidnapping of both APD officers and random civilians forced into 10 minute timeouts (why do this to random civilians?)

    • Is the same level of severity required towards preventing unrelated civilians from entering if the locks are toggled?
    • Are all officers below the rank of LT still barred from entry during a house lock toggle, with failure to comply being considered unlawful home entry?

    CST/CPL/SGT raiding policy only applies to suspects actively firing from a locked house, what about kidnapped officers or civilians?
    Can policy be updated to permit flashbang-ing the house for hostage rescue, or even permitting SGTs to unlock doors?

    2. Federal Reserve Gang Fort pursuit policy

    In the event that a vehicle flees the Federal Reserve to Gang Fort, officers are permitted two lives only as it is an illegal area.
    Would an exception for this specific circumstance be possible?

    3. Restrict Federal Event piloting

    How many times have Federal Events been won because someone was "accidentally" was shot out while they happened to be hovering over the rebels' orca parked on the roof of bank. Accidents happen, and hot drops are named that for a reason, you could argue that it's excusable when it wasn't the intended outcome and  you also have a dozen dead cops, but I've seen solo pilots hovering over the roof and baiting the rip. While you could argue it's VDM and up to the admins, I'd like a helicopter manual policy for maintaining altitude over or distance from Federal Events if you're operating as a solo pilot.

    4. Revive the Marid dead content

    Ignoring the complaints about the characteristics of the vehicle, this is a Captain-only vehicle hamstrung by policy wording.


    The Marid may only be pulled during large sustained federal events.
    Large federal events are defined as events where there is a large rebel presence and even after the APD has made several attempts there has been little to no progress.

    Every officer is aware of how chaotic these large situations can be, and when you have a 10 minute timer on a Bank Robbery to respond, respawn, assemble and roll out in a slower tank, it's just unrealistic to expect any sort of usage.
    Even when you are aware you are going to be driving into a 16 vs. 6 Bank or Federal Reserve and the proliferation of RPG usage, I do not understand why Captains aren't permitted to make a judgement call to use the vehicle at their discretion for Federal or Admin Events when they are some of the most trusted and senior members of the community, and also sometimes server staff.

    They are trusted with looking at the government identification of minors, but not when to use a 12 man suicide box.

    5. Probable cause for civilians witnessed lockpicking police restraints 
    Lockpicking or boltcut-ing police restraints outside a police HQ does not grant you probable cause to seize the boltcutters or lockpicks, even if witnessed.
    An exception was made for PC to be gained for attempted auto theft/grand theft, and I request one for this situation.

    6. Questions and Clarifications for the APD Wiki Guidebook:

    The majority of these aren't questions I have, but rather questions I've been asked by newer officers who don't have the months or years of experience that the rest of us staff members have. You may argue that some of these are common sense or that as soon as a specific line is drawn people would toe it, and I agree but there's an unneeded amount of ambiguity in the writing.

    General Clarifications

    • How are officers supposed to deal with contraband in tents or tents involved in Federal Reserve robberies?
    • Special charges for rebels who use downing/tracer ammo?

    Under Processing/Ticketing:

    • Add reason to not read charges if they want to go to jail, don't rely on the word "immediately"
    • Ticket Price, explain what happens when 50% increase + 50% reduction for non-evasion/non-aggressive

    Under Ticket Guide

    • Possession of an Illegal Firearms charge lists MXs with lethal ammo, despite the MX itself now being illegal

    Under Processing/Bounty Hunters

    • "Fully revoke?" = does this mean for the restart, poor choice of words
    • Why is this a list with one reason listed? Should be shortened and made more concise.
    • Explains that you should only "fully" seize a license for a restart if they're kidnapping officers or civilians, last list adds abusing a SPAR.
    • SPAR section should maybe include a note that seeing a drum mag loaded is illegal lethal ammo, some civilians have pretended to be bounty hunters.
    • This entire section needs to be re-written and made more concise.

    Under Internal Affairs

    • This is the biggest "this should be common sense", but the policy for processing "known associates" (full ticket or jail) should be listed in the processing section, as well as including the policy update explaining what that means. I've been asked how it works for cadets and their tether if one of the two is associated, and whether they can issue half tickets.

    Thanks for reading my 5 AM ramblings :FeelsBadMan: , and if there's any other officers who have questions, concerns or need additional clarification feel free to contribute.

    Sergeant Kernikov
    APD Staff


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