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APD Corporal
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Status Updates posted by KrazyKnight

  1. cough

    1. GravL


      woah woah woah stay the fuck over there buddy don’t touch me

  2. I fucking did it boys. I hit 1k followers on my twitch. Too happy right now

  3. almost 1k on followers on twitch. hell yeah

  4. Why can't I cannibalize people? I want to be Asylums best chef, but I CAN'T COOK PEOPLE. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KrazyKnight
    3. Mayhem


      Wouldn’t want to eat anyone here, a lot of them are too salty

    4. Batcan
  5. Socialism

    1. Kawaii


      I'm gonna take Dick Romneys guns and Elizabeth Warren is gonna help me do it

  6. fuck you. this is twitter now

  7. Man I can't stop thinking about dicks dude.

  8. Love me some hairy paintrain 

  9. Can I fart on your flame kiddo?

  10. i follow you to the ends of the earth. :::::::)))))))))

  11. Nothing going on in here..............................................................................................................................................................................................................ASIDE FROM ME

  12. Thanks for the follow. Make sure to like comment and subscribe to my channel boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  13. Could use more memes.

    1. Overseer


      don't worry I have plenty  ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    2. KrazyKnight








      What a meme

  14. What's on your mind?


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