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Change log 7.9.1


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5 minutes ago, Thomas said:

@bamf Can we get a vote going on reverting Nandi turf back on Tanoa dont think many people seem to be fans of it from what people have said. 

No, by 'many people' you mean those who made millions in such short time from that over powered turf? There is no reason to have it reverted, do you expect to get spoonfed? The only risk on that empty server is rogue and the boys, no reason to complain, change was needed, now we just need an evidence lockup compound where cops can seize illegal items without driving 8km.

Edited by Jimbo
explicit, Boris, bunni and 2 others like this
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1 minute ago, Gnashes said:

You must be both a Master Bounty Hunter and have a Bounty Hunter License to get those perks.


if(_varName == "life_honor") exitWith {
	if(!license_civ_bounty) exitWith {};
	if(!126 in life_talents) exitWith {};
	life_honor = life_honor + _value;
	if(count life_honortalents == 0) exitWith {};
	_total = _value * 100;
	switch(true) do {
		case (10 in life_honortalents): {["atm","add",round (0.15 * _total)] call life_fnc_uC; systemChat format["You've received %1 honor and $%2 for an arrest made by your group member",_value,round (0.15 * _total)]};
		case (9 in life_honortalents): {["atm","add",round (0.1 * _total)] call life_fnc_uC; systemChat format["You've received %1 honor and $%2 for an arrest made by your group member",_value,round (0.1 * _total)]};
		case (8 in life_honortalents): {["atm","add",round (0.05 * _total)] call life_fnc_uC; systemChat format["You've received %1 honor and $%2 for an arrest made by your group member",_value,round (0.05 * _total)]};



Have all of them

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5 minutes ago, Gnashes said:

You must be both a Master Bounty Hunter and have a Bounty Hunter License to get those perks.


if(_varName == "life_honor") exitWith {
	if(!license_civ_bounty) exitWith {};
	if(!126 in life_talents) exitWith {};
	life_honor = life_honor + _value;
	if(count life_honortalents == 0) exitWith {};
	_total = _value * 100;
	switch(true) do {
		case (10 in life_honortalents): {["atm","add",round (0.15 * _total)] call life_fnc_uC; systemChat format["You've received %1 honor and $%2 for an arrest made by your group member",_value,round (0.15 * _total)]};
		case (9 in life_honortalents): {["atm","add",round (0.1 * _total)] call life_fnc_uC; systemChat format["You've received %1 honor and $%2 for an arrest made by your group member",_value,round (0.1 * _total)]};
		case (8 in life_honortalents): {["atm","add",round (0.05 * _total)] call life_fnc_uC; systemChat format["You've received %1 honor and $%2 for an arrest made by your group member",_value,round (0.05 * _total)]};


axe arrested some dude, I was standing next to him. I only got the shared bounty, not the bonus



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7 minutes ago, troublesome said:

How bout we fix the Cartel Bar. 90% stays on my screen with the wrong percentage even when im not in the cap. Also can we get the secondary action "Defibs / executing" while in the cap below it and not behind it?. We can't see who we are defibbing or executing.


It sends a client message in chat now saying 

"defibbing X" 

idk about executing, havent tried yet

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1 hour ago, Gnashes said:

There's nothing that happens when you kill someone that would cause you to lose gear though. No variables get set when you kill someone; only on the dead guy.

Well its a bug that exists and is very frustrating. My guess it is something to do with syncing, whatever is causing that dead player death sync may be effecting the person killing him as well? I have no idea but that'll be a starting point.

I would say attempt to recreate it by killing someone and Alt-F4ing instantly to see if you lose gear when logging back in, if so, then its defo something along the lines of what I mentioned above, if not, it's something to do with restarts. 


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Seems like I got trapped. After this new patch a new spawn point appeared for the cops (on Tanoa). And I was a bit curious, so I clicked it.



I then appeared on the debug island. Fired a few shots. Respawned back to Georgetown to respond to a bank. Then:



Already dealing with that on ban appeals, but I just wanted to let you guys know about this new tricky spawn point.


Here's the gif: https://i.imgur.com/j7LKFlh.gif

Edited by BlackShot
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