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  1. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by DinKleberg in COVID Baby   
    Friend of mine tested positive for it so you already know I'm probably getting it. Nice knowing you guys !
  2. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Big Gay Jay in Federal Event Cooldown Timer Feedback   
    Can't wait for some troll to tap the Prison and run instantly so that I have to wait 25 minutes to do anything.
  3. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Leady in Federal Event Cooldown Timer Feedback   
    A concern brought to us by the Cpts is that there is not enough time between federal events. It was suggested we increase the time greatly to allow for several things:
    - Actually ending the fighting
    - Collect all suspects and return to an HQ
    - Process all suspects
    - To return to Patrol
    The benefits suggested would be:
    Allow more time for civilians to fight each other, rather than cops. Bring risk back to running of illegal items as APD would have additional time to patrol these areas. Give more opportunities for spontaneous combat to occur rather than scripted events.  
    suggested downsides: 
    Large groups looking to make money from bank/fed/lockup would have to wait much longer to do so. If your group mate is sent to jail from a federal event, completely eliminates the opportunity to break them of jail.
    Greatly increasing the time would obviously be a major change to how the server currently functions. And before we make any decision around this we wanted feedback from all sides in the community. Please vote in the poll, and give your thoughts on the topic.
    (And yes I am aware the federal reserve cool down is currently broken)
  4. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Yung Jaypl in APD Applicants Appointments   
    You expect the average officer to be able to link a Google Form? Bold assumption...
  5. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by BaDaBiNg_10-8 in APD Applicants Appointments   
    Why didn’t you think of this before @RoguePilot you’re failing the people and it’s only your first week. #shittycaptain 
  6. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Copa in End of the year Loot Crate Coupon   
  7. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Toxicc in APD Change Proposal   
    Or push in general none of them have any idea what to do.
  8. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Joshhh in [WTS] Closest Meth Shed   
    he bought it for 100 bud so gonna need to up that
  9. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Ethan Darrell in APD Change Proposal   
    So much for being able to be penetrated  by a 50 cal...
  10. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by MysticLion in APD Change Proposal   
    seems fair enough, considering how little see the capt on wouldn't be all that common anyways plus it's not that hard to counter it
  11. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Bherky in Beep Boop thats the sound of Bherky!!   
    Stalling for 2 failed speedbombs 
  12. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Azeh in Changelog - Post-Christmas   
    It's no longer the first option
  13. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Parzah in Changelog - Post-Christmas   
    these nvgs are really boosting my gameplay im able to rob people cause they disappear off the enemies
  14. ФLimФ liked a post in a topic by Romaniac in APD Suggestions/Ideas   
    Hello and Merry Christmas, 
    These are some of my ideas/suggestions I think would improve gameplay experience, Please comment your thoughts and ideas as well and maybe we can get some new in game items/activities going!!!!
    Marked APD Vehicles - Proposition 1 - Increase Speed in Offroad and SUV's to match hatchback sport, 2 - Give Constable + ability to use APD Van
     Why we should 1 - Better Cover for incoming fire (depending on vehicle), ADP will use other vehicles other then hatchback sport for any and all activities. Cool R
     2 - Constables will be able to take on more cadets, Will enable APD to use more tactical techniques in cities (Gaining some roof access without                                                                    superman jumping from the curb), Officers will be able to more efficiently and effectively transport suspects, Great Cover from incoming fire.
    APD Evidence Lockup Event - Proposition - Completely scrap the current federal event, Change event location to be able to be done at any Police HQ
      Why we should - Since I've joined the APD there has been only 1 time I have ever seen a assistance request from the Evidence Lockup... (6months and                                               counting) not to mention it was a dud and never even got to go to the federal event. I say we change it so that it can be done at any                                                                                 police headquarters (like a robbery) in where there have to be cops defending as opposed to every other event where we must                                                                                         advance and conquer. for example (make a scroll option at a city hall to attack a certain police headquarters in 3-5 minutes, for                                                                                         either APD seized drugs, weapons, and or vehicles. make it so that officers can spawn at an hq between 1-3X when said scroll option                                                                               is activated and once all cops are wiped the vehicles spawn or a tempest spawns with the drugs and guns in the HQ), this could also                                                                               help with more use of the terrorism charge for attacking a police hq, attempted robbery, manslaughter etc....
  15. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by bigjohn561 in Making Cartel life great again!!   
    Limit admins load outs.
  16. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Bherky in blood money / turf suggestion   
    Olympus has war points, this server has bloodmoney that being said kills are rewarded by bloodmoney. I suggest should an increase of bloodmoney for how rewarding the kill is. Depending on the distance of the shot you should get more money from it, or depending on the gun you use. 
    Say for example, starting at $1500 blood money for every kill adding $500 bloodmoney for every 100m. For example scale, a 1km shot would be $6500. 
    and us to use the loadout feature for bloodmoney. 
    Also a suggestion for turfs, you should be able to sell at turf that is not controlled by your gang, but for a certain reduction. 
  17. Bherky liked a post in a topic by Romaniac in SGT Houses   
    Just kidding but I get that the medic script would be flawed, but lower ranks are DEFINATELY not getting that amount of power so it would be a simple solution for a problem seemingly a lot of people are having... 
    On the other hand I actually have noticed a lot of officers not carry the most over powered tool we have at all because of the price... At 1,000$ a pop it adds up quick, and is not the most effective since most of the time you will either, 1 - kill the suspect in the process of flash banging his house down, 2 - they will turn themselves in halfway and now you are stuck with 20+ Bangs, 3 - you get killed in the process and you're car gets stolen (losing all bangs)
    I also do understand making flashbangs a lot cheaper would also entail abuse of flashbangs.... It's a tricky problem but everything has a solution!
    What about a system where If officers are taking fire from a house they have the ability to scroll wheel on the house and it will implement a timer marking the house (5MIN) within this 5 minutes the officers all have a 1 life rule have to stay within 15M of the respective house and once that 5 minute mark is up it will give 1-2 of the officers within the 15M the ability to buy flashbangs at a cheaper price (500$) with the option of return for 5 minutes . The rules around this system are simple and could just fall under warning the suspect before flashing his house down. 
    I don't see anything wrong with a system like that but I also just woke up so feel free to send some constructive criticism 🙂
    Also guys I see almost everyone on here is eager to get the SOB that's shooting you from their kavala house but one of the best ways to deter an active shooter locked in a house is 1 to take a step back (set up on the blocks around the house and wait for suspect to get bored and come outside) 2- Just leave and go find something else to do for 10 minutes ❤️
  18. MysticLion liked a post in a topic by Romaniac in SGT Houses   
    Sorry kinda late to the debate but ill just leave this here.....

  19. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by bbgreg17 in SGT Houses   
    Unfortunately seeing what we see every month, the IAs that come in, videos we get given, it just isn't something that I would trust people to use properly. If people can't properly use lethal ammo why should we trust them with opening houses?
  20. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Bilbo Baggins in SGT Houses   
    This is great, if the civilian only has one house. But, big bounties that lock themselves in houses don't always have just one house nearby. Take Farmersville for example. If you wanted to get them out of a house, you could blow it up, but they'd die in the process, and spawn at another one a hundred or so meters away. I know a good handful of people who have multiple house spawns in Athira and Pyrgos as well. And at 20k per house to blow up? Not the best option.
  21. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by DrBong in wts paros garage   
    Still Selling this garage? 
  22. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by Sliick in New Community Manager   
  23. Romaniac liked a post in a topic by DJB in Skiptracer and the MX   
    Yes I loved camping the bounty hunter scum
  24. DJB liked a post in a topic by Romaniac in Skiptracer and the MX   
    People are just too confident going there..... I saw a guy pull up in a tempest and robbed him for 127k and his tempest LOIOOL
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