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Housing Solution


Housing solution  

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  1. 1. Should we implement this?

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As we all know the housing situation currently in the game is in need of a rework. We have so many players that horde good real estate, sheds, houses in specific dps and towns. Just about every major town, dp and/or smaller town located around any sort of money maker albeit drugs, crafting, legal ways of making money are all taken. Even houses in the most remote areas of the map with nothing around are owned. This would be totally fine IF the houses were all owned by active players in the community. Something needs to be implemented to counteract people logging on for 5 minutes once a month to keep houses that they don't even use. 

Housing is one of the major draws for this server. It's advertised in the title of the server, its a huge integral part of what players want to experience. The argument for never wanting to change is that "we don't want old players to lose housing or people take a break." For the longevity of the server are we really wanting to keep new players or current active players from being rewarded with ability to purchase houses or sheds in areas that they want; just to cater towards people that don't actually play the server but log on to keep their houses??

With housing being such an important part of the server how do you think it affects the new influx of players that start to play, get a little bit of money, but then cant find a house? Or they look at the realtor in game and see everything is marked and being sold for millions. The only reason players can get away with price gouging houses for millions of dollars is because there are no houses for anyone to buy! Looking at battlemetrics the server probably averages anywhere from 50-60 new players a day out of the 400 average total that log in each day. That is 13.75% new players that log in each day that could be converted to long time players. Now of course there are other factors that could keep a new player from not staying, but it is highly discouraging to not be able to use one of the main functions on the server.

Now here is my suggestion for a solution:

I have a system that can be put into place that isn't requiring a lot of activity in order to keep your houses. No tax requirement idea for a money sink, nothing like that. Instead I'm suggesting an idea from reborn that we know worked for them.

  • Maximum of 10hrs/month required play time. 2hrs per house
  • Able to set a house as a priority so after your first 2hrs of play it will be saved for that month
  • If you do not meet the full time requirement then you lose 1 house that is not the priority home
    • Example: You own 5 houses requiring 10hrs of play, you only play for 6hrs this month. You only lose 1 of your houses, not 2 even though you didn't fully meet the time requirement.(I'm not wanting people to lose all their houses but I feel just losing 1 is enough if the time req isn't met)
  • The house that is lost will be random excluding the priority home
  • Still keep the 30 days of no activity to lose houses
  • Implement an auto afk logout timer similar to WoW to prevent people from afking for the 10hrs required
    • Example: afk for 15 minutes with no movement, clicking, etc presents you with a logout prompt countdown from 30secs and puts you in the lobby when it reaches zero
  • Make sure people are aware that if they are going to be inactive for longer than the 30 days for work, deployment, vacation etc.. that they know it is an option to put in a request with the admins to pause their timers so they don't lose housing

That's really it its pretty straight forward and simple. Its not really requiring too much effort to keep your houses. If you can't find time to play for 10 hours a month out of the 720 we are all given then do you really deserve to horde your homes? Now I'm sure you're going to all say, "people can just afk for 10hrs each month and still keep their houses." This is true but I'm sure the admins and devs can come up with a way to counteract that via tracking stats if its not possible to implement an auto afk logout.

In conclusion I'm just one of you guys that has been playing this server for years since 2014 and I want to see it thrive. Maybe this can be one step into the right direction. If you have any other suggestions or ideas on this matter please comment down below and lets try and come up with a solution as a community and not just instantly shut it down.

Edited by Donk
Djmon, Dlkl, zdeat and 10 others like this
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30 minutes ago, Donk said:


  • Make sure people are aware that if they are going to be inactive for longer than the 30 days for work, deployment, vacation etc.. that they know it is an option to put in a request with the admins to pause their timers so they don't lose housing


Great overall suggestion @Donk definitely needs implementing however I have heard in the past admins are reluctant to doing these sort of "absense requests" as they either have too much on their plate or cant be arsed... might only be select admins that share that opinion though.

Donk likes this
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I think the issue is that you don’t need to be whitelisted to play this game. Therefore, most likely there will be no requirements from your end. If you start making playtime requirements for an unwhitelisted faction you may lose overall player base. I’m not saying this is a bad idea, but if people feel like this is a job to play this game each month then they may lose interest. Just something to think about. 

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4 minutes ago, william said:

Great overall suggestion @Donk definitely needs implementing however I have heard in the past admins are reluctant to doing these sort of "absense requests" as they either have too much on their plate or cant be arsed... might only be select admins that share that opinion though.

Yeah this option is really only for specific situations and to not be abused and should be up to the discretion of the admin reviewing the request

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I think possibly lowering that requirement would be better, like hunter said i think that 2 hours per house is a lot of time and it becomes a "job", at most id say 2 hours to keep all 5 houses / sheds you have, but I would even say play 30 minutes per month to keep your houses. 

Edited by zdeat
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2 minutes ago, HunterB said:

I think the issue is that you don’t need to be whitelisted to play this game. Therefore, most likely there will be no requirements from your end. If you start making playtime requirements for an unwhitelisted faction you may lose overall player base. I’m not saying this is a bad idea, but if people feel like this is a job to play this game each month then they may lose interest. Just something to think about. 

yeah sure but 10hrs is such a small amount of time that it really shouldn't be a concern. 10hrs is only requiring 1.4% of your overall monthly time. That hour requirement shouldn't be difficult to achieve, but I see where you're coming from.

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4 minutes ago, HunterB said:

I choose to play the APD and do the 25 hours required each month with the 12 activities. If I had to focus on both Civ and cop this would be all I do each month, unless playtime in general counted towards my houses while playing cop time. 

It would just be overall playtime. 10hrs required regardless if you play cop or civ.

HunterB and oldluke like this
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5 minutes ago, HunterB said:

I choose to play the APD and do the 25 hours required each month with the 12 activities. If I had to focus on both Civ and cop this would be all I do each month, unless playtime in general counted towards my houses while playing cop time. 

never understood why career cops need good houses tbh

oldluke, Crossfade and TNT like this
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IMO, House cap should only be set to 3 houses, and a gang house. 

  • House variety is pretty scarce, especially in more desirable areas, and becomes an headache for new people to start a foundation and staying interested to keep wanting to come back.
  • 5 Houses as of right now is only useful for storing items, storing combat gear, and having a spawn point. There are no other long term benefits of having a house on this island, you can't make passive income anymore. I know plenty of people who have house cap, but are really only using 2-3 houses, and the other two are for specific situations. 
  • For the people who do own 5 houses, this would be the hardest part in figuring out how to remove the extra 2 houses an individual might have, while also making sure he gets to keep the houses he wants. The only suggestion I can think of is having an daily announcement when you login about when the new housing update is going to launch, and give players some time to transport and get ready for the update to take place. (Maybe a new option in "House Menu" to make a priority list, to ensure it does not get removed from the individual)

Housing Storage Upgrade:

Since you would changing the cap to 3, a lot of players are going to be upset, especially players who don't have a 3C. I suggest if we change the housing cap limit, houses should now be upgraded; ex: 2C -> 3C in virtual & physical. If you own a 3C, a new house will be added a "4C". 4000 virtual, and 1300 physical. This would ensure that at least the player would be benefitting from this change in some sort of way. 

With this update, the gang house should not be counted towards a house slot for the gang leader at all, and should work in the same way it already is. 

Edited by HYPER Colt
Repto likes this
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25 minutes ago, Donk said:

yeah sure but 10hrs is such a small amount of time that it really shouldn't be a concern. 10hrs is only requiring 1.4% of your overall monthly time. That hour requirement shouldn't be difficult to achieve, but I see where you're coming from.

This is a disingenuous argument because this is assuming people have 24 hours a day of free time. People sleep and have jobs.

But the reality of this post is that this dude is just salty he can't get an Athira house.

cry is free

Shadowman likes this
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9 minutes ago, [§] Alex said:

This is a disingenuous argument because this is assuming people have 24 hours a day of free time. People sleep and have jobs.

But the reality of this post is that this dude is just salty he can't get an Athira house.

cry is free

This post has nothing to do with me wanting an athira house nor is it for targeting active players. Its simply to counter the people logging on for 5 minutes to keep housing which is detrimental to the servers health. 

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3 minutes ago, [§] Alex said:

This is a disingenuous argument because this is assuming people have 24 hours a day of free time. People sleep and have jobs.

But the reality of this post is that this dude is just salty he can't get an Athira house.

cry is free

It is an issue, don't you see how much of a grind it is to get a house in Athira? Pretty hard to get a house you want if you have to work and sleep, and players are constantly checking after every restart to see if there's a new house for market. Something needs to change..

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3 minutes ago, HYPER Colt said:

It is an issue, don't you see how much of a grind it is to get a house in Athira? Pretty hard to get a house you want if you have to work and sleep, and players are constantly checking after every restart to see if there's a new house for market. Something needs to change..

He obviously doesnt play so of course hes going to whine about any change to an old outdated system. He probably logs in just to hold onto his 2015 synergy nostalgia to look at his forum name.

CoIt and Crossfade like this
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2 hours ago, Donk said:

As we all know the housing situation currently in the game is in need of a rework. We have so many players that horde good real estate, sheds, houses in specific dps and towns. Just about every major town, dp and/or smaller town located around any sort of money maker albeit drugs, crafting, legal ways of making money are all taken. Even houses in the most remote areas of the map with nothing around are owned. This would be totally fine IF the houses were all owned by active players in the community. Something needs to be implemented to counteract people logging on for 5 minutes once a month to keep houses that they don't even use. 

Housing is one of the major draws for this server. It's advertised in the title of the server, its a huge integral part of what players want to experience. The argument for never wanting to change is that "we don't want old players to lose housing or people take a break." For the longevity of the server are we really wanting to keep new players or current active players from being rewarded with ability to purchase houses or sheds in areas that they want; just to cater towards people that don't actually play the server but log on to keep their houses??

With housing being such an important part of the server how do you think it affects the new influx of players that start to play, get a little bit of money, but then cant find a house? Or they look at the realtor in game and see everything is marked and being sold for millions. The only reason players can get away with price gouging houses for millions of dollars is because there are no houses for anyone to buy! Looking at battlemetrics the server probably averages anywhere from 50-60 new players a day out of the 400 average total that log in each day. That is 13.75% new players that log in each day that could be converted to long time players. Now of course there are other factors that could keep a new player from not staying, but it is highly discouraging to not be able to use one of the main functions on the server.

Now here is my suggestion for a solution:

I have a system that can be put into place that isn't requiring a lot of activity in order to keep your houses. No tax requirement idea for a money sink, nothing like that. Instead I'm suggesting an idea from reborn that we know worked for them.

  • Maximum of 10hrs/month required play time. 2hrs per house
  • Able to set a house as a priority so after your first 2hrs of play it will be saved for that month
  • If you do not meet the full time requirement then you lose 1 house that is not the priority home
    • Example: You own 5 houses requiring 10hrs of play, you only play for 6hrs this month. You only lose 1 of your houses, not 2 even though you didn't fully meet the time requirement.(I'm not wanting people to lose all their houses but I feel just losing 1 is enough if the time req isn't met)
  • The house that is lost will be random excluding the priority home
  • Still keep the 30 days of no activity to lose houses
  • Implement an auto afk logout timer similar to WoW to prevent people from afking for the 10hrs required
    • Example: afk for 15 minutes with no movement, clicking, etc presents you with a logout prompt countdown from 30secs and puts you in the lobby when it reaches zero
  • Make sure people are aware that if they are going to be inactive for longer than the 30 days for work, deployment, vacation etc.. that they know it is an option to put in a request with the admins to pause their timers so they don't lose housing

That's really it its pretty straight forward and simple. Its not really requiring too much effort to keep your houses. If you can't find time to play for 10 hours a month out of the 720 we are all given then do you really deserve to horde your homes? Now I'm sure you're going to all say, "people can just afk for 10hrs each month and still keep their houses." This is true but I'm sure the admins and devs can come up with a way to counteract that via tracking stats if its not possible to implement an auto afk logout.

In conclusion I'm just one of you guys that has been playing this server for years since 2014 and I want to see it thrive. Maybe this can be one step into the right direction. If you have any other suggestions or ideas on this matter please comment down below and lets try and come up with a solution as a community and not just instantly shut it down.

AFK timer is easy, just compare the position and orientation of the player every hour and if it’s below a certain amount it will count them as not active.

Crossfade likes this
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1 hour ago, Donk said:

This post has nothing to do with me wanting an athira house nor is it for targeting active players. Its simply to counter the people logging on for 5 minutes to keep housing which is detrimental to the servers health. 

Looks for high demand house.

Doesn't get what he wants.

Makes a post about "servers health" directly relating to houses.

What am I missing?

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2 hours ago, HYPER Colt said:

IMO, House cap should only be set to 3 houses, and a gang house. 

  • House variety is pretty scarce, especially in more desirable areas, and becomes an headache for new people to start a foundation and staying interested to keep wanting to come back.
  • 5 Houses as of right now is only useful for storing items, storing combat gear, and having a spawn point. There are no other long term benefits of having a house on this island, you can't make passive income anymore. I know plenty of people who have house cap, but are really only using 2-3 houses, and the other two are for specific situations. 
  • For the people who do own 5 houses, this would be the hardest part in figuring out how to remove the extra 2 houses an individual might have, while also making sure he gets to keep the houses he wants. The only suggestion I can think of is having an daily announcement when you login about when the new housing update is going to launch, and give players some time to transport and get ready for the update to take place. (Maybe a new option in "House Menu" to make a priority list, to ensure it does not get removed from the individual)

Housing Storage Upgrade:

Since you would changing the cap to 3, a lot of players are going to be upset, especially players who don't have a 3C. I suggest if we change the housing cap limit, houses should now be upgraded; ex: 2C -> 3C in virtual & physical. If you own a 3C, a new house will be added a "4C". 4000 virtual, and 1300 physical. This would ensure that at least the player would be benefitting from this change in some sort of way. 

With this update, the gang house should not be counted towards a house slot for the gang leader at all, and should work in the same way it already is. 

I also agree the cap should be lowered to 3 houses. With only 1 server its a little overboard to allow people to own 5 houses.

Repto likes this
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10 hours ago, HunterB said:

I choose to play the APD and do the 25 hours required each month with the 12 activities. If I had to focus on both Civ and cop this would be all I do each month, unless playtime in general counted towards my houses while playing cop time. 

then chose a faction? people who want to career cop that horde houses are the worst tbh.. you play civ 5hrs every 3 months why do you need 5 houses? if it means you lose those 5 houses to give new players the chance to own them and play giving you more people to interact with whats the problem? just seen as being a greedy cunt when its like NO i want my 5 houses even though i play cop 60 hrs every week and civ maybe once in every 3 months...

9 hours ago, HunterB said:

What determines a house to be good or not and who gets to have those houses then?

awhile back there was a captain who owned like 2-3 GREAT money making houses yet never logged on to make money... MAKES zero fucking sense to why they would own the houses unless they are trying to prevent others from making money.

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17 minutes ago, Crossfade said:

then chose a faction? people who want to career cop that horde houses are the worst tbh.. you play civ 5hrs every 3 months why do you need 5 houses? if it means you lose those 5 houses to give new players the chance to own them and play giving you more people to interact with whats the problem? just seen as being a greedy cunt when its like NO i want my 5 houses even though i play cop 60 hrs every week and civ maybe once in every 3 months...

awhile back there was a captain who owned like 2-3 GREAT money making houses yet never logged on to make money... MAKES zero fucking sense to why they would own the houses unless they are trying to prevent others from making money.

I shouldn't have to choose a faction.  Personally, I enjoy playing both factions.  I may not play civ as much as I play cop, but when I do play civ, I want my houses to go to.

Spanky2060 likes this
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20 minutes ago, HunterB said:

I shouldn't have to choose a faction.  Personally, I enjoy playing both factions.  I may not play civ as much as I play cop, but when I do play civ, I want my houses to go to.

bruh you have 700+ cop hours and like 170 civ. maybe if you played civ more it would be a valid argument.

16 war kills, 46 war deaths.
159 kills and 290 deaths.

213 cop lethals 2500 cop deaths

What you even do? sit in kavala and rat around kidnapping people?

Donk, oldluke and CoIt like this
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Imagine trying to down vote a suggestion that's meant to improve the server just because you would have to actually play the server instead of log on for 5 minutes to keep your houses. If you don't even play why do you care about keeping your houses on a dead server? Trying to stay relevant in some sense? We are trying to come up with ideas to revitalize the server and housing is in need of a fix. 

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No matter how you look at it theres gonna be a simple way to get around whatever pointless implementations get put in.

10 hrs a month? Sheesh m8, but if its necessary people will open arma 3 and leave it on in the background while they play another game.

logout timer? Okay turn a auto clicker on or auto keyboard to do something every x time.


I started asylum in 2017, 2018? I farmed like a hog for a pretty long time. So because I got burnt out in that time frame and want to take a break and play casually you are saying the OG's should lose their houses?


Why dont you just farm 20m like I and others did to buy the houses they want or sheds? 

I was also able to just walk around cities where people were selling these really expensive high sought after houses, and would find unclaimed ones ALL the time, and this is when the server was at max pop. I found meth houses right next to the circle & garages. Just seems like an issue with the player, not the game. Lazy bones.


Theres ALOT of other things the dev's could do,add, or fix in their freelance time here, rather than this lol. You will just make all the OG's leave, I know if i had to re-do what i have already spent 1500+ hours on, I would leave permanently too lol.

Time and what I have here keeps me on this server, If i didnt have those things I would go to Olympus..or be done in general.

Edited by Aristant
Invictus likes this
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19 minutes ago, Aristant said:

No matter how you look at it theres gonna be a simple way to get around whatever pointless implementations get put in.

10 hrs a month? Sheesh m8, but if its necessary people will open arma 3 and leave it on in the background while they play another game.

logout timer? Okay turn a auto clicker on or auto keyboard to do something every x time


I started asylum in 2017, 2018? I farmed like a hog for a pretty long time. So because I got burnt out in that time frame and want to take a break and play casually you are saying the OG's should lose their houses?


Why dont you just farm 20m like I and others did to buy the houses they want or sheds? 

I was also able to just walk around cities where people were selling these really expensive high sought after houses, and would find unclaimed ones ALL the time, and this is when the server was at max pop. I found meth houses right next to the circle & garages. Just seems like an issue with the player, not the game. Lazy bones.


Theres ALOT of other things the dev's could do,add, or fix in their freelance time here, rather than this lol. You will just make all the OG's leave, I know if i had to re-do what i have already spent 1500+ hours on, I would leave permanently too lol.

Time and what I have here keeps me on this server, If i didnt have those things I would go to Olympus..or be done in general.

Theres ways to prevent auto clicking/auto running.


If you dont play why do you want houses? to be a cunt? fuck you then


he has 20m, not the point of this, OTHER people dont have 20m, players with under 1k hours DONT have 20m and want houses too, why shouldnt they?


If OG's wanna leave permanently then fuck offski. people come back for like a week or 2 every 12 months, hogging 5 houses hurting the housing market.


i Honestly dont understand why people think its a bad idea... i thought only the cock suckers who bought money to buy expensive houses would be complaining, but it seems alot more are. put in a little effort to maintain your houses or give them up.



also @Donald your a clown. 🤣

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2 minutes ago, Crossfade said:

Theres ways to prevent auto clicking/auto running.


If you dont play why do you want houses? to be a cunt? fuck you then


he has 20m, not the point of this, OTHER people dont have 20m, players with under 1k hours DONT have 20m and want houses too, why shouldnt they?


If OG's wanna leave permanently then fuck offski. people come back for like a week or 2 every 12 months, hogging 5 houses hurting the housing market.


i Honestly dont understand why people think its a bad idea... i thought only the cock suckers who bought money to buy expensive houses would be complaining, but it seems alot more are. put in a little effort to maintain your houses or give them up.



also @Donald your a clown. 🤣

Let me quote myself again as a response.


Theres ALOT of other things the dev's could do,add, or fix in their freelance time here, rather than this lol. You will just make all the OG's leave, I know if i had to re-do what i have already spent 1500+ hours on, I would leave permanently too lol.

I started asylum in 2017, 2018? I farmed like a hog for a pretty long time. So because I got burnt out in that time frame and want to take a break and play casually you are saying the OG's should lose their houses?


edit: and if you think they can or will patch autoclicking or auto typers, haha.


Edited by Aristant
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Just now, Aristant said:

Let me quote myself again as a response.


Theres ALOT of other things the dev's could do,add, or fix in their freelance time here, rather than this lol. You will just make all the OG's leave, I know if i had to re-do what i have already spent 1500+ hours on, I would leave permanently too lol.

I started asylum in 2017, 2018? I farmed like a hog for a pretty long time. So because I got burnt out in that time frame and want to take a break and play casually you are saying the OG's should lose their houses?



so because you played alot in 2017/2018 that means you can hold 5 houses for the next 5-6 years and not play? the fuck kind of thinking is that?


also you think the devs would be against adding something that possibly help the population of the server increase? your backwards ass thinking needs to leave permanently..

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3 minutes ago, Crossfade said:

so because you played alot in 2017/2018 that means you can hold 5 houses for the next 5-6 years and not play? the fuck kind of thinking is that?


also you think the devs would be against adding something that possibly help the population of the server increase? your backwards ass thinking needs to leave permanently..

your very confused by rage son. I wont repeat myself again but i recommend you re-read what i said in the first place.

Edited by Aristant
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8 minutes ago, Crossfade said:

bruh im not mad. far from it actually. just never understand why people who dont play shit on suggestions to better the server. Donk is coming up with possible fixes and everyones -1 or shitting on him for it. 

You must not understand the point of a suggestion where people put their opinions and input in on it. Weird. 

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