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APD Officer
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Posts posted by Boris

  1. 14 minutes ago, Henry Facesmasher said:

    I remember a guy named boris who combat logged on me once.. i'm not sure if it's the same one but it was A boris :frog:

    Wasn't me, I only have one combat logging ban and that was in police custody.

  2. Welcome to a Boris' Premium Property thread.

    Terms of service and contact details are below.

    Scroll down to the bottom for the property listing and screenshot.


    Terms of service

    1) I reserve the right to refuse, cancel, back out of or otherwise stop the sale at any point in time. If payment has already been given, it will be refunded.
    2) Absolutely no refunds or shady shit.
    3) For houses exceeding 999k in value, you are required to cover the extra payment FIRST, before the house is even listed. (If I sell you a house for 2.5 million, it's not getting listed until you pay me 1.5 million first, and then it'll be listed for 999k.)
    4) The moment I list the house, I consider the transaction complete. I am NOT at fault if someone buys the house before you. (If we agree a price in the morning, I will list it and tell you, if you don't login till the afternoon, and find it gone, that's not my fault.)
    5) All houses are sold AS IS. Anything inside the house does NOT affect the price, including crates, barrels, gear and Y inventory inside them. When you buy my houses, assume anything inside will disappear, and if it doesn't, consider it a free bonus.
    6) I do not accept trades or anything out of game. Asylum dollars only.
    7) I will only ever take money through the housing market option, if you wire transfer me money, i'm keeping it because you didn't listen. (The obvious exception to this being when you are paying for a house over the list price limit.)


    Contacting me (purchase enquiries only, offers should be made on the thread)

    Forum PM [Preferred]: Checked daily, likely to be the quickest way to contact me if i'm not online on steam.

    Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/boris2302

    Through other people: You can more than likely just ask someone to message me if you don't have me added already, I have a big friends list.


    Property listing

    Server 1 // 3 crate houses // Listed for 700k!

    The two on the right have already been sold, the last stone house brown is currently listed for 700k. Fantastically good starter house for scotch. Let's get it popping boys.



    Thank you for visiting, look out for more property sale threads, coming shortly!

    Big Fred likes this
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