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The Monopoly Man

Retired APD Captain
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Posts posted by The Monopoly Man

  1. Just now, HotWings said:



    I fail to see the point if you cant actually send the player to jail.  All you would be doing is prolonging the fighting and death, which the process is supposed to in theory prevent. 


    HVT is simple, you want to treat someone as an HTV you take them directly to jail and process them there.  You're not magically teleporting the player away since he is already there and it leads directly into the prison break if someone wants to save their friend.  Its an APD policy issue, not a developer issue IMO.

    HVT is a needed APD policy however it has been abused quite a few times. Currently, there is no APD policy that can be put in place to fix the major abuse of HVT, a new developer addition can, as per my suggestion. This is to promote fairplay between the factions and give the opposing side a very small timeframe to at least make an attempt to rescue their friends. After observing HVT over the years, I have noticed it is used more and more often every year, reducing the interactions and encounters with rebels at police HQs. Now for the cops this is obviously good for them as it means easy money with little to no risk of resistance as trying to save an HVT is very extremely difficult for the majority of Asylum players once he reaches the HQ. I have also observed that Prison breaks have had a major decrease in being done over the past couple years as well (Yes I know this is a dev issue). A captains job is to promote fairplay and fun between the factions, and right now there isn't much fun. Asylum has been in a state of decline recently and these are one of my suggestions that will increase the fights and interactions between the sides. The captains have discussed this suggestion before and have agreed this is a much needed addition on asylum to make the HVT process more fun and enjoyable. I would rather not remove the HVT process entirely (As the captains have discussed this quite a lot before), but if it continues to be abused heavily and we can't come up with some sort of middle ground, it more than likely will. 

  2. I pitched this exact Idea to the Devs months ago with more in-depth detaill, haven't gotten a response about it. 

    There will be Pillboxes in every HQ, set far away enough from the area where you can send them to jail (So you can't send them from inside the pillbox).

    Once the officer takes the fugitive inside, he will scroll on the pillbox and get an option to "Begin HVT process".

    Once selected, this will begin the HVT Process and automatically lock the pillbox door with the officer(s) and fugitive inside for 3-5 minutes.

    The doors cannot be opened until the timer has passed or until it is lockpicked by rebels. 

    Once the timer starts, this gives the rebel time to inform his friends that they have 3-5 minutes to come save him. 

    Once the timer passes, the door automatically opens and the officer is then able to bring the suspect over to the area that will let him send the fugitive to jail. 

  3. Just now, SafeMode said:

    yeah i didnt waste my money on that. It looked like a replica of the first one and I heard it had less content so i wasnt willing to spend another $60 ,on what looked to be a very similar game.

    Should be half off on origin right now. The only thing that can redeem the game at this point is the future dlcs characters and maps. Still a fun game though for 30 bucks.

  4. 10 hours ago, swatguy17 said:

    What about full unreachable, like somewhere without ladders or stairs?

    That's what an unreachable area is, someplace you can't access by foot. So yes you can automatically lethal those unless instructed otherwise. 

    Just now, Midamaru said:

    Unreachable shooters are ded to me.

    Or would ask Durga to breach it 



  5. Just now, BlackShot said:

    I've been getting a lot of opinion-based answers about this subject (between both Sergeants and Lieutenants). Would be good to have a Captain word on this. @The Monopoly Man @DarkKnight

    Scenario: There are 3 Constables in Kavala and 1 Sergeant in Pyrgos. These 3 Constables are facing an active shooter who's locked inside his house in Kavala, and won't come out.

    Is it okay for the Constables to lethal the shooter without seeking for permission from the Sergeant, since the locked house is technically unreachable at the moment and there aren't any Lieutenants in the server? Or should they still ask for permission, since the Sergeant may want to role-play or simply contact a Lieutenant through Discord to raid the house?

    Ask for permission from the SGT

    DarkKnight, Sandwich and BlackShot like this
  6. Just now, swatguy17 said:

    Let's say this happens:

    Civ: I have hit and runs I'm turning myself in can I get pard--

    BH: Hands up or die *downs bounty* I downed him you can't take him.

    If I took the bounty and pardoned them would I have to comp the guy? I feel like when someone says "Im turning myself in" it should count as the person is in police custody.


    sorry for spelling/format on my phone

    If you take a civ with 2 hit and runs off the bounty hunter I'm pretty sure he will survive without that 2k.

    My statements are regarding to more higher bounties like 15k etc. 

    If a civilian is literally right infront of a cop turning himself in and a bounty hunter downs him then It's pretty obvious at that point the police have it under control.

    There are lots of different scenarios and not everything can be written down in stone for every incident.

    It's not hard for us to know when someone is trying to screw over a bounty hunter and being greedy. 

     If you stumble across a situation just clarify with an LT. 

    BlackShot and Mr. Brown like this
  7. Just now, James Anderson said:

    I do agree with you, for my self I don't care about money etc those days are long gone, but I know a lot of officers do, alot of the time tho also, a bounty has been captured by being rdmd etc, in cases like this, I think screw the BH,  I'll deal with the bounty so he gets a fair chance.

    I do not agree with officers just being able to walk up and take a bounty at all, but for this rule perhaps we could have more sway for higherups?, they should be trusted enough to make the right call and not abuse such powers as to take a bounty of a BH for a no good reason just for $$ etc ( if not, then why are they a higher up ? Sgt+), I think they should be allowed to do so, aslong as they have a good reason and thus do not have to pay the BH the full amount atleast.

    I do agree that this is something that can be abused more and would be by officers, however I see very little chance of higher ups abusing such things, but most of the officers would not pay a BH for something like this,  unfortunately as this is a light rp server, very few people would feel like doing such good and morale things.

    Just some feedback on the rule from my point of view is all.:)

    The only time I can see taking a bounty from a bounty hunter and not compensating is for small time charges like 1 or 2 hit and runs. I will bring this up to the other captains and see what I can do.

  8. Just now, James Anderson said:

    Imo the officer should only have to give what he receives from the arrest etc to the BH,  otherwise the officer is being punished for trying to process someone, rp with them and give them a fair chance, other wise 90% of officers would neglect to give those people a fair chance since they have to pay money out of their own pocket, why would they ? BHs after all are still Civilians and officers of the law should be able to take custody of someone in BH, civ custody, without being punished to harshly for it.

    If BHs don't like it, feel free to take them from police custody  ( like they do anyway ).

    I am not saying to let officers steal  Bounties from BHs, but paying the BH the full price of the BH is stupid imo.

    Someone will always abuse something, you can't stop it, why punish others for it.

    If I feel someone deserves a fair chance to be processed and explain, I'll take em and tell the BH to have a nice day. :)

    Yep, everyone can get a fair chance. If the bounty was rightfully caught by the bounty hunter within the law, he has the rights to the arresting bounty. Been this way for quite some time.

    It is also extremely unfair to the bounty hunters for an officer to just walk up to him and grab a 40k bounty off of him, then the bounty hunter not receiving any payout.

    It depends on how greedy the officer is if he wants to pay the bounty hunter. You are not being punsihed, it is up to an officer if he values his morales or his money more.

    Also, everything that is in the APD can be abused, it depends on how much it can be abused. And in this scenario, it can be abused a LOT more than most rules. 

    Also, if you do what you stated in your last sentence, I will hand you points for doing so and tell you to have a nice day. :)

    Mr. Brown, Term, Clockwerk and 1 other like this
  9. Just now, BlackShot said:

    Sorry, I had just edited my question when you replied. So compensation in these cases wouldn't really be necessary, correct?

    The part "Do not steal a bounty hunter's arrest. That bounty hunter earned the arrest reward so don't take that from them"

    means you have to. Otherwise, you would have dickhead cops running around stealing bounties left and right then throwing this rule in their face. 

    Google™, Innate and BlackShot like this
  10. Just now, BlackShot said:

    I've had instances where Bounty Hunters were taking bounties worth 3k (let's say for 3 counts of Hit and Run) simply to obtain BH prestige points. Is it okay if I pull the BH and give the civ a pardon/half-ticket/parole?

    Are cops allowed to take bounties from Bounty Hunters if they feel it's necessary, like on my scenario?

    From the old guidebook which still applies 


    Basically you can take any bounty from any bounty hunter, you just need to pay them the amount they would have received from jailing

    Jonesy and BlackShot like this
  11. 1 hour ago, ColtonB205 said:

    A long time ago there used to be a piece in the guidebook that allowed officers to if they felt the person needed a ticket or pardon that they could issue one to a bounty that was being taken by a bounty hunter. But if they couldn't pay the ticket then the person was to be turned in by the bounty hunter. Since this was never officially ruled out I would treat it that way.

    Correct. However, if you are going to be a taking a bounty hunters bounty from their custody and not return them, I hope you compensate them for your sake.  

    wollie35 and user223e9d like this
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