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Posts posted by LaGrange

  1. 48 minutes ago, Luke SwagWalker said:

    here i was in dp14 driving my .50 cal, running away from the police with millions of dog meat dollars in my bank account. when all of a sudden I get a "come talk" ban. i was like WHATS THIS???? I've never done anything remotely suspect EVER on asylum. 0* bans on my record since I started playing in 2015. anyway, he pulls me into a channel and proceeds to berate me asking me questions like "where did you get all this money?" and "why did you just buy 10 ifrits, 7 .50cals, and 20 orcas?" like he doesn't know im always on that grind smh 💯😤 😤 here comes the worst part, he then proceeds to TAKE my HARD EARNED** cash and leaves me destitute. servers been trash ever since that terrible day.



    * i had like 12 bans on record

    ** and i exploited that shit no cap frfr

    Ah yes, I remember this like it was yesterday. 😂


    BaDaBiNg_10-8 likes this
  2. Your argument is fair. I can see how the lack of server permanence can be frustrating - especially for your home server. 

    If we think about this from a design perspective:

    • The other two servers get a player count increase.
      • This benefits:
        • Server 1 & 2 native users.
        • Server 3 users that value population over the idea of a permanent, home server. 
      • This causes pain to:
        • Server 3 natives that care about always playing on their home server.

    It could appear here that the benefits outweigh the pain caused. Especially since a proportion of the server 3 users value higher population experiences over the idea of a home server. 

    If you can disprove this interpretation, or find flaws in it, it is an easy fix.

    Silver-Spy likes this
  3. 5 minutes ago, Clint Beastwood said:

    Trial period?  No where it said that.

    5 Months in effect. Some background on it.

    Probably had to reprimand 4 people in total for breaking a rule in it. 

    Maybe 2 IA's total.

    Had about 3 private messages about it, 2 of which helped shape the Policy a bit better.


    It's going to be changed, but, not going away.

    Well, in all fairness, a reason for the small amount of reports could be that the policy allows for so much currently :P 

    Can't report someone if they are following the guidelines - no matter how flawed the guideline is. 

    Deazy Johnson likes this
  4. I get both sides of this argument. A wipe and a two week ban is a major punishment for someone that received money via hacker.

    However, what you guys are not seeing is how disruptive this is for the admins. Seriously. This shit is super fucking hard to fix. It is a nightmare and a half to go through everyone's account to search for abuse. Especially since it is time sensitive - every second that goes by requires more time going through each individual account. It is a morale killer and many admins literally stop whatever they are doing at their IRL job to come fix this. 

    If this was an easy problem to fix where the admins could just flip a switch to fix everything, I doubt the punishments would be this severe. 

    Next, the argument that the administrative staff allows these scripters on the servers is not a fair point. Straight up, scripters will always be a part of Arma. It is both the admins AND the communities' responsibility to do their part to make this as frictionless as possible to fix. 

    I would recommend that the community have some empathy (yes, straight up Motown in this bitch) for the admin staff and also, that the admin staff do the same towards the community. 

  5. Here's a use case of why I stopped fighting cartels recently. When I fight cartels, I typically roll around with 1-3 other people. With this said, we usually only fight cartels when the opposing party has around that number as well.

    During the time of day that we play, there's always a strong APD presence. We would fight the cartels because we knew we stood no chance against any fight with the APD. Without fail, we would get raided pretty much every cartel fight - and the raids are huge (10+). There's no contest. The cartel fight is over within 2 minutes and everyone is in restraints. 

    From my perspective, the current policy is laughable. You all made a policy focused on one use case - large groups. Raids are allowed every 20 minutes? Um.. :o - this allows the APD to come to every cartel fight considering 20 minute capture timers. NLR for 8 or more officers? NLR doesn't matter if the attacking APD force is 2-4x the amount of people fighting the cartel. Require SGT+? Senior APD staff have made it clear that they are not able to show enough restraint in ordering raids under current guidelines.

    Bringing the APD into cartel fights will not revive gang life. It is doing the opposite actually, especially with exceedingly large and frequent raids. If we look at this strategically from a high-level perspective, this sort of behavior is a major discouragement (possibly affecting retention %) for newer players starting to dabble with gang life - the group most likely to fight in smaller groups. I can see this teetering away from an APD issue into an overall server-health issue that may require intervention. 

    I understand that the APD is trying to have fun here, and perhaps that is okay if the cartel fights start getting huge. However, there's a better balance that needs to be achieved here to not destroy the experience of smaller groups. If this is not achieved, we are creating a dynamic where cartel fights just won't happen period. This is especially important due to the fragile state of gang life.

    WiIIiam, TRYHARD, Rodrigo and 10 others like this
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