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add more uc slots


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1 minute ago, P.FitzWallace said:

While I obviously would like to be UC more,  APD at the end of the day is a rp/enforcement group no need to make it tougher to find out whose a cop

I agree with this to a degree. Corporal - 1st LT definitely sees struggles trying to snag one of the 3 UC slots at peak time, but we have to also consider the many 2nd LTs and Captains/Retired Captains that have a "cop all slot" which means they get to be UC at all times as an option. So we're already looking at quite a chunk of the APD being able to be UC already. 

Could there be one more slot for 4 total slots? Sure. I don't think adding at least another UC slot is the end of the world, but increasing it beyond that could spark issues if at peak times 20-30%+ of the APD is UC depending on what ranks are on. 

Things to consider. 

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3 hours ago, P.FitzWallace said:

While I obviously would like to be UC more,  APD at the end of the day is a rp/enforcement group no need to make it tougher to find out whose a cop

 RP is happening for the most part back at the HQ

the current state the cities and constant gunfights might benefit from more UC

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2 hours ago, ObiWoki said:

Just wondering maybe we can find the solution into why someone wants to be a UC is it really for having the ability to hide your name? Or because of some items you get on that slot you don't get on normal cop?

Both. Better customisation and no badge. I can work on an APD granit? Still though, more slots would be nice.

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6 hours ago, ObiWoki said:

Just wondering maybe we can find the solution into why someone wants to be a UC is it really for having the ability to hide your name? Or because of some items you get on that slot you don't get on normal cop?

I would definitely say kit, for people who don’t have pilot covs getting csats. Or for me like ak12 or mk14 don’t have on marked

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At this time i don't think adding more UC slots is a good idea,
The different initiation/patrol rules heavily skew the strength of the UC role.  Often times i find UC's aren't even playing UC and simply using it as a way to avoid civilian interaction/ticketing.

As of today i added a way for the other slots to gain access to lvl 3 vests. Over the next little bit i intend to focus on the other weaker slots (Looking at you warrant). Ideally we would entice APD officers to play the other slots thus freeing up the UC slots. Unfortunately this has to be done carefully as due to the "Cop role all" adding a ton of perks will quickly power spike cop role all players.

On 3/12/2023 at 4:55 PM, P.FitzWallace said:

While I obviously would like to be UC more,  APD at the end of the day is a rp/enforcement group no need to make it tougher to find out whose a cop


On 3/12/2023 at 5:02 PM, Sandwich said:

I agree with this to a degree. Corporal - 1st LT definitely sees struggles trying to snag one of the 3 UC slots at peak time, but we have to also consider the many 2nd LTs and Captains/Retired Captains that have a "cop all slot" which means they get to be UC at all times as an option. So we're already looking at quite a chunk of the APD being able to be UC already. 

Could there be one more slot for 4 total slots? Sure. I don't think adding at least another UC slot is the end of the world, but increasing it beyond that could spark issues if at peak times 20-30%+ of the APD is UC depending on what ranks are on. 

Things to consider. 


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