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Deazy Johnson

Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Deazy Johnson

  1. 36 minutes ago, Bag Of Funyuns said:

    Like the title says, it would be nice to have one thread that we can follow for small events on servers 1 - 3. Let's say there's going to be an event on server 1, the admins could give at least a 10 minute heads up for anyone who wants to come. @Ba-KA @Deazy Johnson @BaDaBiNg_10-8 @Reapered.

    We, Bada, Mitch, and Myslef, did that yesterday and had a lot of people show up.  See this: 


    Bag Of Funyuns and Donald like this
  2. IMO: if you want to fight a cartel make a gang.  Don't use the APD as a gang, that is not their purpose.  Yes they are essentially the biggest gang on the server, but don't abuse it or be dicks.  The APD's primary responsibility is to promote role play by using their PRIMARY WEAPON. I feel like at this point the cops are just saying its there primary weapon, but don't actually mean it.  

    I have found through my own interactions with cops that they use their voice less and less and use their sirens as primary weapons.  I.E. Siren - Shoot - don't talk to me until we get to HQ (5 minute conversation with myself in a car traveling to HQ) - Have a one sided conversation with themselves and talk over me because they are adding charges and searching me with no real interest in having a conversation or responding to me but to go through the motions.  I would understand if people are HVTs and hey there is a policy for that, but experiencing this type of interaction more and more makes me lose faith, which has been dwindling ever since I started playing cop.  I do my best to RP at every corner, but when it comes to cops, those that actually converse with me are few and far between.  They are more interested in going through the motions, and to hurry up so they can move on.   

    Cops go almost anywhere...yes there are restrictions, but that is the balance.  If you want to go some where like rebel, black market, or a cartel...pursue people into those places.  I agree with @LaGrange, cops dominate when they show up at a cartel or rebel and it is DEMORALIZING. I do not typically play with big gangs, and when I do play with a group its normally very small. So when my group and I are trying to gear up at rebel for a fight and the cops show up, the fun is one sided.  Do the cops struggle when they gear up? No, why? because they spawn with their gear.  

    Is fighting a cartel fun for the cops? Sure its fun for the cops and you can justify it by saying "hey we lethaled them, they should thank us because they didn't go to jail".  Cool, but isn't the point of the APD to promote role playing?  Justify going to cartels and saying its fun for both sides is like a doctor saying hey we fixed your broken leg by chopping it off.


    TRYHARD, Sliick, LaGrange and 3 others like this
  3. Time for something new, Asylum Haiku Battle.  

    Who can participate: You, a member of the Asylum Community

    What: Participate by posting a Haiku on this thread that is related to Asylum. 

    For those that need help click here: HAIKU HALP



    1st line - 5 Syllable 

    2nd line - 7 Syllable 

    3rd line - 5 Syllable 


    When: The deadline is May 27th at NOON Pacific Standard Time, where upon this thread will be locked.

    Judges: @LaGrange @Buckwalter @Deazy Johnson

    Prizes (IN GAME MONEY): 1st - $500k    2nd - $250k    3rd -  $150K  


    **** UPDATE ****

    Replies, or "battle haikus", are not considered official submissions.  

    Donald, Church, Smarty and 2 others like this
  4. Officer Name: Vlad

    Officer Rank: Constable 

    Pct: 4? idk


    Myself and those that I were playing with were trolling around the server trying to have fun, not only for ourselves, but to help others do the same as well.  One officer stood out, not only to me, but my friends, from a vast sea of other cops we encountered, Constable Vlad.  Vlad has shown excellent communication skills and consistently exceeded RP expectations.  Vlad was well aware of his surroundings and the regulations surrounding the scenarios he endured from x2 ex-admins @LaGrange and myself, and old community members who were out for the night to cause trouble.The constable showed patience, showed self control, went to EXTREME lengths to maintain RP, and conducted himself in a professional manner at ALL times.  During my time on Asylum I have run into many different people; however, the experience we shared with this particular Constable stood out from my vast 3,000 hours dedicated to Asylum. Hence why I am writing this "call out".  I believe this constable embodies what a CORPORAL should be.  The rank of corporal to most is sought out for the cool "new" gear, while that may be why Vlad is seeking the position, I believe he has earned the rank and will uphold the APD standards to the best of his ability regardless of what is thrown at him...If he is applying for corporal I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this individual.  While my experience with him was short lived (1 night), he has left a profound impression on myself. 

    I believe he is applying for Precinct 4? @Gaskal (Are you a P4 LT? Hello?)let me know or help me get this info to the right individuals.


    Very Respectfully,

    Deazy Johnson

    Marco, JaxxonMurphy, Buck and 10 others like this
  5. 30 minutes ago, Sneaky said:

       There never were hundreds of reports every day and it is not a matter of such a heavy workload that prevents timely responses. I'll very briefly touch on some things relating to the thread. A lot of this originates from the motivation admins have had over the past few years. For some admins it is just a ban and forget mentality where the admin is always right. Not extremely commonplace but it does happen. As you can see a lot of the "good/favorite/appreciated" admins have been leaving and a lot of it relates to the poor leadership, lack of appreciation (from players and staff) and the constant abuse dished to admins. Now over time it has been the same problems festering and admins just get fed up and lose motivation and then eventually just leave. Who wants to volunteer time for those above things when you really don't feel appreciated or like you can make an impact? There is no reward for the investment and the fun of the game really starts taking a hit.

       You have 2 categories:

    1) Bad candidates that were allowed to be an admin just to fill a predetermined staffing number. These are the people who think they're always correct and get satisfaction out of banning/power. Also these are the people who just abuse the unlimited money aspect for unrealistic amounts of gear/load outs and occasionally the cheating via scripts.

    2) Good/caring admins who got burned out from the abuse, lack of ability to impact direction of rules/gameplay and frustration from various leadership problems.

       Some would argue a 3rd category "lazy" but I think it is mostly a result of #2. Some people become an admin just for the unlimited money or for the power to ban but it doesn't make up a huge portion of candidates. Most of the time an admin becomes lazy is for #2 in conjunction with real life stuff. Someone is not likely to spend the small portion of free time they have to deal with the problems from #2. They will likely rather play other games or find something else enjoyable to do with their time.

       The sad truth is that there are a lot of ongoing problems that have been ignored and as a result many amazing admins have left to just get away from it. No one really wants to be a punching bag or ignored when they sacrifice free time to contribute towards someone else's dream or goals. I personally do not see things getting better anytime soon judging from how long things have been ignored. It really is unfair to you all as a player base to get burned as a result of this and I hate seeing it happen (and seeing it happen over the past few years). 

    These are just my thoughts and I am sure some of the former admins will agree with parts/all of what I said and maybe even have additional thoughts on the matter.


    TRAV likes this
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