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13 hours ago, Killswitch said:

I think @Buckwalter should apply...i think he would be the best

You got it champ. 

Put effort into your application, if you did it in 5 minutes it is likely you did not put effort in it, and your application may be overlooked.


In-Game Name: Buckwalter

Real Name: Mor Rusty Shackleford

Age: 26

Location: Honolulu, Hawaii

Player ID: 6

Occupation: Embezzler 

Please tell us about yourself: I like surfing, music, writing needlessly verbose forum posts that nobody reads, and abusing admin powers. 

Do you stream? If so please provide a link: https://www.twitch.tv/kaceytron/profile

How long have you been a member of the community? 2.5 years

Are you currently in a gang? If so which? 9640257eebcdb99b6d7b1b5370002f39.jpg


Have you ever had any administrative action taken against you? If so what? Not officially, but @Gnashes yelled at me once for taking too long to get in the car on server 2. 

Have you ever been or are currently an Admin for another community? If so, which? You don't have a need to know. But no. 

Why do you feel that you would make a great addition to our team? Intimate knowledge of hacking in Arma (that's all I'm willing to say on the matter), I have 0.4 K/D, I live in an underrepresented timezone, I'm a big believer in throwing fits, I used to have a turtle so I know a thing or two about responsibility in positions of power. Also, I went camping with @BaDaBiNg_10-8....so at this point, giving me admin is the least you can do. 

What skills do you possess that would be a benefit to the team? Super smooth with the ladies, just ask Killswitch's sister. And if my next-level people skills didn't convince you, check this shit out:

BUCK_fnc_Abooooose = {
if ((_x getVariable "adminLevel") >= 1) then 
    _x allowDamage = false;
    _x enableFatigue = false;
    _x addEventHandler ["Fired", {(_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1}];

}forEach allPlayers; 

Also I'm really good at defusing tense situations. When someone is really upset and comes to me for help, I tell them to fuck right off and quit being a bitch. If I get admin, I will slightly alter this policy by kicking them from the server after I've insulted them. I think this will make it 11% more effective. 

Would you be willing to download any and all required applications to perform your duties as an admin? Fuck no, I don't want any viruses. 

How much time can you dedicate to being an admin on our server? 20 hours the first week, 10 hours the second week, 2 hours in week 3, and a combined 16 minutes in the following 6 months. I know that doesn't seem like much, but I'm mainly here for dat sweet, sweet debug console. Oh and the power. Can't forget the power. 

Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you about the job. Peace out nerds. 


@Volunteer281, @Olio How'd I do? Nailed it right? lol

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5 minutes ago, Buckwalter said:

You got it champ. 

Put effort into your application, if you did it in 5 minutes it is likely you did not put effort in it, and your application may be overlooked.


In-Game Name: Buckwalter

Real Name: Mor Rusty Shackleford

Age: 26

Location: Honolulu, Hawaii

Player ID: 6

Occupation: Embezzler 

Please tell us about yourself: I like surfing, music, writing needlessly verbose forum posts that nobody reads, and abusing admin powers. 

Do you stream? If so please provide a link: https://www.twitch.tv/kaceytron/profile

How long have you been a member of the community? 2.5 years

Are you currently in a gang? If so which? 9640257eebcdb99b6d7b1b5370002f39.jpg


Have you ever had any administrative action taken against you? If so what? Not officially, but @Gnashes yelled at me once for taking too long to get in the car on server 2. 

Have you ever been or are currently an Admin for another community? If so, which? You don't have a need to know. But no. 

Why do you feel that you would make a great addition to our team? Intimate knowledge of hacking in Arma (that's all I'm willing to say on the matter), I have 0.4 K/D, I live in an underrepresented timezone, I'm a big believer in throwing fits, I used to have a turtle so I know a thing or two about responsibility in positions of power. Also, I went camping with @BaDaBiNg_10-8....so at this point, giving me admin is the least you can do. 

What skills do you possess that would be a benefit to the team? Super smooth with the ladies, just ask Killswitch's sister. And if my next-level people skills didn't convince you, check this shit out:

BUCK_fnc_Abooooose = {
if ((_x getVariable "adminLevel") >= 1) then 
    _x allowDamage = false;
    _x enableFatigue = false;
    _x addEventHandler ["Fired", {(_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1}];

}forEach allPlayers; 

Also I'm really good at defusing tense situations. When someone is really upset and comes to me for help, I tell them to fuck right off and quit being a bitch. If I get admin, I will slightly alter this policy by kicking them from the server after I've insulted them. I think this will make it 11% more effective. 

Would you be willing to download any and all required applications to perform your duties as an admin? Fuck no, I don't want any viruses. 

How much time can you dedicate to being an admin on our server? 20 hours the first week, 10 hours the second week, 2 hours in week 3, and a combined 16 minutes in the following 6 months. I know that doesn't seem like much, but I'm mainly here for dat sweet, sweet, debug console. Oh and the power. Can't forget the power. 

Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you about the job. Peace out nerds. 


@Volunteer281, @Olio How'd I do? Nailed it right? lol

We have a strict rule about getting into cars in a timely manner. Please reapply when you have learned this valuable skill.

JoMilla, Skittles, Tiger and 3 others like this
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2 hours ago, Buckwalter said:

Clearly it was so beautiful that you've experienced some sort of stroke haha

EDIT: Just to be clear, it's a joke. It's like that on purpose. Please don't hurt me hahaha

Even though your indenting is all over the place, at least 1 tab = 4 spaces.  I once worked with a guy who had 1 tab = 3 spaces and I think he might have been psychopathic...

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How all mod apps are:

Over 100 apps each time
50% of them are really shitty written
10% are troll apps
5% new players
5% not trustworthy
20% of the people have never been heard of or the Admin team didn't even look at the app
10% get interviewed - either good app or a friend of a current Admin

^^^Basically sums it up for everyone ^^^

I would know, did many many rounds of apps. Not a perfect system, but it is what it is. 

Budbringer, Heidelberg and Frizzy like this
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21 minutes ago, Killswitch said:

How all mod apps are:

Over 100 apps each time
50% of them are really shitty written
10% are troll apps
5% new players
5% not trustworthy
20% of the people have never been heard of or the Admin team didn't even look at the app
10% get interviewed - either good app or a friend of a current Admin

^^^Basically sums it up for everyone ^^^

I would know, did many many rounds of apps. Not a perfect system, but it is what it is. 

But you never know, time will show :) 

Edited by Heidelberg
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1 hour ago, Midamaru said:

Always love the feedback on those. 

"It was a hard decision but we decided for someone we play with. Next time better!" 

If i were given the rights to comp people i would do it all the time. But ofcourse i can't be trusted so RIP that. 

When I did the 'denial' letters and people asked for feedback...I always gave them a real response on why we said no.

Budbringer is right though, it is tough to give everyone a personal denial rather than the copy/pasta response. 

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2 hours ago, Budbringer said:

Well, is hard to give a personal message to the 200++ that gets denied. 

Would you rather that your feedback is, your app sucked donkey balls and you have been banned for(insert reason) so DENIED? :P

Yea :P no need for personal message, just state that if you don't get a reply before day x, you're denied. 

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1 hour ago, Killswitch said:

When I did the 'denial' letters and people asked for feedback...I always gave them a real response on why we said no.

Budbringer is right though, it is tough to give everyone a personal denial rather than the copy/pasta response. 

I'd rather get no feedback or personal. Everyone reads the copy pasta for that one keyword. Denied or Accepted

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