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Status Updates posted by .Sean

  1. cartels suck

    1. Peterr
    2. they took the name eazy

      they took the name eazy

      id say that if my gang hadnt won in years as well

    3. .Sean


      @Carole Baskin still bad at the game dont talk to me

      caring about cartels in 2020 yikes

  2. Stay inside

    1. Walt


      I swear if these retards keep going outside imma bout to miss another semester of college. Shit’s stupid

    2. GravL


      but it’s boring 😴 

    3. .Sean


      @tom I live in new york and promise you its dangerous. Maybe its not all its knocked up to but its bad out here

  3. best combat logger

  4. free jameson house

  5. anyone need a squad member for Apex legends ranked? add me on Origin @ TheWholeCircusxd ;)))

  6. Can we fix ifrits

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Gen. Henry Arnold

      Gen. Henry Arnold

      Armour upgrades incoming 

    3. DankBud


      They def need a minor buff to glass...people get shot out so fast ever since they changed the driving

  7. chiken leg piece

    1. Roice


      no one cares you donkey

  8. #RemoveSway

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Marzoh


      @House. pretty good. why you trying to get personal bc I called you bad at a video game? that one must’ve hit the heart. take it easy man!

    3. .Sean


      @Marzoh I kid, hope your doing well man. Didn't mean that in a bad way can see how it can be taken the wrong way though

  9. .Sean

    I miss u axe bb

  10. welcome back :) 

  11. Thx paparatus

  12. Congrats on chief of police!

  13. .Sean


    1. Will


      Thanks House :)

  14. Can we have 8.0 xd

  15. Miss u <3

    1. Hydro


      Hydro RIP 2016.. becouse i threatened denied babyboy over steam.. joke society asylum and big joke the ginger denied who first threatened me with his uncle.. but i got the Ban becouse im not a fat burger King lover admin from Amerika.

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