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So as the title says, i cannot understand why are there bans for racism and not for cursing.I would be more offended by a person calling me mum a bitch and that she should die and not at all by being called an arab.What do you guys believe?Besides so what if you are called a nigga if you are not an arab you shouldn't be offended but if you are then back to the opium fields sir!

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Cussing is more tolerated than racism, in a global point of view , racism is also just plain stupid where cussing you know it happens when you're mad or have a bad day, no need to discriminate someone because of where they are  from or what religion they're into for no real reason other then some stupid ideal you have . that's just my thought about it, 

If you're offended by someone cussing at you or like calling your mum a bitch and what not ask them to stop tell them it offends you if they keep doing it to an extend where they are going out of their way just to offend you, can always get them for harrasment pretty much =/ other then that, i wouldn't care too much about what people on the internet say. i care about what my friends have to say and if a random decided to have a go at me for whatever reason i'll just laugh it off because they don't mean shit to me anyway. 

Edited by Juan Lei
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11 hours ago, Uncle Bob said:

So as the title says, i cannot understand why are there bans for racism and not for cursing.I would be more offended by a person calling me mum a bitch and that she should die and not at all by being called an arab.What do you guys believe?Besides so what if you are called a nigga if you are not an arab you shouldn't be offended but if you are then back to the opium fields sir!

Well theres a difference between "Racism" and "Harrasment".

If you truly think the person is harassing you, put in a player report because banter is a thing, we all know, but if a person harasses you too far, meaning like talking about something deep/ personal to u, etc, then it could be a serious matter.

I get harassed all the time, i just dont care enough to report lmao

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