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Development Aide Application [Closed - Selected]

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Hey everyone,

So one thing I took away from Olympus and believe strongly in is that your player base and their ideas are what help the server grow and become worth playing. It's hard for us as staff and developers who may have access to "admin money" or may not necessarily play the game always by the same means as a normal player. I know a lot of staff may just hop on for certain events being done or just to kind of hangout. One thing that I helped create on Olympus was a "Civilian Representative", which has now had multiple different adjustments and such to it. I've wanted to do something similar here for a long time, however, it was shot down a lot. I've talked to Mitch regarding it a couple times now and I'm going to give it a shot.

This will be different however. In the past I've done "election terms", to just static people, etc. We are going to just take applications via the link below then as staff vote on who we would feel has the best applications and could be the most productive to our cause. I will take 3-5 people from the applications and extend them offers to have group conversations with myself either bi-weekly or monthly to come up with development ideas/adjustments/removals/changes, etc that should happen with the server. Not everything that is suggested will occur or anything like that, however, hopefully it'll get us some new content to spice up game-play. These will be "permanent" positions as long as the player stays active with time played on the server and doesn't miss 2 meetings in a row. Once the person misses 2 meetings in a row they will be removed and replaced. As far as the AFD/APD go, you will be reached out to via Discord chats.

Meeting times will ALWAYS for the foreseeable future be Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday between ~7-10pm Central. If for some reason you cannot make it always message me. I'll send out PMs in advance as a reminder as well. However, it's up to you keep communication open. 

Payment: As long as you show up and make constructive feedback/suggestions to the discussion we will reward you for attendance. At this time the amount or what exactly that looks like is up for discussion but will be known prior to the first discussion and is open to modification at any time.

Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLb7p7g4tDkOwkRYBdzDdG5ytBeJDO2HTGoN4qRhgqRkT7-A/viewform?usp=sf_link

As always, please respond with any questions you may have or feel free to PM me.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: June 1st, 2020 @ 23:59 Central!

TL;DR - Important shit is highlighted.

- Jesse

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5 minutes ago, minmax said:

"Do you recieve money from Adminstrative staff?" Are you talking about compensation requests or.... @Jesse

No like you're in the pocket of an admin or staff member. Like for example, Azeh may not have the ability to spawn his own money, but he may get 100k routinely from an admin or something. Causing him to not have to grind or get his own money.

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27 minutes ago, Jesse said:

No like you're in the pocket of an admin or staff member. Like for example, Azeh may not have the ability to spawn his own money, but he may get 100k routinely from an admin or something. Causing him to not have to grind or get his own money.

O...I'm down.  

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On 5/28/2020 at 11:18 PM, Peach Picker said:

like the freaks who cried about feds and crank so its nerfed into the ground

I wouldn’t say people cried about the crank stuff. I just don’t think it should be a primary money making method as it’s easy now that you can do it even further from cities. You could just do backpack loads back and forth to safety. Now you’ll have to work more to make more. Makes sense. With the change out now though I’ll be making it be able to done anywhere (so back in dps) probably keep x amount from the sell points though. Idk. 

aqzx127, Veezara and Toxicc like this
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Anyone saying crank was balanced was retarded, I could literally stand inside my shed while processing, there is literally 0 risk, even if an lt comes, they almost always just ask you to come out before they raid, your easy money making is gone so you cry just like the retards who cried about s2 closing 

Edited by Joshhh
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People have been selected for these positions. If you were not PM'd, then that is because you were not accepted. If you were not accepted chances are you gave 1 line answers to what should've been thought out answers to the questions. Or you answered things that are out of the scope of in-game related content and things we can do or they are just simply impractical.

Thanks to those who applied.

Xavorey, aqzx127, Patato and 2 others like this
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