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Posts posted by TRYHARD

  1. 31 minutes ago, Rafael said:

    Falls under common sense

    sorry mate cant seem to find it in the guidebook

    31 minutes ago, Rafael said:

    Someone with a 100K bounty is someone who can be deemed dangerous. better safe than sorry... 

    I'll be sure to remember that next time someone has a decent bounty and wants to RP with me. Cant be taking chances. Even if it means a I gotta do a little robocopping

    cbakes, Sikorsky and Reformed epTic like this
  2. 7 hours ago, Rafael said:

    Bro you had a 100k bounty... How are you not "Marked dangerous"???? Doesn't matter you didn't run, you also had clear intentions to shoot the officer.


    4 hours ago, Chow Mein said:

    Bro if you are FBI'S Top 10, in this case Asylum's Top 10, what do you think a cop is gonna do when he sees one of the most wanted men? "Hey man I know your wanted for crazy shit but lets talk cause you def wont kill me right? No if you had like a 3k bounty he would of done a normal stop but that wasn't the case.

    Just wondering if you higher ups could point me to a place in the guidebook that says you are permitted to use less RP if someone has a bigger bounty

  3. Petition to have the fed robbing mechanics similar to the bank/prison.


    Just throw a drill on one dome and 20 minutes later the door opens and you collect all bars. 


    Would remove smash and grabs and you wouldn't need someone that spends the entire time drilling.

    Batcan likes this
  4. As you move up the chain you get more leniency when it comes to following the guidebook. Maybe have all ranks including captains follow the guidebook and the lower ranks will follow the example set by the higher ups. 


    Or you could make a useless post like this saying that any effort given by civs in processing should be rewarded*


    *Except if a higher up is processing because the civ probably called them mean names 2 days ago

    Twinkie, Erik, Innate and 6 others like this
  5. 1 hour ago, Roice said:



    Its funny how the first place winners were the only ones who got rewarded yet you guys cry about not getting it for some reason. Prime didn't get shit and they don't bitch at all.  Are all of you just retarded?

    Been like 4 months and we still don’t have the in game tag btw. Messaged you, owners, and devs multiple times. 


    Also prime didnt get shit because they got 4-0’d

    Connor McGregor and Batcan like this
  6. You can always tell who the retard higher ups are by how often they sit in the support channels. Clearly they are on their computer but they would rather barely meet their hour requirements for a few months so they can retire and get perm corp. 


    Need to remove the retired ranks so that when people get bored of the game they just leave. No point holding onto a rank you no longer care about.


    Batcan, Bustah, Kev 23 and 1 other like this
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