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Posts posted by Jbdragon

  1. I would recommend for a testing period, The removal of cop lethal pay-outs. So that when a cop kills a wanted person it does not remove his/her bounty. 

    It would be an interesting test to see peoples reaction and to see if RP is used more. Along with cops having to use downing rounds, and only using lethals to get a advantage over the fire-fight. 

    Thoughts ?

  2. @GO7NEY 

    Very nice my man, a few things I would suggest to add would be to make it not so clean looking or so dark. For example make it so that the elbow pads and the knee pads are a dark beige color. Along with adding on some dirt around the uniform like the feet and hands part and also making a few of the other parts of the clothing stand out a bit. Then it will be perfect !

    goyney likes this
  3. lol that I do, hence why I stayed in the APD for such a long time and became a Captain in said cop force.

    I think what you mean to say is... I hate people that like to cause drama over nothing and or little things such as moving to another server. 

    But thanks for saying my event was fun. 


    DankBud likes this
  4. 9 hours ago, Jamal said:

    are you fucking mental "hey we use lethals too much so lets just make it so that we can lethal them then have another cop waiting in a town to down and robocop them" you can't have the cake and eat it too.

    I have a good idea lets make it so that cops can only give pardons when they process someone isn't that a great idea guys?

    Oh but then you would actually have to talk and RP with the cops to get a bounty reduced or pardoned instead of just sitting and waiting to be lethaled by cops and then complain about it when they dont use downing. Stop crying and complaining, we all know you dont play enough nor do you care to bring something new to the Asylum servers to try. 

    Clockwerk and LastKiller like this
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