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3day ban

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>rogue pilot crashes quillin
>gets out to fight and unflips it
>diseased already turning to get out and drop to kill rogue holds x so he doesnt ram because roguepilot got in and tried to drive away
>rogue pilot dies
>rogue pilot bans player for 3 day vdm



This is like the 2014 forums. Content.

Edited by MrSmoke
rngr, asiuxjau, Rodrigo and 8 others like this
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just funny how bad blood has fought against corrupt admins and hackers/lagswitchers for the entire of asylum and roguepilot was there to witness it all and he turns into the same thing we all hate. RIP. asylum 3.0 was fun while it lasted but i don't see the server going in a right direction when people are scared to hurt others feelings and allow admins to do stupid things and allow sketchy players who are known hackers and abusers continue to abuse the game. no wonder why a large wave of rebels are already fed up.

JamieH, Filemón, rngr and 4 others like this
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