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Changelog October


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2 hours ago, Jr4life24 said:

Oh no our strategy of stuff 10 MK1s inside of main bank doesn’t work anymore, whatever will we do! Sorry your fed events are no longer going to be a “let’s shoot cops every 5 minutes because they have to drive 2.5km every time they die”

Maybe use the collective brain cells you guys have to develop a new strategy on how to counter the fancy tool before crying for a nerf. It’s literally a tempest like shoot an RPG? Sui vest from the sky? 

200k for 1 rpg aint really worth what the banks paying though man

3 hours ago, Gen. Henry Arnold said:


How do you let it drive up so close?


Tyrone Darnell, Sikorsky and Space like this
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1 hour ago, OG Blunt said:

maybe there should be a price drop on rpgs and vests. 230k for vest and 130k for a rpg that's been nerfted to a firework launcher, it's not really helpfull when you rob a bank that give only 300k 

Read and you would know we removed the damage modifier and put it back to base arma 3 damage

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6 hours ago, Jr4life24 said:

Oh no our strategy of stuff 10 MK1s inside of main bank doesn’t work anymore, whatever will we do! Sorry your fed events are no longer going to be a “let’s shoot cops every 5 minutes because they have to drive 2.5km every time they die”

Maybe use the collective brain cells you guys have to develop a new strategy on how to counter the fancy tool before crying for a nerf. It’s literally a tempest like shoot an RPG? Sui vest from the sky? 

Ah yes let’s spend the money that we would make from bank before we even make it to destroy it

Space likes this
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7 hours ago, Jr4life24 said:

Oh no our strategy of stuff 10 MK1s inside of main bank doesn’t work anymore, whatever will we do! Sorry your fed events are no longer going to be a “let’s shoot cops every 5 minutes because they have to drive 2.5km every time they die”

Maybe use the collective brain cells you guys have to develop a new strategy on how to counter the fancy tool before crying for a nerf. It’s literally a tempest like shoot an RPG? Sui vest from the sky? 

smartest apd officer

Space and .Ice like this
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2 hours ago, goyney said:

Ah yes let’s spend the money that we would make from bank before we even make it to destroy it

I don't think you should be doing a bank to make money in the first place.  Doing jewelry, fed, mental, or big shipping would pay out better 100% of the time

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9 hours ago, Gen. Henry Arnold said:


How do you let it drive up so close?


9 hours ago, Jr4life24 said:

Oh no our strategy of stuff 10 MK1s inside of main bank doesn’t work anymore, whatever will we do! Sorry your fed events are no longer going to be a “let’s shoot cops every 5 minutes because they have to drive 2.5km every time they die”

Maybe use the collective brain cells you guys have to develop a new strategy on how to counter the fancy tool before crying for a nerf. It’s literally a tempest like shoot an RPG? Sui vest from the sky? 

You are both delusional and retarded 

.Ice, Good Lub, Space and 2 others like this
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13 hours ago, william said:

200k for 1 rpg aint really worth what the banks paying though man


Did you know that we also have a federal reserve robbery, mental asylum and even an evidence lockup that can easily pay 1m+?

If gangs don’t want such a shit payout, then maybe they should actually try to win other events instead of rotating through bank and prison inflating their egos by sitting in one building shooting cops through the one/two paths we can take.

Sandwich, |Cam| and KrazyKnight like this
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16 minutes ago, Jr4life24 said:

Did you know that we also have a federal reserve robbery, mental asylum and even an evidence lockup that can easily pay 1m+?

If gangs don’t want such a shit payout, then maybe they should actually try to win other events instead of rotating through bank and prison inflating their egos by sitting in one building shooting cops through the one/two paths we can take.

sounds like you are not having a fun time. maybe try civ


Gagss likes this
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On 10/7/2022 at 4:23 PM, Abu said:

sounds like you are not having a fun time. maybe try civ


I did from 2017-2019 back when there was 4 servers and decided to change it up when I came back last year.

Maybe try associating yourself with people who don’t have to cheat or break rules to play a 10 year old game before thinking your opinion actually matters to anyone outside of your clique.

Edited by Jr4life24
heater and Spanks like this
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56 minutes ago, Jr4life24 said:

Did you know that we also have a federal reserve robbery, mental asylum and even an evidence lockup that can easily pay 1m+?

If gangs don’t want such a shit payout, then maybe they should actually try to win other events instead of rotating through bank and prison inflating their egos by sitting in one building shooting cops through the one/two paths we can take.

The point is not the event payout its the retarded argument you presented 🙂

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On 10/6/2022 at 6:46 PM, ObiWoki said:

Cops can use prestige to unlock the mobile HQ (SGT+)

Kingofcanada on suicide watch after finally getting his make-a-wish promotion from the mentally questionable APD roleplay police captains only to get banned from his full-time gig the day before he gets the mobile HQ so he never has to stand up out his chair again siuuuuuuuuu. Ferrets are gay anyway


Edited by Michael L
william, Polar, Colin. and 3 others like this
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17 minutes ago, Michael L said:

Kingofcanada on suicide watch after finally getting his make-a-wish promotion from the mentally questionable APD roleplay police captains only to get banned from his full-time gig the day before he gets the mobile HQ so he never has to stand up out his chair again siuuuuuuuuu. Ferrets are gay anyway


You mean mentally handicapped captains right? 

Michael L likes this
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21 hours ago, Jr4life24 said:

I did from 2017-2019 back when there was 4 servers and decided to change it up when I came back last year.

Maybe try associating yourself with people who don’t have to cheat or break rules to play a 10 year old game before thinking your opinion actually matters to anyone to anyone outside of your clique.

A cartoon geek or nerd emoticon emoji character with huge glasses Stock  Photo - Alamy

Abu, Space and Spanks like this
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On 10/6/2022 at 10:46 AM, ObiWoki said:


  • Asylum duel arena
    • Can contain one fight at a time
    • Players can invite at the duel arena
      • With bets that are variable from $50.000 - $999.999
    • Invited players can accept at a courthouse (60 seconds to accept)
    • On acception the players get teleported to the arena
      • On teleportation half of the betting amount will be subtracted from your account (500k bet on the game, each player puts 250k in the pot)
    • Both parties will battle for the best out of three
      • On win you will get the battle amount
      • On lose you will get nothing (obviously)
      • if your battle partner leaves you will get your input back and as a punishment for leaving your battle partner will lose their input.
      • Once the battle is concluded you get teleported back to your previous spot
    • Interruption of the event from the outside is a bannable offense..
      • Any interruption is recorded and can / will lead to administrative actions
  • Mobile HQ
    • Cops can use prestige to unlock the mobile HQ (SGT+)
      • Prestige lvl 1 - 45,000
        • You can buy the mobile HQ
        • Other cops can spawn on the mobile HQ
        • Seizing items is allowed within the vicinity of the hemmt and it will act like a normal HQ
        • You can buy gear at the dedicated NPC
      • Prestige lvl 2 - 65,000
        • You get a additional car spawnpoint and a dedicated NPC for car spawns
      • Prestige lvl 3 - 90,000
        • Your car spawnpoint now also functions as a air vehicle spawn point
    • Cost of buying a mobile HQ is $40,000
    • Buy it at any cop vehicle NPC
    • You can drive it to anywhere you like and set it up by using the 'Setup mobile HQ'
    • Once deployed you can not move it to another location
    • Need a free space around the HEMMT of 30 meters
    • Blowing up the center vehicle results in destruction of the HQ
    • Cops can remove the HQ by impounding the vehicle
    • The HQ despawns automagically 28 minutes after it was placed
    • The HQ can only be placed once every half hour
  • Gang fort
    • scoreboard can now be initialized by typing "!gangfortscore"


  • Gang fort time
    • Gang fort now only lasts for 1 hour (since last patch actually but we never mentioned it)
  • House inventory
    • The house inventory does not unlock for other civilians or medics anymore when you unlock all your doors of your house
    • Cops (lieutenants) can still unlock houses and access the inventory for house raids
  • Prison
    • Performance increase
    • Removed unnecessary data being created
  • Scotch
    • 25 year scotch will now be processed at purification factory
    • A 5% tax will only be taken for 25 year scotch due to it now being more risky
  • Smoke blur
    • Disabled in vehicles
    • Disabled on foot


  • Tempest device mining returning "The vehicle is full" when trying to mine with a trunk capacity of over 900
  • An error with some type of ammo not being able to be found
  • Adrenaline shot consuming twice on use
  • Box truck displaying the wrong max weight in garage
  • Quest
    • Ghillie in the mist not giving loot rewards
    • Black market (air) requiring you to hold the full amount of cash whilst having a reduction
  • Gang fort hud
    • disappearing on respawn
    • not displaying the correct score
    • Join when in progress not showing the capture circle
    • Join when in progress not initializing the HUD scripts


  • RPG damage reduction to vehicles
  • Unnecessary variables being transferred across the network when starting some federal events
  • Old evidence files



Hotfix #1

  • Not being able to send players to jail at the mobile HQ
  • Not being able to pull vehicles at the mobile HQ
  • The duel arena using the wrong logic resulting in random players getting teleported
  • Some issues on the backend

Hotfix #2

  • Disabled ammo on hellcat benches

W update wheres my cred tho

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So what I learned today is every time rebel loses a small edge they cry. What I don't get is some of you are cops and know the lopsidedness that it is trying to push any of the fed events.

Would be amazing if we could pull data on feds such as # vs #, Gun types used, which side wins more, etc. Then we could use hard facts to support arguments.

The only time things feel remotely fair is when we get swat, but that's one life, and back to 6.5!  I will say its been fun poking your heads at bank with the 7.65 from 800m+!

If you want to see what unfair is. Try doing a bank with 6.5 then we can talk about fairness. See how well you rip everyone out of hunters and strides with dog water ammo. Not to mention 90% of the time we push one at a time like "real gamers" 😛

In any case. Adapt and overcome, no different then what we experience when people use new tactics or we get new events or things are modified such as new prisons or relocations.

On 10/6/2022 at 10:01 PM, Abu said:

yes, they placed it on flat rock at bank today it requires a fat nerf 

emergency volvo GIF

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31 minutes ago, Canna said:

So what I learned today is every time rebel loses a small edge they cry. What I don't get is some of you are cops and know the lopsidedness that it is trying to push any of the fed events.

Would be amazing if we could pull data on feds such as # vs #, Gun types used, which side wins more, etc. Then we could use hard facts to support arguments.

The only time things feel remotely fair is when we get swat, but that's one life, and back to 6.5!  I will say its been fun poking your heads at bank with the 7.65 from 800m+!

If you want to see what unfair is. Try doing a bank with 6.5 then we can talk about fairness. See how well you rip everyone out of hunters and strides with dog water ammo. Not to mention 90% of the time we push one at a time like "real gamers" 😛

In any case. Adapt and overcome, no different then what we experience when people use new tactics or we get new events or things are modified such as new prisons or relocations.

emergency volvo GIF

tl;dr cop skill issue ^

your 6.5 point is irrelevant because 99% of the time you are not facing any armor at banks.You use your 7.62 to sniper elite off bank having 0 impact.You are just hoping there is no low fov gamer to tap your head.As you said even with rooks rebels can win because how unorganized cop pushes are.Copers gonna cope

Space and Abu like this
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41 minutes ago, Canna said:

So what I learned today is every time rebel loses a small edge they cry.

The cop buffs stack. When compared to federal events a few years back you guys have so many advantages now. The fact cops need constant buffs just shows how low the skill level with apd is. Ur trash retard 

Sikorsky likes this
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3 hours ago, Canna said:

So what I learned today is every time rebel loses a small edge they cry. What I don't get is some of you are cops and know the lopsidedness that it is trying to push any of the fed events.

Would be amazing if we could pull data on feds such as # vs #, Gun types used, which side wins more, etc. Then we could use hard facts to support arguments.

The only time things feel remotely fair is when we get swat, but that's one life, and back to 6.5!  I will say its been fun poking your heads at bank with the 7.65 from 800m+!

If you want to see what unfair is. Try doing a bank with 6.5 then we can talk about fairness. See how well you rip everyone out of hunters and strides with dog water ammo. Not to mention 90% of the time we push one at a time like "real gamers" 😛

In any case. Adapt and overcome, no different then what we experience when people use new tactics or we get new events or things are modified such as new prisons or relocations.

emergency volvo GIF

The worst boomer in the apd saying this is crazy 2 me, you literally have 20% function left in both your hands from how you play but you still get stomped out even with the constant apd buffs, let alone the captain dropping everyone mk1s because they are getting slammed too hard at an event, and you still come to the forums complaining. insane to me how deluded the apd mains are


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3 hours ago, Abu said:

The cop buffs stack. When compared to federal events a few years back you guys have so many advantages now. The fact cops need constant buffs just shows how low the skill level with apd is. Ur trash retard 

Cops have advantages. 🤣

Keep sitting on unreachable so I can keep taping you in the head.

Billy Crystal Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Edited by Canna
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2 minutes ago, Good Lub said:

hunter for corporals,a tank,a mobile spawn point,menace to society crap,just to name a few

90% of the fights at any feds the cops are outnumbered.  90% of the armor that gets pushed gets shot out anyways and half of those get stolen. You realize we have to get out of the armor to shoot.

Statistically rebels win way more feds then cops do.

Almost every day I get into a bank and a 2nd and 3rd party group comes in and roaches while there is like 4-5 cops on all with 6.5 and a cop vest vs 8-15 csats with 7.62.

Hunters are shit. Striders are shit. go on.

Menace to society? You mean a law? How far are we reaching?

Available to ALL rebels no matter their Hrs in the server - Csats, several varients of  7.62. Frags, sui vest, speed bombs, carrier lites, ifirits, rpg's, a couple different mini gunners just to name a few, oh and did I mention ALL of you can use it. How about you let us ALL on the APD have those same things and then we can talk about balance.

I fought way more bank as a rebel then a cop, your high af if you think its balanced in favor of cops.

Everything cop is rank dependent and the only time you have to worry about 7.62 is with 3-4 swat memebers if that and a LT which how often do you fight them.


48 minutes ago, mckay315 said:

The worst boomer in the apd saying this is crazy 2 me, you literally have 20% function left in both your hands from how you play but you still get stomped out even with the constant apd buffs, let alone the captain dropping everyone mk1s because they are getting slammed too hard at an event, and you still come to the forums complaining. insane to me how deluded the apd mains are


Who are you?
Been here since Sept 1st.
You haven't been here long enough to have an opinion.

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14 minutes ago, Canna said:

90% of the fights at any feds the cops are outnumbered.  90% of the armor that gets pushed gets shot out anyways and half of those get stolen. You realize we have to get out of the armor to shoot.

Statistically rebels win way more feds then cops do.

Almost every day I get into a bank and a 2nd and 3rd party group comes in and roaches while there is like 4-5 cops on all with 6.5 and a cop vest vs 8-15 csats with 7.62.

Hunters are shit. Striders are shit. go on.

Menace to society? You mean a law? How far are we reaching?

Available to ALL rebels no matter their Hrs in the server - Csats, several varients of  7.62. Frags, sui vest, speed bombs, carrier lites, ifirits, rpg's, a couple different mini gunners just to name a few, oh and did I mention ALL of you can use it. How about you let us ALL on the APD have those same things and then we can talk about balance.

I fought way more bank as a rebel then a cop, your high af if you think its balanced in favor of cops.

Everything cop is rank dependent and the only time you have to worry about 7.62 is with 3-4 swat memebers if that and a LT which how often do you fight them.


Who are you?
Been here since Sept 1st.
You haven't been here long enough to have an opinion.

every single point you made is wrong

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3 hours ago, Abu said:

every single point you made is wrong

Elon Musk Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

2 hours ago, KrazyKnight said:

You do bring up a good point with this statement. Why not add back HVT so ppl can have a chance to explain themselves.

Why not both. I feel like M2S is more fire toxic ppl. 


It's also not a mandatory charge. It seems to be more officer discretion. I've talked to plenty of $300k+ and don't use it. 

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13 hours ago, Canna said:

So what I learned today is every time rebel loses a small edge they cry. What I don't get is some of you are cops and know the lopsidedness that it is trying to push any of the fed events.

Would be amazing if we could pull data on feds such as # vs #, Gun types used, which side wins more, etc. Then we could use hard facts to support arguments.

The only time things feel remotely fair is when we get swat, but that's one life, and back to 6.5!  I will say its been fun poking your heads at bank with the 7.65 from 800m+!

If you want to see what unfair is. Try doing a bank with 6.5 then we can talk about fairness. See how well you rip everyone out of hunters and strides with dog water ammo. Not to mention 90% of the time we push one at a time like "real gamers" 😛

In any case. Adapt and overcome, no different then what we experience when people use new tactics or we get new events or things are modified such as new prisons or relocations.

emergency volvo GIF

The reasons cops have been losing federal events is the same as its always been. Everyone knows cops have a disadvantage in terms of guns(mainly), skill, and more recently then anything their numbers. Beforehand what made winning a fed was that you had 10 rebels vs. 15-20+ cops consistently.  With endless waves it provided a much bigger challenge then it does now.

As of now, you mainly see 4-8 cops on, and on the weekends or when a LT+ is on you might see 12. Bare in mind 12 is not the norm. I'd like to emphasize on the skill portion of it which frankly few cops have a problem accepting. Additionally, I'd like to add that PD has always had a pretty bad leadership problem. Higher ups either don't play (or maybe there isn't enough of them I can't say for certain) and I say that because the last 40-50 hours I've played have consistently shown that. Within that leadership problem, there has been a longstanding issue with cops not using good strategy. There has been a group of people that played rebel in the recent past, and the moment they log onto cop they dominate the other rebels.

Sikorsky and Witz like this
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17 hours ago, Canna said:

90% of the fights at any feds the cops are outnumbered.  90% of the armor that gets pushed gets shot out anyways and half of those get stolen. You realize we have to get out of the armor to shoot.

Statistically rebels win way more feds then cops do.

Almost every day I get into a bank and a 2nd and 3rd party group comes in and roaches while there is like 4-5 cops on all with 6.5 and a cop vest vs 8-15 csats with 7.62.

Hunters are shit. Striders are shit. go on.

Menace to society? You mean a law? How far are we reaching?

Available to ALL rebels no matter their Hrs in the server - Csats, several varients of  7.62. Frags, sui vest, speed bombs, carrier lites, ifirits, rpg's, a couple different mini gunners just to name a few, oh and did I mention ALL of you can use it. How about you let us ALL on the APD have those same things and then we can talk about balance.

I fought way more bank as a rebel then a cop, your high af if you think its balanced in favor of cops.

Everything cop is rank dependent and the only time you have to worry about 7.62 is with 3-4 swat memebers if that and a LT which how often do you fight them.


Who are you?
Been here since Sept 1st.
You haven't been here long enough to have an opinion.

Even if you had unlimited access to the rebel armory you would still lose.The problem is not the weapons its the strats.You are complaining about csats and armor when cops already get the best possible armor in the game.Also why would it be balanced in favour of cops,its meant to be harder for cops to push so they can utilize numbers+swat.

If the apd isn't going to admit that it has skill issues within it i'm not even sure why any further discussion is even needed.

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