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Spawn City.

Spawn City.   

60 members have voted

  1. 1. What city should be at the top of the spawn list?

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  • Patato featured this topic
1 hour ago, Samperino said:

Kavala. I'm confused as to why this is even debated. Athira is way too small to be a main city. I understand that it's centralized, but activities can be balanced around how far away from Kavala they are.

Simply put, the data showed that players weren't leaving Kavala, which meant they weren't experiencing about 90% of the asylum's content. Many players would log into Kavala, play intensely for a week or two, and then quit. They rarely joined gangs or formed their own groups, and there was little to no participation in AFD/APD, which are essentially starter gangs.

However, when players moved to Athira, they became more engaged with the content. There was a noticeable decrease in VDM/RDM incidents in Kavala, and more players started applying to join the APD/AFD since they were exposed to these factions (APD doesn't exist in Kavala).

While RDM/VDM reports in Athira did increase somewhat, it wasn't as significant as the drop in reports from Kavala. New players tended to stick around longer, often starting in Athira and then moving to slower-paced cities like Sofia or Pyrgos. In contrast, players who started in Kavala often struggled to adapt or simply didn't move away from the city, except for those who spawned in Kavala a couple of times before opting for a Sofia start.

Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the current reports, so I can't provide up-to-date numbers on RDM/VDM. I just have access to the ban list and not the repots which doesn't paint me a full picture. With an Athira start, retention would drop again after about a month, likely due to the limited availability of housing. Additionally, some players would attempt content like the Purification Factory prematurely, leading to frustrations and rage quits.

Athira offered more activities for new players, such as safe options like Quarry, both oil runs, lumber mills, alcohol, and hunting. Its central location also made it easier for players to move to cities like Pyrgos once they had enough money for housing. In Pyrgos, many players would engage in sea turtles as it was a safer way to make money.

The lack of APD interaction in Kavala was also a significant factor. Many players are drawn to servers for the cop vs. robber dynamic and the ability to roleplay with the police. However, in Kavala, officers were rarely seen, if ever. Bounties were usually handled by bounty hunters rather than cops engaging in roleplay.

While I could provide more statistics, the poll already indicates that players generally prefer a Kavala start despite the data I've collected. It's worth noting that players who find a group to play with, whether it's a gang or the APD/AFD, tend to stick around longer and become long-term players, which is ultimately what we want.

In essence, my theory was that a single player who stayed for months was more valuable than ten players who logged in briefly to cause chaos in Kavala.

I 100% agree Athira is too small. But in a sense its kind of good as it forced players to spread out and seek out citys like Pyrgos/Sofia. New players don't fly helicopters. So a drive from Athira to Pyrgos in a potato hatch is much more likely than a Kavala to Athira in a potato hatch.

Louie, Kernikov, Fried Rice and 6 others like this
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29 minutes ago, Patato said:

Simply put, the data showed that players weren't leaving Kavala, which meant they weren't experiencing about 90% of the asylum's content. Many players would log into Kavala, play intensely for a week or two, and then quit. They rarely joined gangs or formed their own groups, and there was little to no participation in AFD/APD, which are essentially starter gangs.

However, when players moved to Athira, they became more engaged with the content. There was a noticeable decrease in VDM/RDM incidents in Kavala, and more players started applying to join the APD/AFD since they were exposed to these factions (which don't exist in Kavala).

While RDM/VDM reports in Athira did increase somewhat, it wasn't as significant as the drop in reports from Kavala. New players tended to stick around longer, often starting in Athira and then moving to slower-paced cities like Sofia or Pyrgos. In contrast, players who started in Kavala often struggled to adapt or simply didn't move away from the city, except for those who spawned in Kavala a couple of times before opting for a Sofia start.

Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the current reports, so I can't provide up-to-date numbers. With an Athira start, retention would drop again after about a month, likely due to the limited availability of housing. Additionally, some players would attempt content like the Purification Factory prematurely, leading to frustrations and rage quits.

Athira offered more activities for new players, such as safe options like Quarry, both oil runs, lumber mills, alcohol, and hunting. Its central location also made it easier for players to move to cities like Pyrgos once they had enough money for housing. In Pyrgos, many players would engage in sea turtles as it was a safer way to make money.

The lack of APD interaction in Kavala was also a significant factor. Many players are drawn to servers for the cop vs. robber dynamic and the ability to roleplay with the police. However, in Kavala, officers were rarely seen, if ever. Bounties were usually handled by bounty hunters rather than cops engaging in roleplay.

While I could provide more statistics, the poll already indicates that players generally prefer a Kavala start despite the data I've collected. It's worth noting that players who find a group to play with, whether it's a gang or the APD/AFD, tend to stick around longer and become long-term players, which is ultimately what we want.

In essence, my theory was that a single player who stayed for months was more valuable than ten players who logged in briefly to cause chaos in Kavala.

I think without the data as players, myself included, we think of kavala being the main city because it was for so long etc but if the data backs up Athira being more of a positive for new players over kavala then im inclined to go with the data.

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58 minutes ago, Donk said:

I think without the data as players, myself included, we think of kavala being the main city because it was for so long etc but if the data backs up Athira being more of a positive for new players over kavala then im inclined to go with the data.

Unfortunately, it's just my take on things. I can't say for sure if players are really having a good time in Athira. I have no way of knowing (other than talking to new players) if they are enjoying the server. The poll seems to show that more people enjoy Kavala, but these polls mainly reflect the views of veteran players. New players hardly ever take part in a poll that's only been up for a few hours in a small forum section.

And there's no easy way for me to keep tabs on every new player. Usually, I spot a new player with low playtime and see what they do. For example, one player might spawn in Kavala and start VDMing, leading to an instant ban. Spoiler that guy was probably never going to be a long term player but they are now in the data. Then on the other hand, another player might join Athira, join a gang, and stick around longer. But they're more likely to be a ban evader than a genuine newbie since it's unusual for someone to join a gang so quickly. But i can't exactly discount that data as i can't prove they are 100% an evader just because they quickly joined a gang. 

in an ideal world i would just switch Kavala's location with Athira making it more central. Its objectively a better laid out city

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honestly kavala too big, athria too small, sofia too far from everything and Nos are aids and will camp it. try pygros.. not too far from decent money makers, i feel like kavala has had its time it was always cancer driving new players away. honestly unless you make houses in towns or at least within a certain distance from dmv/market/hospital not purchasable then there will always be 1 gang who buys up spawn town houses sits in it like rats and shoots everyone from within the house.

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9 hours ago, Patato said:

Simply put, the data showed that players weren't leaving Kavala, which meant they weren't experiencing about 90% of the asylum's content. Many players would log into Kavala, play intensely for a week or two, and then quit. They rarely joined gangs or formed their own groups, and there was little to no participation in AFD/APD, which are essentially starter gangs.

However, when players moved to Athira, they became more engaged with the content. There was a noticeable decrease in VDM/RDM incidents in Kavala, and more players started applying to join the APD/AFD since they were exposed to these factions (APD doesn't exist in Kavala).

While RDM/VDM reports in Athira did increase somewhat, it wasn't as significant as the drop in reports from Kavala. New players tended to stick around longer, often starting in Athira and then moving to slower-paced cities like Sofia or Pyrgos. In contrast, players who started in Kavala often struggled to adapt or simply didn't move away from the city, except for those who spawned in Kavala a couple of times before opting for a Sofia start.

Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the current reports, so I can't provide up-to-date numbers on RDM/VDM. I just have access to the ban list and not the repots which doesn't paint me a full picture. With an Athira start, retention would drop again after about a month, likely due to the limited availability of housing. Additionally, some players would attempt content like the Purification Factory prematurely, leading to frustrations and rage quits.

Athira offered more activities for new players, such as safe options like Quarry, both oil runs, lumber mills, alcohol, and hunting. Its central location also made it easier for players to move to cities like Pyrgos once they had enough money for housing. In Pyrgos, many players would engage in sea turtles as it was a safer way to make money.

The lack of APD interaction in Kavala was also a significant factor. Many players are drawn to servers for the cop vs. robber dynamic and the ability to roleplay with the police. However, in Kavala, officers were rarely seen, if ever. Bounties were usually handled by bounty hunters rather than cops engaging in roleplay.

While I could provide more statistics, the poll already indicates that players generally prefer a Kavala start despite the data I've collected. It's worth noting that players who find a group to play with, whether it's a gang or the APD/AFD, tend to stick around longer and become long-term players, which is ultimately what we want.

In essence, my theory was that a single player who stayed for months was more valuable than ten players who logged in briefly to cause chaos in Kavala.

I 100% agree Athira is too small. But in a sense its kind of good as it forced players to spread out and seek out citys like Pyrgos/Sofia. New players don't fly helicopters. So a drive from Athira to Pyrgos in a potato hatch is much more likely than a Kavala to Athira in a potato hatch.

Kavala is way superior ... your semen retention strategies work only in your mind ...

APD not coming to Kavala anymore is solely on salty higher ups ... just learn to lose and let others have fun too ...


You have always been someone that tries to solve the problem from the bottom when the top is dripping rot all over everything. It is never about the people it is always about a select few that ruin it for everyone else just to live out their homoerotic fantasies. @skimancoleu are a fag

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6 hours ago, Crossfade said:

honestly kavala too big, athria too small, sofia too far from everything and Nos are aids and will camp it. try pygros.. not too far from decent money makers, i feel like kavala has had its time it was always cancer driving new players away. honestly unless you make houses in towns or at least within a certain distance from dmv/market/hospital not purchasable then there will always be 1 gang who buys up spawn town houses sits in it like rats and shoots everyone from within the house.

you sound upset maybe get gud

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41 minutes ago, pan fried said:

Kavala is way superior ... your semen retention strategies work only in your mind ...

APD not coming to Kavala anymore is solely on salty higher ups ... just learn to lose and let others have fun too ...


You have always been someone that tries to solve the problem from the bottom when the top is dripping rot all over everything. It is never about the people it is always about a select few that ruin it for everyone else just to live out their homoerotic fantasies. @skimancoleu are a fag

watch out, if you hurt a developer's feelings they'll get an UNNAMED SENIOR ADMIN to ban you.

Kawaii likes this
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10 hours ago, Patato said:

Simply put, the data showed that players weren't leaving Kavala, which meant they weren't experiencing about 90% of the asylum's content. Many players would log into Kavala, play intensely for a week or two, and then quit. They rarely joined gangs or formed their own groups, and there was little to no participation in AFD/APD, which are essentially starter gangs.

However, when players moved to Athira, they became more engaged with the content. There was a noticeable decrease in VDM/RDM incidents in Kavala, and more players started applying to join the APD/AFD since they were exposed to these factions (APD doesn't exist in Kavala).

I 100% agree Athira is too small. But in a sense its kind of good as it forced players to spread out and seek out citys like Pyrgos/Sofia. New players don't fly helicopters. So a drive from Athira to Pyrgos in a potato hatch is much more likely than a Kavala to Athira in a potato hatch.

Can content be slightly retooled/repositioned to make it more easily accessible for new players in Kavala? It is anecdotal because I can only go off of what I see but in my experience I tend to see new players engaging with content/systems more often in Kavala than in Athira (Turtles, Miners, Weed, etc). I agree that the lack of interaction from rebel content/APD could definitely be a root cause of people not becoming more attached to the server, maybe a federal event can be moved to the city as a trial run? Can the APD implement some policies to make police interactions in the southwest of the map more common? 

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1 hour ago, Kawaii said:

Can content be slightly retooled/repositioned to make it more easily accessible for new players in Kavala? It is anecdotal because I can only go off of what I see but in my experience I tend to see new players engaging with content/systems more often in Kavala than in Athira (Turtles, Miners, Weed, etc). I agree that the lack of interaction from rebel content/APD could definitely be a root cause of people not becoming more attached to the server, maybe a federal event can be moved to the city as a trial run? Can the APD implement some policies to make police interactions in the southwest of the map more common? 

That's what were here to discuss, I just wanted to provide the context as to why it was changed. It wasn't just us waking up one day and putting it in alphabetical order

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2 hours ago, pan fried said:

Kavala is way superior ... your semen retention strategies work only in your mind ...

APD not coming to Kavala anymore is solely on salty higher ups ... just learn to lose and let others have fun too ...


You have always been someone that tries to solve the problem from the bottom when the top is dripping rot all over everything. It is never about the people it is always about a select few that ruin it for everyone else just to live out their homoerotic fantasies. @skimancoleu are a fag

Unfortunately I don't have the power to solve things at the top. one of the key take-aways from community meetings was that people wanted to see change and were willing to try things. We tried something and now after an appropriate amount of time were asking how people feel about it. I don't really understand what your expectation is, we take in player feedback. we look at data and make our best attempt at changing for the better. Then after an appropriate amount of time were here asking for feedback and it seems like your upset that we are doing what was asked.

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1 hour ago, Patato said:

Unfortunately I don't have the power to solve things at the top. one of the key take-aways from community meetings was that people wanted to see change and were willing to try things. We tried something and now after an appropriate amount of time were asking how people feel about it. I don't really understand what your expectation is, we take in player feedback. we look at data and make our best attempt at changing for the better. Then after an appropriate amount of time were here asking for feedback and it seems like your upset that we are doing what was asked.

"player feedback" "we are doing what was asked"

-> already trying his best to invalidate the vote by bringing up "stats" and asking if we dont have phones


From my point of view in the recent years most changes to rules etc. were force by a small circle jerk of crybaby apdboibois to make their lifes easier.

I am not talking about content or anything it is just the attitude and use/enforcement of rules to benefit some and fuck others.


Good example for that would be the recent Purge Event failure? where people stored the free loadouts in their houses. That was an oversight on the admins part and the nice community friendly thing to do would have been to let people keep the 10 -20 mks they took from the event and to say our bad go shoot each other with the guns have fun.

The Asylum way to approach the problem was to take all the guns leave some to people they like and blow them all up as a big fuck you to the players where most guys can see it.

Can't even hold a single working event but are always on top to ruin even the tiniest bit of fun people could have with their fuck ups.

You can't really blame anyone for taking nothing serious or not caring anymore.

Btw the recent community meeting was a joke noone gave a flying fuck.

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33 minutes ago, pan fried said:

"player feedback" "we are doing what was asked"

-> already trying his best to invalidate the vote by bringing up "stats" and asking if we dont have phones


From my point of view in the recent years most changes to rules etc. were force by a small circle jerk of crybaby apdboibois to make their lifes easier.

I am not talking about content or anything it is just the attitude and use/enforcement of rules to benefit some and fuck others.


Good example for that would be the recent Purge Event failure? where people stored the free loadouts in their houses. That was an oversight on the admins part and the nice community friendly thing to do would have been to let people keep the 10 -20 mks they took from the event and to say our bad go shoot each other with the guns have fun.

The Asylum way to approach the problem was to take all the guns leave some to people they like and blow them all up as a big fuck you to the players where most guys can see it.

Can't even hold a single working event but are always on top to ruin even the tiniest bit of fun people could have with their fuck ups.

You can't really blame anyone for taking nothing serious or not caring anymore.

Btw the recent community meeting was a joke noone gave a flying fuck.

Ill be honest you are pretty confused on how things work around here.

Invalidating the poll would have been me telling DK to "Fuck off were not changing it" and the poll would of never happened. I answered a question as to why it was changed in the first place and now we are gathering feedback as its been over a year and a whole owners worth of change.

Development and administration are two different groups. A line was drawn some time ago- player enforcement/rules fall to administration not developers ((Thus the reason we no longer have player reports as developers)) 

This is the development section of the forums, were not here to talk about what admins did or didn't do because frankly i have no say over what they do. Were here to talk about the change that took place and whether its had a positive or negative impact on asylum. 

Im sorry but we can't help you with APD/AFD rules nor can we help you with administration decisions. Those need to be brought up to the community managers else where.

If you have feedback on things i can control or atleast attempt to help out with ((Content, player retention, server enjoyment.)) then this is the place

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8 minutes ago, Patato said:

Ill be honest you are pretty confused on how things work around here.

Invalidating the poll would have been me telling DK to "Fuck off were not changing it" and the poll would of never happened. I answered a question as to why it was changed in the first place and now we are gathering feedback as its been over a year and a whole owners worth of change.

Development and administration are two different groups. A line was drawn some time ago- player enforcement/rules fall to administration not developers ((Thus the reason we no longer have player reports as developers)) 

This is the development section of the forums, were not here to talk about what admins did or didn't do because frankly i have no say over what they do. Were here to talk about the change that took place and whether its had a positive or negative impact on asylum. 

Im sorry but we can't help you with APD/AFD rules nor can we help you with administration decisions. Those need to be brought up to the community managers else where.

If you have feedback on things i can control or atleast attempt to help out with ((Content, player retention, server enjoyment.)) then this is the place


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Big city with a lot of jobs around it and acts as a buffer zone against more serious players, the only downside being that new players get killed/kidnapped there on sight endlessly which imo there should be rules against that because it directly harms the server.  Still I think Kavala is the best spawn city and should be brought back to the top

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On 3/30/2024 at 2:13 AM, Patato said:

Simply put, the data showed that players weren't leaving Kavala, which meant they weren't experiencing about 90% of the asylum's content. Many players would log into Kavala, play intensely for a week or two, and then quit. They rarely joined gangs or formed their own groups, and there was little to no participation in AFD/APD, which are essentially starter gangs.

However, when players moved to Athira, they became more engaged with the content. There was a noticeable decrease in VDM/RDM incidents in Kavala, and more players started applying to join the APD/AFD since they were exposed to these factions (APD doesn't exist in Kavala).

While RDM/VDM reports in Athira did increase somewhat, it wasn't as significant as the drop in reports from Kavala. New players tended to stick around longer, often starting in Athira and then moving to slower-paced cities like Sofia or Pyrgos. In contrast, players who started in Kavala often struggled to adapt or simply didn't move away from the city, except for those who spawned in Kavala a couple of times before opting for a Sofia start.

Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the current reports, so I can't provide up-to-date numbers on RDM/VDM. I just have access to the ban list and not the repots which doesn't paint me a full picture. With an Athira start, retention would drop again after about a month, likely due to the limited availability of housing. Additionally, some players would attempt content like the Purification Factory prematurely, leading to frustrations and rage quits.

Athira offered more activities for new players, such as safe options like Quarry, both oil runs, lumber mills, alcohol, and hunting. Its central location also made it easier for players to move to cities like Pyrgos once they had enough money for housing. In Pyrgos, many players would engage in sea turtles as it was a safer way to make money.

The lack of APD interaction in Kavala was also a significant factor. Many players are drawn to servers for the cop vs. robber dynamic and the ability to roleplay with the police. However, in Kavala, officers were rarely seen, if ever. Bounties were usually handled by bounty hunters rather than cops engaging in roleplay.

While I could provide more statistics, the poll already indicates that players generally prefer a Kavala start despite the data I've collected. It's worth noting that players who find a group to play with, whether it's a gang or the APD/AFD, tend to stick around longer and become long-term players, which is ultimately what we want.

In essence, my theory was that a single player who stayed for months was more valuable than ten players who logged in briefly to cause chaos in Kavala.

I 100% agree Athira is too small. But in a sense its kind of good as it forced players to spread out and seek out citys like Pyrgos/Sofia. New players don't fly helicopters. So a drive from Athira to Pyrgos in a potato hatch is much more likely than a Kavala to Athira in a potato hatch.

I agree with tbh athira allows for more exposure to things that actually matter on the map and would convince new people to play the server. Spawning in Kavala and making it past getting RDMed or RDMing only allows for like 2 things you can run weed or try to bounty hunt just to get downed for 10 min and ruins the experience. Keep athira at the top or just have them rotate once a week.

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9 minutes ago, Ebola said:

rotating spawn city. best of both worlds

nah fuck that other world. shouldn't of ever been changed to begin with.

average player count after changing the spawn city to athira:

Animation footage of Graph showing fluctuated downward trend, downward red  arrow chart stock video 1304214834

it's almost like impulsively killing the main city(for a decade) to spite the people who play there due to them hurting your feelings might actually have consequences.

didn't want to have a conversation or a vote about it before they changed it but now that they killed the server they're willing to have a vote about it now, while still trying to argue they weren't wrong for it and still voting for their actions that killed the server. at this point just let it die.

hopefully in the future next time their fragile egos get hurt and they have an idea to spite them they'll think back to this moment and remember they're a fucking retard.

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We're going to try Kavala back out as the top of the spawn list.  As people said above there are a number of reasons that it is a better starting city for new players, and personally a better place than Athira in terms of overall interaction with civs. 

We will as necessary, take any applicable measures to make sure that new players have an avenue to progress throughout the server and are not getting gate-kept by veterans.  

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