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Asylum April Community Event Part 1


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Community Challenge


Event Description


Welcome to Part 1 of April's Community Challenge!  During this event, Civilians and APD will compete amongst themselves to see who can process and seize the most drugs.  If you feel like you're up to the challenge you may register yourself with the link at the bottom of the post, and don't worry, you can sign yourself up for both APD and Civilian if you'd like!  Civilians will compete with each other and try to process as many drugs as they possibly can before the end of the event, APD will compete with each other to try and seize the most amount of drugs as they possibly can as well. The event will start on 4/8/2023 at 12:01 AM EST and end on 4/15/2023 at 11:59 PM EST




- Only drugs that can be sold at the drug dealer will be counted, so anything you sell at Wong's Triad will not count, Crank will also not count as it can be done remotely and safely. Weed will not count whether it is legal or not.

- Each drug processed will count as 1 point, taking any drugs to Purification Factory and processing them there will count for 2 points, ie. You process 1 cocaine and then take it to Purification Factory and process it again it will total up to 3 points, any drugs lost from Drug Cartel tax or Missing Talent tax will not count for points.

- No funneling unprocessed drugs to a single person you are either in a gang with or associated with.  You will be caught.  First time you are caught doing this will result in a warning and removal of any points gained from funneled drugs, second time will result in a disqualification from the event.

- Drugs seized by cops will only count if it is into evidence at an HQ. Any drugs seized from a failed evidence lockup raid will not count.

- People will have to individually sign up by the 4/7/2023 11:59 PM EST




1st Place Civilian: 5 Crate Keys of their choosing, 1m Cash, 5k infamy

2nd Place Civilian: 750k Cash, 4k infamy

3rd Place Civilian: 500k Cash, 3k infamy

1st Place APD: 5 Crate Keys of their choosing, 1m Cash, 20k Prestige

2nd Place APD: 750k Cash, 15k Prestige

3rd Place APD: 500k Cash, 10k Prestige

If any rank lower than Corporal places top 3 they may receive extra cash/keys in exchange for not being able to obtain Prestige.




Alex., MoLu., Niels and 11 others like this
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1 minute ago, Chris Peacock said:

All of DH just got raging boners

and by all you mean all 8, oop 7 of them. Dropping like flies. 

also id be interested in the statistics behind this once the event ends, how much was processed in this period vs a normal period.

i feel like less drugs will get processed in this time unless there are some serious late night shenanigans going on. all the drug processors are gonna get camped to shit. anyone who runs drugs for money are fucked for a while.

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1 hour ago, DS_Billy said:

and by all you mean all 8, oop 7 of them. Dropping like flies. 

also id be interested in the statistics behind this once the event ends, how much was processed in this period vs a normal period.

i feel like less drugs will get processed in this time unless there are some serious late night shenanigans going on. all the drug processors are gonna get camped to shit. anyone who runs drugs for money are fucked for a while.

Not sure. Haven’t played in a month

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5 hours ago, DS_Billy said:

and by all you mean all 8, oop 7 of them. Dropping like flies. 

also id be interested in the statistics behind this once the event ends, how much was processed in this period vs a normal period.

i feel like less drugs will get processed in this time unless there are some serious late night shenanigans going on. all the drug processors are gonna get camped to shit. anyone who runs drugs for money are fucked for a while.

After the event we can try and do a comparison for the same time span with the same drugs we will be tracking

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7 hours ago, Chow Mein said:

When is there going to be an event that isn't civs vs cops

Part 2 after this event will be civs vs civs don't worry

7 hours ago, Screelz said:

Hold on! Why are cops getting Prestige points and rebels are not getting infamy?

Rebels will be getting infamy but it will be a different amount versus Cop Prestige

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@Innate @Jr4life24 @Sandwich I see many ratty APD officers on the horizon, can we get a policy update for this month regarding people running off and seizing your hard earned bust. Say I bust someone with 100k in heroin on them and im solo, then @Austin M comes to the processor, gets in my hatch full of drugs and drives to HQ while im still processing to seize. Not sure how to word it but something like If I down him/them I get to seize their stuff.

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1 hour ago, william said:

@Innate @Jr4life24 @Sandwich I see many ratty APD officers on the horizon, can we get a policy update for this month regarding people running off and seizing your hard earned bust. Say I bust someone with 100k in heroin on them and im solo, then @Austin M comes to the processor, gets in my hatch full of drugs and drives to HQ while im still processing to seize. Not sure how to word it but something like If I down him/them I get to seize their stuff.

I can definitely see @Austin Mdoing this. Will keep an eye on that rat

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All entries have been added to my tracker. Good luck to those who entered. Make sure you are following the rules of the event. We will know if you dont. For APD be respectful to the player who actually caught the person with the drugs and allow them to have the seize unless they are willing to give it up. If someone tries to steal your seize record it and send me it, i will remove the points from them and award it to the person who was originally going to make the seize

King, Niels, Akula and 2 others like this
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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, King said:

Here are this event's winners for the civilian side!

1st: pablosexcobar - 24,535 Points

2nd: Screelz - 20,865 Points

3rd: Mr. Purple - 2,577 Points


And here are this event's winners for the APD side!

1st: Vista - 3,563 Points

2nd: Curley - 2,347 Points

3rd: Niels - 1,709 Points


First place winners please message me on discord at Derek#3275 with your desired choice of 5 keys

Everyone's reward will be given to them within the next few days.

If you wish to know your score for this event just leave a message down below and one of the tracking staff will respond.

Again thank you to everyone who participated in this event stay tuned for the next one!

It doesn't look like there's a lot of civilian participation in this event, and there's such a big difference between third and second place, or you're missing one digit.

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1 hour ago, MoLu. said:

It doesn't look like there's a lot of civilian participation in this event, and there's such a big difference between third and second place, or you're missing one digit.

Drugs just don't seem to be popular, next event will be Cartel based though

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4 hours ago, MoLu. said:

t doesn't look like there's a lot of civilian participation in this event, and there's such a big difference between third and second place

I only processed like 700 cocaine and I did that in basically one night because I was working every day of the event. I'm shocked I even came third.

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I think the rewards were the problem.... 1mill$ and 5k infamy for first place, you can make that money and infamy while doing normaly drugs..

5keys that will probably be bust.....  if the rewards were better i think more people would have joinned.

Edited by Screelz
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1 hour ago, Screelz said:

I think the rewards were the problem.... 1mill$ and 5k infamy for first place, you can make that money and infamy while doing normaly drugs..

5keys that will probably be bust.....  if the rewards were better i think more people would have joinned.

Or the fact that everyone has money so why bother with the farming. I would like to believe this was more geared to the new players if anything. 

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